Thursday, July 25, 2024

Republican Views On Same Sex Marriage

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Reince Priebus On Gay Marriage

GOP Rep. attends gay son’s wedding after opposing protections for same-sex marriage

In March of 2013, the Republican National Chairman urged Republicans to strike a balance between principle and grace and respect. Priebus explained that, while the party has a platform that it should stick to, they also should not adhere so strictly to it that they are dividing and pushing people away from their own party, and that finding a balance was the best way to keep the party united while still standing by Republican principles. He explained that republicans must find a way to draw in new demographics, or they are facing a very bleak future. Young voters see gay marriage as the civil rights issues of their generation, with an overwhelming majority of the up and coming voters supporting gay marriage rights. Pushing this demographic away could be dangerous for a party that has already faced losses in the last few elections.

This Legislation Is Putting Pressure On Senate Republicans

During a House vote last week, the Respect for Marriage Act was opposed by most Republicans, but it garnered backing from roughly a quarter of the conference, which marked an increase in GOP support compared to a vote on the Equality Act in 2021, which would have added protections for LGBTQ people to the Civil Rights Act.

Its one of several bills the House has recently approved in order to send a message about Democrats position on issues including traveling across state lines for abortions, contraception access, and same-sex marriage. All of those bills would be significant if they became law, but the Respect for Marriage Act looks like the most likely to actually do so, given the Republican support it received in the House.

The act is a very short, simple bill: It would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman, and guarantee recognition of same-sex marriages and interracial marriages under federal law.

Now that its in the upper chamber, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said hell put the bill on the floor once it has 10 Republican votes, the number thats needed for legislation to overcome a filibuster.

While certain Republicans have questioned the need for this legislation at all, others have avoided putting forth a position thus far. I got to read it first, said Sen. Mike Crapo . I dont have a comment on that just yet, said Sen. Pat Toomey . No comment, said Sen. Tom Cotton .

Proposal To Eliminate Medicare

Paul proposes that all government funding of medical care be eliminated . His Plan to Restore America budget proposal would begin a phase out of Medicare starting in 2013, when workers younger than 25 would be able to opt out of participating in the program. He says that during the transition period, the commitments for coverage under Medicare that have already been made to older workers could be honored by cutting other government spending, such as by closing all US military bases overseas and ceasing to engage in foreign military adventurism.

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Growing Share Of Democrats Say Its Harder For Women To Advance

Since 2016, there has been a modest increase in the share of the public that says there are still obstacles that make it harder for women to get ahead than men. While 53% held this view three years ago, 57% now say there are still obstacles making it harder for women to advance.

However, virtually all of the change has occurred among Democrats Republicans views have remained stable.

Today, 77% of Democrats say significant obstacles continue to stand in the way of womens progress, up from 68% three years ago. Since 2016, the shares of both Democratic women and men expressing this view have increased by 9 percentage points.

A third of Republicans say women still face significant obstacles, little changed from three years ago . But the share of Republican men who say this has ticked down, from 23% in 2016 to 18% currently. Opinions among Republican women have remained fairly stable over this period .

John Boehner On Gay Marriage

Support for same

When section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act was repealed, Boehner stood behind the act nonetheless, claiming the constitutionality of a law should be judged by the court, not by the president unilaterally. He added that he was obviously disappointed by the decision to repeal the law, and that he hopes that states will rule to define marriage strictly as a union between one man and one woman.

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Schumer Wants To Have Senate Vote On Same

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., the first LGBTQ person elected to the Senate, is leading negotiations with Republicans in the upper chamber. She told NBC News she is optimistic that the legislation could get 10 Republican votes.

Probably every senator knows members of their community, members of their family, congregants at church they know couples who have married and know the rights and protections, Baldwin said. And I hope they are inclined to protect the continuation of those rights through the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Baldwin added that she was very pleased with the Republican support in the House.

I would have loved to have seen all the Republicans in the House do the right thing, but 47 is good, Baldwin said. And, its really great to be able to talk to my Senate colleagues from the Republican Party and say, Hey, from your state, three Republicans voted for this, or From your state, it was overwhelmingly supported by the state delegation.

While support for same-sex marriage has grown among Republican voters and some Republican lawmakers, the most recent Republican National Committee platform enacted in 2016 and renewed in 2020 includes at least five references to marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman.

Republicans have also largely stood in opposition to pro-LGBTQ legislation and simultaneously pushed for anti-LGBTQ measures in state legislatures in recent years.

Personal And Political Journey

Morganâs entrepreneurship is central to his life story. And as he travels the state, he reels off his resume before Republican groups in presentations that feel like early versions of stump speeches.

He started his first business as a teenager, skipping college to run a bakery before joining the semiconductor firm where his dad worked as an engineer. By the time he was 20, he had persuaded his father to join him in their own startup.

He married in his 20s and had two children.

But, in an interview, Morgan grows more personal. He says he reached a turning point in 2005, the year his brother Henry died of cancer caused by HIV complications. Before he died, Henry âlooked at me and he said, âLive your life for you. Don’t live your life for somebody else.â â

Two years later, he had sold his first semiconductor business and had begun unraveling his marriage of 17 years. âI took a step back and realized ⦠that I love my wife, but I’m not in love with my wife and I can’t do this.â

In 2007, he met Freitas. They married in 2011 and maintain close ties with Morganâs ex-wife and children.

âWe met the same way all gay people in New Hampshire meet: online,â Freitas says.

âWe both swiped right!â Morgan adds, grinning.

Morgan first dabbled in politics in 2000, joining a coalition that successfully advocated for the creation of a high school in Bedford, New Hampshire, and ended the long tradition of sending students to the nearby city of Manchester.

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Undecided Or Did Not Indicate Support For

  • Richard Burr of North Carolina is undecided. He told CNN on Wednesday that he has not seen the bill yet, when asked whether hed vote for it.
  • Roy Blunt of Missouri told CNN he isnt sure and wants look at it and see. He also raised the question, What do we feel obligated to do next? if the Senate does codify same-sex marriage into federal law. He added: I dont have any problem with same-sex marriage, but Im not sure I want to look at the legislation.
  • Mike Braun of Indiana told CNN on Wednesday hes going to wait until the bill is brought to the Senate floor, then hell look at it.
  • Joni Ernst of Iowa is keeping an open mind about the same-sex marriage legislation, and shell review the bill should it come before the Senate, according to a spokesperson from her office.
  • Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming said shes waiting to read the legislation.
  • Rand Paul of Kentucky said he hasnt had a chance to look at it yet.
  • Mitch McConnell of Kentucky was noncommittal on Tuesday when asked whether hed vote to in support of the House bill that would enshrine protections for same-sex marriage into federal law, saying, Im gonna delay announcing anything on that issue until we see what the majority leader wants to put on the floor.
  • Mitt Romney of Utah was noncommittal on the bill, telling CNN that the same-sex marriage bill is not something Ive given consideration to at this stage since I dont see the law changing.
  • More: Supreme Court Opens Door To Overturning Rights To Contraceptives Same

    Four GOP Senators Signal Support For Same-Sex Marriage Legislation

    “We need this legislation, and we urge Congress to move as quickly as possible,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said aboard Air Force One on Wednesday. “It’s something the vast majority of the country support, just like they support restoring Roe , stopping a national abortion ban and protecting the right to use contraception.”

    Schumer needs at least 10 Republicans to join the 50 members of the Democratic caucus and avoid a filibuster of a vote. Conservative Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia told reporters on Wednesday that he did not have a problem with the measure but needed to see the fine print in the bill, according to a spokeswoman.

    The majority leader tasked Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., with rallying the GOP. She told ABC News she has been gauging both support and potential co-sponsors to join herself, Sens. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif. Susan Collins, R-Maine and Rob Portman, R-Ohio.

    “Every day we make progress,” Baldwin said. “I want to do everything yesterday when you’re talking about equal rights and equality and protecting civil rights,” she added.

    But Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, disagreed.

    “There’s obviously no urgency because there’s no prospect of the law changing anytime soon,” he told ABC News. “I’ll evaluate the bill if it gets here.”

    “I think that’s obvious,” Portman said Wednesday when asked if Republican views on same-sex marriage were shifting. His own position changed in 2013 when he revealed that his son is gay.

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    Food And Drug Administration Policy

    Paul proposes sharply reducing the governments regulation of medications and health supplements by reducing the role of, and ultimately eliminating, the Food and Drug Administration . In a 2011 interview, Paul said, Well, the FDA just serves the drug companies they also prevent drugs from coming on the market 10, 15 years later than other countries have it. So, yes, government just gets in the way on so many of those things. He favors allowing FDA-approved prescription drugs to be imported from foreign countries and sold at a lower cost than the same drugs otherwise sell for in the US â thereby allowing international markets to set drug prices in the US market â a practice that has been prohibited by the FDA. In the interest, as he sees it, of fighting for greater freedom of choice for consumers, he has also introduced bills that would significantly reduce the governments ability to prevent manufacturers or sellers of dietary supplements and certain other health products from making what government regulators believe to be false or misleading claims about the health effects of the products. He essentially feels that consumers should be able to buy whatever health aids they want from whomever they want, without the need for guidance by the government.

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    Republicans Who Stood Up For The Lgbt Community

    While homophobia and transphobia seem to be fueling GOP policy, it doesnt have to be that way: Below, weve spotlighted Republican politicians who broke rank to support the LGBT community. The intention isnt to pat gay-friendly Republicans on the back, but to remind their colleagues that fighting for equality and being in the Grand Old Party are not mutually exclusive.

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    Religion Continues To Be Major Factor In Attitudes Toward Gay Marriage

    As in the past, religious groups are deeply divided about same-sex marriage. And adults who do not identify with an organized religion whose ranks are growing are more likely than those who affiliate with a religion to support gay marriage.

    Fully 85% of those who are religiously unaffiliated favor same-sex marriage, up from 60% in 2005. Majorities of white mainline Protestants and Catholics support same-sex marriage a decade ago just 39% of both groups supported it.

    But just 33% of black Protestants and 27% of white evangelical Protestants favor same-sex marriage. Majorities of both groups oppose gay marriage.

    Opinion among black Protestants has changed relatively modestly over the past decade in 2005, 25% favored gay marriage. And while support among white evangelical Protestants has increased 13 points , white evangelicals oppose gay marriage by far greater than two-to-one.

    Overall, 68% of adults who attend religious services less than once a week favor gay marriage, compared with 34% who attend weekly or more. In 2005, 48% of less frequent attenders of religious services backed gay marriage, as did 19% of those who attended more frequently.

    ‘possibility’ That 10 Senate Republicans Will Back Same

    For Some, Same

    The majority leader was “impressed” by the bipartisan approval in the House.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Wednesday he would like to see the upper chamber now vote on legislation to codify the right to same-sex and interracial marriage after 47 Republicans joined Democrats in the House in approving the measure on Tuesday night.

    Schumer said during a floor speech that he was “really impressed by how much bipartisan support it got in the House.” He added: “I want to bring this bill to the floor. And we’re working to get the necessary Senate Republican support to ensure it would pass.”

    President Joe Biden also wants the Senate to take up the measure quickly, with his aides saying senators should “act swiftly” in sending the bill to him for his signature. Essentially, the proposal would require all states and the federal government to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages that were lawfully granted in a particular state.

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    Theres Not Much Of A Public Opinion Gap Between Abortion Rights And Marriage Equality Among Republican Voters So Why Does Abortion Have Almost No Support From Elected Republicans

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    For a second, it looked like a pretty stark difference. When Democrats introduced a series of bills to the House this month, each designed to codify in statute a particular kind of sexual freedom, the vote counts were unnervingly partisan. The Womens Health Protection Act, a bill that would codify a federal right to an abortion, received no Republican votes. HR 8373, an unnamed bill to protect legal access to contraception, received just eight Republican votes. But the Respect for Marriage Act, which would require states to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages, received a comparatively robust 47 Republican votes.

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    Moira DoneganMoira Donegan is a feminist writer living in New York and an opinion columnist at The Guardian.

    Why Senate Republicans Are Using Distraction Tactics

    A vote on this issue is forcing Republicans to weigh a decision that could upset some members of the GOP base.

    The June Gallup report found the people who are still most opposed to same-sex marriage are weekly churchgoers, some of whom make up a key contingent of socially conservative Republican supporters. And concern about backlash from these voters is likely driving some Republican hesitancy on this bill, the Hill reported last week. The Politico/Morning Consult poll found, for example, that while a majority of Democrats and independents were in favor of federal legislation, 51 percent of Republicans opposed it.

    It is a less difficult issue than they think it is but I understand its a difficult issue because theres a portion of the Republican base that is strongly opposed to same-sex marriage. In my view, same-sex marriage is an accepted part of American life and its not going to be changed, Vin Weber, a Republican strategist, told the Hill.

    Sen. Tammy Baldwin , the Democrat leading consensus-building efforts in the Senate, told Vox that she expects the legislation to ultimately get the 10 Republican votes it needs.

    Were just dealing with some of the absentees because of Covid right now, but I think were going to be good, she said. Currently, multiple key votes including Sens. Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski are temporarily out because they tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this week. Cornyn, meanwhile, said he wasnt sure if the Republican votes were there.

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    What Is The Republican View On Same

    A basic nutshell of the Republican Party is that they are for more traditional practices. While I am as liberal as you an get, the Republican Party typically cites The Bible as their motivational force, and we all know that damned Leviticus passage

    However, there are some Republicans who are pro gay-marriage. But sadly, the general Republican Party is against gay marriage.

    they dont like it

    ANSWER: Im a Republican, and, yes I am a Christian, but that is a good thing, not bad. I dont hate the gay people, but I hate their belief.They are against same sex marriage

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