Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Congress Made Up Of Democrats Or Republicans

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How Are The Results Reported

Ryan Grim: The GOP Made A Titanic BLUNDER In Blowing Up Kyrsten Sinemas Vacation

The election results on this page are reported by the Associated Press . AP call the winner in a state when they determine that the trailing candidate has no path to victory. This can happen before 100% of votes in a state have been counted.

Estimates for the total vote in each state are also provided by AP. The numbers update throughout election night, as more data on voter turnout becomes available.

Isan Mix Of The House By State

As of July;30,2021:

State ranked in partisan order Percentage
OH-11: Vacant following Congresswoman Fudge‘s resignation Mar. 10, 2021.OH-15: Vacant following Congressman Stivers‘s resignation May 16, 2021.
FL-20: Vacant following Congressman Hastings‘s death on Apr. 6, 2021.
State ranked in partisan order Percentage

Annual Congressional Competitiveness Report 2020

Ballotpedia’s Annual Congressional Competitiveness report for 2020 includes information on the number of elections featuring candidates from both major parties, the number of open seats, and more.


  • More U.S. House races were contested by members of both major parties than in any general election since at least 1920, with 95.4% of races featuring major party competition.
  • Of the U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators who were eligible to run for re-election in 2018, 55 of them did not appear on the general election ballot in 2020.
  • In the 53 open seats where an incumbent either did not seek re-election or was defeated in a primary, there were 13 races where the incumbent’s district overlapped at least one pivot county in 2008 and 2012, before switching to support President Donald Trump in 2016).
  • In 20 races, only one major party candidate appeared on the general election ballot, the lowest number compared to the preceding decade.
  • Four U.S. senators and 36 U.S. representatives did not run for re-election.

    Don’t Miss: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans

    Th Congress 2009 And 2010

    • White House: Democrat
    • House: Democrats held 257 seats, Republicans held 178 seats
    • Senate: Democrats held 57 seats, Republicans held 41 seats; there was one independent and one independent Democrat

    *Notes: U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter was reelected in 2004 as a Republican but switched parties to become a Democrat on April 30, 2009. U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate and became an Independent Democrat. U.S. Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected in 2006 as an independent.

    Th Congress 2011 And 2012


    Members of the 112th Congress were elected in a 2010 midterm election “shellacking” of the Democratic Party. Republicans won back the House two years after voters handed control of the White House and both chambers of Congress to the Democrats.

    After the 2010 midterms, Obama said:

    “People are frustrated. They’re deeply frustrated with the pace of our economic recovery and the opportunities that they hope for their children and their grandchildren. They want jobs to come back faster.”

    • White House: Democrat
    • House: Republicans held 242 seats, Democrats held 193 seats
    • Senate: Democrats held 51 seats, Republicans held 47 seats; there was one independent and one independent Democrat

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    Us Election : Democrats’ Hopes Of Gaining Control Of Senate Fade

    Democrats are rapidly losing hope of gaining control of the US Senate after underperforming in key states.

    Controlling the Senate would have allowed them to either obstruct or push through the next president’s agenda.

    The party had high hopes of gaining the four necessary seats in Congress’s upper chamber, but many Republican incumbents held their seats.

    The Democrats are projected to retain their majority in the lower chamber, the House, but with some key losses.

    With many votes still to be counted, the final outcome for both houses may not be known for some time.

    Among the disappointments for the Democrats was the fight for the seat in Maine, where Republican incumbent Susan Collins staved off a fierce challenge from Democrat Sara Gideon.

    However, the night did see a number of firsts – including the first black openly LGBTQ people ever elected to Congress and the first openly transgender state senator.

    The balance of power in the Senate may also change next January. At least one run-off election is due to be held that month in Georgia, since neither candidate has been able to secure more than 50% of votes.

    This year’s congressional election is running alongside the battle for the White House between Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

    Of the 35 Senate seats up for grabs, 23 were Republican-held and 12 were Democrat.

    Senators serve six-year terms, and every two years a third of the seats are up for re-election.

    What Does The Republican Party Stand For

    The Republican Party was initially created to advocate for a free-market economy that countered the Democratic Partys agrarian leanings and support of slave labour. In recent history, the Republicans have been affiliated with reducing taxes to stimulate the economy, deregulation, and conservative social values.

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    Diversity Of The Freshman Class

    The demographics of the 116th U.S. Congress freshmen were more diverse than any previous incoming class.

    At least 25 new congressional representatives were Hispanic, Native American, or people of color, and the incoming class included the first Native American women, the first Muslim women, and the two youngest women ever elected. The 116th Congress included more women elected to the House than any previous Congress.

    Compromise Of : The 1876 Election

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    By the 1870s, support was waning for the racially egalitarian policies of Reconstruction, a series of laws put in place after the Civil War to protect the rights of African Americans, especially in the South. Many southern whites had resorted to intimidation and violence to keep blacks from voting and restore white supremacy in the region. Beginning in 1873, a series of Supreme Court decisions limited the scope of Reconstruction-era laws and federal support for the so-called Reconstruction Amendments, particularly the 14th Amendment and 15 Amendment, which gave African Americans the status of citizenship and the protection of the Constitution, including the all-important right to vote.

    Did you know? After the most disputed election in American history, the Compromise of 1877 put Rutherford Hayes into office as the nations 19th president; outraged northern Democrats derided Hayes as His Fraudulency.

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    Senate And House Elections : Full Results For Congress

    As well as electing the US president, the country has been voting for senators and members of the House of Representatives. Here are full results from all 50 states

    Mon 9 Nov 2020 09.44;GMT Last modified on Tue 15 Dec 2020 14.28;GMT

    Mon 9 Nov 2020 09.44;GMT Last modified on Tue 15 Dec 2020 14.28;GMT

    The US legislature, Congress, has two chambers. The lower chamber, the House of Representatives, has 435 voting seats, each representing a district of roughly similar size. There are elections in each of these seats every two years.

    The upper chamber, the Senate, has 100 members, who sit for six-year terms. One-third of the seats come up for election in each two-year cycle. Each state has two senators, regardless of its population; this means that Wyoming, with a population of less than 600,000, carries the same weight as California, with almost 40 million.

    Most legislation needs to pass both chambers to become law, but the Senate has some important other functions, notably approving senior presidential appointments, for instance to the supreme court.

    In most states, the candidate with the most votes on election day wins the seat. However, Georgia and Louisiana require the winning candidate to garner 50% of votes cast; if no one does, they hold a run-off election between the top two candidates.

    The First Hurdle Is The Organizing Resolution

    Incoming Democratic Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer and outgoing Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will have to agree on a set of rules, known as an organizing resolution, which governs how the Senate works. The organizing resolution determines everything from committee membership and staff budgets, to who gets the best office space.

    Even with Harriss tie-breaking vote, Schumer will need McConnells support: passing the organizing resolution requires 60 votes. As a result, Republicans will likely end up with much more power than a minority would usually hold.

    The last time the Senate was split 50-50, in 2001, lawmakers agreed on an organizing resolution that allowed both parties to share power. Under that deal, the parties agreed to split committee memberships and staff equally and changed the rules, making it so that if a tie vote prevented a measure from moving out of committee, either the majority or the minority leader could bring the bill to the Senate floor.

    Schumer and McConnell may take a cue from that 2001 agreement, but Senate observers note that, in these hyper-partisan times, agreeing on even the rules of the road may be tricky. As partisan as it was in 2000, things have become even more partisan, says Sarah Binder, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution.

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    A Coalition To Protect Its Self

    The modern-day 1st District can trace its origins to the 1960s.

    As former Congressman Bill Clay explained in his book,13 Black legislators, 57 Republicans and nine white Democrats from rural areas voted to establish a St. Louis-based district that would be highly possible for an African American to win. In the book, Bill Clay: A Political Voice at the Grassroots,he said the unusual coalition held strong to protect its self-interests.

    The newly drawn congressional districts provided representation in the cotton-driven, agricultural economy of the Bootheel section of the southeastern part of the state, maintained a substantial number of Republican voters in the suburban area of St. Louis County, and created a Black-majority district located mostly in the city of St. Louis, Clay wrote. Democrats and Governor , a Democrat, opposed the redistricting proposal. They filed a lawsuit supporting a plan to place the Black population in three separate districts. However, the U.S. Supreme Court thwarted the will of the Democrats and ruled that the district drawn by legislators was legal.

    Bill Clay was elected to the 1st Congressional District in 1968. No white candidate has even come close to prevailing in that district since that election. And because of the Voting Rights Act, lawmakers cannot draw the 1st District in a way that diminishes the ability of a racial or language minority to elect its candidates of choice.

    Important Dates And Deadlines

    Senate Republicans will likely sink Democrats bid to set ...

    The table below lists filing deadlines and primary dates in each state for Democratic Party and Republican Party candidates for congressional and state-level office.

    Primary dates and filing deadlines, 2020
    State Filing deadline for primary candidates Primary date
    04/21/2020 & 05/08/2020 08/04/2020
    04/24/2020 & 6/12/2020
    05/05/2020 & 06/02/2020 09/01/2020
    06/24/2020 07/10/2020

    The congressional approval rating indicates public satisfaction in the job performance of the members of the United States Congress. It is the percentage of people polled who responded favorably toward the work of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

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    Districts That Flipped In 2018

    The map below highlights congressional districts that changed party control in the general elections on November 6, 2018.

    The following table lists congressional districts that changed party control in the general elections on November 6, 2018. It also includes 2020 general election race ratings from three outlets.

    Flipped congressional districts, 2018

    Democrats’ House Targets Vanish As Gop Redraws New Maps

    Many of the districts Democrats have contested in recent elections will become safer Republican holds under new GOP-drawn congressional maps.

    State Sen. Sollie Norwood points out his district on a poster-sized map in the Capitol rotunda in Jackson, Miss., Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021. |

    09/15/2021 04:30 AM EDT

    • Link Copied

    House Democrats spent the past two elections crowing about ousting Republicans from longtime red districts that had suddenly grown competitive. Now, Republicans are about to make many of those targets disappear from the battlefield entirely.

    GOP mapmakers are readying to shore up more than a dozen of the most hotly contested House battlegrounds from the past four years, narrowing Democrats path to maintain control of the House, as they prepare for midterm elections that are historically tough for the party in power.

    Democrats got their first taste of a shrinking playing field on Tuesday, when Republican state lawmakers in Indiana unveiled a draft congressional plan that would transform the state’s most competitive district into a relatively safe red seat by siphoning off voters in deep-blue Marion County, whichincludes Indianapolis.

    Just like that, Indiana’s 5th District, where both parties spent well over $10 million last year, became an easy hold for freshman GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz.



    But new district lines will ease their path to their reelections, at least for the next few elections.

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    Senate Republicans Arent Interested In Compromise It May Be Time For Democrats To Use Plan B

    No one would think of blaming Sen. Joe ManchinJoe ManchinOvernight Energy & Environment Presented by the League of Conservation Voters Biden, Xi talk climate at UN forumElection reform in the states is not all doom and gloomManchin presses Interior nominee on leasing program reviewMORE for shrinking West Virginias population by 3.5 percent since 2010, one of only three states that lost people over the last decade. There are lots of economic and demographic dynamics that accounted for the drop.

    But given that the Mountaineer State will lose a House seat and an electoral vote, one should question whether Manchin should be determining the fate of multiple bills in the U.S. Senate. For the record, I really dont mind that Sen. Manchin says he only wants to make sure that West Virginia has a seat at the table. What I do mind, and what every American concerned about our democracy should mind, is that he now apparently thinks he gets to decide what everyone at the table will eat.

    In The Federalist Papers, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton wrote that while the Senate was designed in a way to ensure that the majority didnt ride roughshod over the minority , those two Founding Fathers insisted that the majority must eventually always win; that minority rule was antithetical to a democracy. Common sense tells us that this is still the case in 2021, Trump Nation notwithstanding.

    Yarmuth represents the 3rd District of Kentucky and is chairman of the Budget Committee.

    Since 1: Contemporary Era

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    From 1970 to 2009, the House expanded delegates, along with their powers and privileges representing U.S. citizens in non-state areas, beginning with representation on committees for Puerto Rico’s resident commissioner in 1970. In 1971, a delegate for the District of Columbia was authorized, and in 1972 new delegate positions were established for U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam. 1978 saw an additional delegate for American Samoa, and another for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands began in 2009. These six members of Congress enjoy floor privileges to introduce bills and resolutions, and in recent Congresses they vote in permanent and select committees, in party caucuses and in joint conferences with the Senate. They have Capitol Hill offices, staff and two annual appointments to each of the four military academies. While their votes are constitutional when Congress authorizes their House Committee of the Whole votes, recent Congresses have not allowed for that, and they cannot vote when the House is meeting as the House of Representatives.

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    Can Democrats Reclaim The House

    Despite the large Republican majority in the House, a major collapse due to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign could have put the House back in play in 2016. This section highlights what was said by pundits on the possibility of Democrats gaining control of Congress.

    • John Sides – October 18, 2016: “This model currently predicts that the Democrats will control 204 seats after the 2016 election. That is 16 more than they had after the 2014 election. The margin of error associated with that is plus or minus 8 seats. That forecast implies a very small chance less than 1 percent that the Democrats could win the 218 or more seats needed for a majority.”
    • Sean Trende – October 8, 2016: “Whats more interesting is the House. When Trump first secured the nomination in March, analysts speculated that he could flip the chamber to Democrats. That speculation subsided over the spring and summer, as Trumps vote share held and Democratic recruiting efforts sputtered. As of today, RealClearPolitics has Republicans favored to lose about 15 House seats a significant loss, but not enough to flip control.”
    • Jeff Stein – October 8, 2016: “But one political analyst I interviewed earlier this campaign thinks an epic Trump collapse might be enough to overcome that built-in advantage. Geoffrey Skelley, of the University of Virginias Center for Politics, argues that a Clinton victory of 6 points or more might be enough to put the House back in play.”

    Incumbents Who Sought Other Offices

    U.S. House members who ran for President

    • 1 Democratic member of the U.S. House
    Running for president, 2020

    U.S. House members who sought a seat in the U.S. Senate

    • 2 Democratic members of the U.S. House
    • 3 Republican members of the U.S. House
    Running for Senate, 2020

    U.S. House members who ran for governor

    • 1 Republican member of the U.S. House
    Running for governor, 2020

    U.S. House members who ran for another office

    • 2 Republican members of the U.S. House
    • 1 Democratic member of the U.S. House
    Running for another office, 2020

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