Friday, July 26, 2024

Are Republicans For Or Against Abortion

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Republicans Abhor Abortions Unless Its For Their Mistress Of Course

Republican Women Revolt Against Abortion Ban | All In | MSNBC

Meet Scott Lloyd, the head of the Office of Refugee Resettlement; in theory hes responsible for supporting refugees build a better life in America by providing them with financial and medical assistance. Under previous administrations, this included abortion services. But we live in a God-fearing America now, and Lloyd has made it his mission to ensure refugee women, including unaccompanied minors, dont get abortions. He even blocked a 17-year-old-girl who had been raped from having an abortion. The child the one who is destroyed is not an aggressor, he argued in a report. No Scott, the child isnt an aggressor; you are.

As Mother Jones reported this week, despite his patronizing proselytizing, Lloyd doesnt always practice what he preaches. As a young man he drove an ex-girlfriend to get an abortion and paid for half of it.

Lloyd joins an illustrious list of Republicans whose stance on abortion is basically: Its OK for me; evil for thee. Earlier this year, for example, it emerged that Elliot Broidy, the former RNC deputy finance chairman paid $1.6m to a Playboy Playmate he had an affair with, after she aborted his child.

New Hampshire Republican Gov Chris Sununu Calls Vote Against Abortion Contracts Incredibly Disappointing

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu spoke out Wednesday against a vote by the Executive Council to end family planning contracts for facilities that provide abortion, calling the decision incredibly disappointing.

Sununu said in a statement:

I brought these contracts forward because I support them, just as I have every year as governor, because they protect womens health and it is the right thing to do.;Todays action to vote down funding like cancer screenings and other womens health services is incredibly disappointing and not something I agree with.

President Joe Biden released his Fiscal Year 2022 budget Friday, one that would eliminate the longstanding Hyde Amendment and force American taxpayers to fund abortions.

Breitbart News May 29, 2021

The state Executive Council rejected family planning contracts, 4-1, that have previously been routinely approved with five Planned Parenthood facilities in Greenland, Manchester, Concord, and Nashua.

The council members took their vote at a Nashua hospital during a coronavirus briefing.

All four Republicans on the council rejected the contracts for the abortion businesses that were slated to run from June 30 through the end of 2021, reported the Union Leader.

The council approved, 3-2, however, contracts for four other family planning providers that do not perform elective abortions.

Could any of these providers be providing abortions? Wheeler asked.

My Body My Choice The Paradox Of Republican Anti

The first time I saw a photo of an anti-vaxxer with a sign that read My Body My Choice, I was sort of puzzled. I thought perhaps the photo editor had used the wrong image to accompany the storybut then I saw that the sign also included a picture of a mask with a red line across it. No, these people werent protesting a government that was regulating uteruses, a government that was telling women when they could end a pregnancy that was going on in their own bodies. They were instead protesting a simple and painless public-health measure. They were mad at the idea of having to wear a piece of fabric on their faces. For this particular group, government regulation was fine unless it was regulating themat which point it became a horrible infringement on their constitutional rights.

In October, the Supreme Court will hear Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization, a case that was crafted in order to either overturn Roe v. Wade or kick abortion back to the states, which would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade. If you look at from the originalist perspective, which all of are now espousing, you know, its indefensible, Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana recently told a group of activists during a closed-door meeting. With six conservative justices on the bench, abortion rights have never been in greater danger.

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Views On Abortion By Political Party And Ideology 2021

Conservative Republicans and Republican leaners are far more likely to say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases than to say that it should be legal . Among moderate and liberal Republicans, 59% say abortion should be legal, while 39% say it should be illegal.

The vast majority of liberal Democrats and Democratic leaners support legal abortion , as do seven-in-ten conservative and moderate Democrats .

Political party and ideology

Pew Research Center

Abortion Trends By Party Identification

Abortion & New York Times: Young Americans Stay Republican ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following graphs display Gallup’s full trends on U.S. views about abortion by party identification.

  • The first set of graphs provide views since 1975 about the legality of abortion.
  • The second set of graphs display self-identification since 1995 as “pro-choice” vs. “pro-life” on the abortion issue.

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How Democrat Joe Biden’s Catholic Faith Shaped His Life Politics

How Democrat Joe Biden’s Catholic Faith Shaped His Life, Politics

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Trump, meanwhile, wants Roe v. Wade overturned and has said he only supports abortion rights in cases of rape, incest or protecting a mother’s life. If he is reelected, he almost certainly will have a chance to name at least one conservative justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, possibly overturning the decision that legalized abortion in the U.S.

Figuring out how important abortion is to the electorate as a whole depends on which polls you look at and how you ask the question.

“If you ask about the most important issue facing the country in comparison with issues like the pandemic, jobs and the economy, health care, our educational system, abortion barely registers,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres.

As of August, less than 0.5% of Americans told Gallup that they consider abortion the most important problem in America.

But then, abortion is a top priority to far more voters. Fully 40% of voters see abortion as “very important” to their vote, according to a summer poll from Pew. That puts it well behind nearly a dozen other issues, but nevertheless shows its importance to a huge number of Americans.

One way to look at it is that abortion doesn’t function for many voters as an issue in the way the economy does. Because many conservative Christian voters talk about seeing abortion as wrong because of their religious beliefs, abortion is closely tied to their core identity.

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Views On Abortion By Level Of Education 2021

About two-thirds of college graduates say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do 61% of those with some college education. Those with a high school degree or less education are more evenly divided on the question: 50% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 47% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.

Level of Education

Pew Research Center

Note: For more information on other religious groups or state-by-state data on views about abortion, see our Religious Landscape Study. Survey conducted April 5-11, 2021. Trend lines show aggregated data from polls conducted in each year. Data from 2019 and later come from Pew Research Centers online American Trends Panel; prior data from telephone surveys. See report for more details on changes in survey mode. Question wording can be found here, and information on the Pew Research Centers polling methodology can be found here. White, Black and Asian adults include those who report being one race and are not Hispanic. Hispanics are of any race. Asian adults interviewed in English only.

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Seeing Danger Some In Gop Leery Of Texas Abortion Law

RICHMOND, Va. Almost instantly after most abortions were banned in Texas, Democrats were decrying the new law as unconstitutional, an assault on womens health that must be challenged. But the reaction from many Republicans on the other side hasnt been nearly as emphatic.

Though some in the GOP are celebrating the moment as a long-sought win for the anti-abortion rights movement, others are minimizing the meaning of the Supreme Courts Wednesday midnight decision that allowed the bill to take effect. A few are even slamming the court and the law.

Or dodging.

Im pro-life, said Republican Glenn Youngkin, a GOP candidate for governor in increasingly Democratic Virginia, where the only open governors race in the nation is coming up in November. When pressed on the Texas law by a reporter, he quickly noted that he supports exceptions in cases of rape, incest and where the mothers life is in danger exceptions notably not included in the new law.

The mixed reactions illustrate the political risks for the GOP as their anti-abortion allies begin actually achieving goals they have long sought. Americans are hardly of one mind on the issue, and loudly defending the nations toughest curbs in Virginia or political battlegrounds like Georgia, Arizona or Florida in next years midterm elections wont be hazard-free.

Opinionhere’s How The Supreme Court May All But End Abortion Without Killing Roe V Wade

Republicans Against Abortion Even in Cases of Rape and Insect

The impetus was the case , which the Supreme Court agreed in October to hear; on the docket in March, it will be the courts first time hearing a case on abortion rights with Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the bench. The case centers on a 2014 Louisiana law that requires abortion providers in the state to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, known in reproductive rights circles as a TRAP law . If the court sides with Louisiana, all but one clinic in the state will be forced to close and many peoples access to abortion services will be eliminated in other states across the country that either have or will pass similar laws.

The Supreme Court’s decision to hear the Louisiana law surprised many observers because it is identical to a Texas law that was struck down by the court a mere four years ago. But Republican supporters of the law were using very different language then, both in public statements and before the courts: They framed the admitting privileges provision not as a means of curtailing abortion, but as a means of protecting the health and safety of women. The common-sense measures Texas has put in place elevate the standard of care and protect the health of Texas women, Texas Attorney General Kenneth Paxton said before oral arguments in 2016.

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Gop Acknowledged The Attack can confirm that The GOP has acknowledged suffering cyber attacks from Anonymous.

At the time of publishing this article; the targeted site was redirected to the donation page for the party powered by WinRed, a platform that helps conservative and center-right groups in online fundraising.

While the nation paused over the weekend in remembrance of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 the Republican Party of Texas website was hacked, The GOPs website homepage said. Pro-abortion activists targeted us because of our strong support for the Heartbeat Act. This attack adds to a growing list of actions by the radical left who tries to silence anyone that disagrees with them.

Whats noteworthy is that The GOP is asking for donations to secure its website from further attacks. Stand with us now against these cybercriminals and their brazen attacks by rushing a contribution to harden our digital defenses, requests the website.

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Meet The New Queen Of Tinder

Last Sunday Natasha Aponte, a New York-based model, set up a mass date with hundreds of guys from Tinder. When they had all arrived at Union Square, for what they thought was a one-on-one date, she told the gaggle of guys that dating apps were difficult, so she had decided to bring everyone in person and see how that goes. Forget ghosting is crowding now going to become all the rage?

My Hope Is That We Open Our Hearts To The Science And Come To Reject Abortion Because It Is Inhumane

Trump and Republicans are trying to paint Democrats as ...

The following are excerpts from Cathys remarks earlier this week.;

As a pro-life woman, I want to share with you my story.;Ive never had an abortion;but I gave thought in my younger years of what I would do if I found myself pregnant and alone.;It would have been a desperate situation.;

I can imagine an abortion seeming like an easy solution.;

It breaks my heart to think anyone would consider abortion as their only option or the best option.;

Growing up, I was never much of a baby person. I was 35 and single when I was elected to Congress. I didnt know if becoming a mom would happen for me.;

Today, I can testify that bringing a new life into the world was the most amazing thing to ever;happen.;Its the best part of life.


Cole gives his mom a hug during a blood drive in 2018

We;have two daughters and a son.;Our oldest, Cole, now 14, was born with an extra 21st chromosome.;Its the most common chromosomal abnormality, Down syndrome.;

In this debate over abortion, Down syndrome has been at the forefront.;

When Cole was first born, I wanted to change the name of Down syndrome wondering who came up with that name?;Then, I read Dr. John Landon Downs biography.;

He was an extraordinary individual who in the mid-1850s first identified the common characteristics that we know today as Down Syndrome.;

Maybe we should call it, Dr.;John;Down Syndrome.;

He went on to build a home and provide support for people who were often cast aside from society.;


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Abortion Health Risk Claims

Some anti-abortion organizations and individuals disseminate false medical information and unsupported pseudoscientific claims about alleged physical and mental health risks of abortion. Many right-to-life organizations claim that abortion damages future fertility, or causes breast cancer, which is contradicted by the medical professional organizations. Some states, such as Alaska, Mississippi, West Virginia, Texas, and Kansas, have passed laws requiring abortion providers to warn patients of a link between abortion and breast cancer, and to issue other scientifically unsupported warnings.

Some right-to-life advocacy groups allege a link between abortion and subsequent mental-health problems. Some U.S. state legislatures have mandated that patients be told that abortion increases their risk of depression and suicide, despite the fact that such risks are not supported by the bulk of the scientific literature, and are contradicted by mainstream organizations of mental-health professionals such as the American Psychological Association.

From 201: Majority Of Americans Don’t Want Roe V Wade Overturned

Politically, abortion has been a stronger voting issue for Republicans than for Democrats. This poll found that abortion ranks as the second-most-important issue for Republicans in deciding their vote for president, behind immigration. But for Democrats, it is fifth behind health care, America’s role in the world, climate change and personal financial well-being.

The poll also notably found the highest percentage of people self-identifying as “pro-choice,” those who generally support abortion rights, since a Gallup survey in December 2012. In this survey, 57% identified that way versus 35%, who called themselves “pro-life,” those who are generally opposed to abortion rights.


The percentage self-identifying as “pro-choice” is an increase since a Marist Poll in February, when the two sides split with 47% each. The pollsters attribute that shift to efforts in various states to severely restrict abortion.

“The public is very reactive to the arguments being put forth by the more committed advocates on both sides of the issue,” Carvalho said, adding, “The danger for Republicans is that when you look at independents, independents are moving more toward Democrats on this issue. … When the debate starts overstepping what public opinion believes to be common sense, we’ve seen independents moving in Democrats’ corner.”

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The Complicated Importance Of Abortion To Trump Voters

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An anti-abortion-rights activist demonstrates in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in June. Many Trump voters bring up abortion in explaining their voting rationale.hide caption

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An anti-abortion-rights activist demonstrates in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in June. Many Trump voters bring up abortion in explaining their voting rationale.

If President Trump wins Wisconsin again, he’ll have Republican stalwarts like Mary Ludwig to thank.

“I always vote Republican because I’m so against abortion,” she said, sitting next to a lake in the Milwaukee suburb of Oconomowoc on a recent summer evening.

Ludwig has some reservations about Trump; she says that she doesn’t like the “offensive” things he says. On the other hand, she also has things she admires about him: She really likes his kids and thinks he’s handling the economy well.

But those are all secondary to the fact that she deeply cares about abortion, and Trump often speaks out against abortion rights. Therefore, she will vote for him for president.

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