Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who Is Running Against President Trump

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The Silence Is Deafening

Pence was asked if he’d run against Trump in 2024. Hear his response

A person close to some of the biggest real estate executives in New York who backed Trump during both of his runs for the White House said this time is different. Their view is hes taken major hits during the Jan. 6 hearings. None from that group are coming to defend him, at least for now.

The silence is deafening, this person added.

The lack of interest in Trump by some of the wealthiest Republican donors could boost fundraising efforts for other GOP presidential hopefuls. Multiple Republicans could run in 2024, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. Scott is up for reelection in 2022 but recently headlined an event in Iowa, a key state for candidates running for president. Cotton reportedly has huddled with donors to discuss a possible 2024 run.

The former president has not publicly ruled out running for the White House again in two years after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020. Despite a lack of support from corporate leaders, Trump has maintained a massive campaign war chest thanks largely to small-dollar donors.

John Bolton Says He May Run Against Trump For President

John Bolton, who served former President Donald Trump as national security advisor, is considering running against his one-time boss in the 2024 presidential race. He says heâs motivated by Trumpâs âdisqualifyingâ and reinstate him as president.

Bolton is a longtime diplomat noted for hawkish calls for regime change in countries hostile to the U.S. He was Trumpâs national security advisor for about a year and a half before being fired over disagreements, and later wrote a best-selling tell-all memoir about his time in that role.

Trump, who launched his third campaign for president last month, recently seized on to up the ante on his long-running push to overturn the 2020 election. He said âmassive fraudâ allowed for âtermination of all rules ⦠even those found in the Constitution.â

Motivated by Republicansâ muffled response to what he described as a âtime-bomb,â Bolton has teased a campaign announcement on TV twice in recent days: Monday on NBC News and Tuesday on CNN.

“Well, of course it is disqualifying.”@AmbJohnBolton weighs in on Former President Trump’s call to terminate the Constitution

CNN This Morning

Bolton said on NBC that he would âseriously consider getting inâ unless he saw strong statements from potential Republican candidates disavowing Trumpâs remarks, which he called âun-Americanâ and an âexistentialâ issue for the U.S.

The Suburban Vote Mattered In Michigan Pennsylvania And Wisconsin

The three northern battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsinwhich flipped to Trump in 2016again entered the Democratic fold in 2020. Here, even more than in the national analysis, the 2016 to 2020 suburban shifts to either greater Democratic or smaller Republican support were instrumental in Bidens victory. See Figure 2 and Downloadable Tables A and B.

Michigans swing from Trump to Biden had much to do with shifts in several suburban counties. In these counties, Trumps substantial seven point margin in 2016 changed to an almost even Democratic-Republican split in 2020. Thisalong with greater Democratic gains in urban cores and small metro areasmore than countered Trumps still large nonmetropolitan margins. The near erasure of Trumps 91,000 suburban vote lead from 2016 played an important part in his Michigan defeat.

Noteworthy shifts in Michigan came from counties in the Detroit suburbs, including Oakland County , and Macomb and Livingston counties, which registered smaller Trump vote advantages than in the last election. Counties in smaller metropolitan areasincluding Grand Rapids, Lansing, Ann Arbor, and Kalamazooalso showed greater Democratic or lower Republican support.

Pennsylvania was a closer win for Biden. Here, he depended heavily on lower Republican margins in suburban and small metro areas than in 2016. This, along with strong support from urban cores, allowed him to overcome continued Trump strength in rural areas.

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Democrats Blast Trumps Return Even As Some Hope Hed Be Easy To Beat

Democrats greeted Donald J. Trumps announcement of another presidential run with a mixture of exhaustion, wariness and bravado on Tuesday, a day after yet another one of the midterm candidates he endorsed was defeated.

Across the party, Democrats both alluded to the poor showing of Mr. Trumps chosen candidates in critical battleground states over the last week, and acknowledged uncertainties about his true political standing, even as some relished the idea of having Mr. Trump as a clear political foil heading into the next presidential election.

There are some who believe its good hes running, hell be easy to beat, others who take a much more cautious approach, said Ken Martin, the chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party and a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, in an interview earlier Tuesday. I believe that America spoke loudly and rejected his brand of politics, but at the same time, no one should ever underestimate him.

President Biden on Twitter posted a video that laced into Mr. Trumps record, assailing him over coddling extremists and inciting a violent mob as well as his record on policy matters. Donald Trump failed America, he .

A constellation of liberal-leaning groups released a barrage of statements vowing to defeat Mr. Trump and his movement again, two years after he lost the 2020 election to Mr. Biden in a brutally divisive campaign and then falsely claimed that the contest had been stolen.

Shane Goldmacher

Who And What Would Trump Run Against In 2024

Will a " Realist and Centrist"  Democrat Defeat President Trump in 2020 ...

The likelihood that former President Donald Trump will run again in 2024 seems to increase by the day. Unless the Mar-a-Lago raid turns up something that leads to a criminal indictment, it would be somewhat anticlimactic for Trump to have hyped up the imagined grand announcement, only to conclude with, Im not running.So, the question is, who would he run against?Trump ran against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 from Day One. He capitalized on an anti-establishment sentiment that had been percolating across America in both major parties for some time. That was what allowed him to blitz through a field of respected Republican politicians like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio. Trump repeatedly singled out Bush the one-time frontrunner who counts both a father and a brother as one-time occupants of the Oval Office in a move that signified that Trump was going against the Republican Party of old. Sen. Bernie Sanders had similar success against Clinton in 2016, albeit not quite as successful. The Democratic Partys nomination of Clinton for president, however, played right into Trumps campaign message: As the anti-establishment candidate, who was a better representation of the establishment and the perfect villain than Hillary Clinton?

Michael Malaszczyk is a Herald reporter covering Wantagh and Seaford. Comments about this column? .

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Do The Legal Protections He Got As A President Apply Now That He Is A Candidate

While Trump was in the White House, he put forward arguments in several cases sometimes successfully, sometimes not that his status as president gave him certain legal protections.

But those protections do not now apply to him just because he has announced his bid to reclaim the White House. The residual fights over conduct he engaged in while president will continue, but he doesnt have any special legal tools to shield things he does or says while he is just a candidate.

Theres no executive privilege or anything that attaches right now as a candidate, Muller said.

The main advantage being a presidential candidate gives Trump is the promise of delay: that if he can drag out the legal processes long enough that they are not resolved if and when he is reelected, he can then try to use the presidency as a shield then.

His Political Career Was Surprising And Brief

Walshs political career has more in common with Trump than he might like to acknowledge: Like Trump, Walsh eked out a surprise victory in his one and only successful race for office, beating incumbent Melissa Bean in 2010 by a few hundred votes.

Though he quickly made himself one of the faces of the tea party opposing Obama, Walsh had a history of changing views, telling the ChicagoTribune during an unsuccessful run for Congress in the 90s: I think Im the kind of Republican who can win because Im open and tolerant. Im not some right-wing conservative. In addition to politics, Walsh, an Illinois native, previously worked as a community college teacher, in finance, as a fundraiser and a researcher, according to the Tribune.

Walshs district was re-drawn after the 2010 census and he was soundly defeated in his re-election bid, after which he reportedly became a radio host.

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Tough Fight In Wisconsin Senate Race

If you take his word for it, Johnson shouldnt be running. The Wisconsin Republican had pledged to step down after two terms, only to reverse himself this year.

Now, after coasting to victory in his primary Tuesday, Johnsons reward will be a hard-fought campaign against Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes that could determine the balance of power in the narrowly divided U.S. Senate. Its also certain to saturate the airwaves as millions of political advertising dollars flood the state.It will be the first time Johnson wont be running against former Sen. Russ Feingold, the Democrat he ousted from office and defeated again six years later.

Hes also the only Republican senator up for reelection in a state Joe Biden won in 2020.

The matchup offers a study in contrasts. Johnson, 67, is a multimillionaire businessman whose father was a corporate treasurer. At 35, Barnes is close to half his age and the product of a working-class Milwaukee family. He would be the first Black senator from Wisconsin if elected.

Johnson has the former presidents backing. He has also been a major ally.

After the 2020 election, an aide to Johnson told then-Vice President Mike Pences staff in a text message that he wanted to hand-deliver to Pence fake elector votes from his state and neighboring Michigan. Pences staff rebuffed their request.

Is Trump The Frontrunner For The 2024 Republican Nomination

Who Are Trumps Republican Challengers?

Yes for now, at least. Trump still polls ahead of other potential GOP candidates nationally, although some state-level polls show DeSantis leading Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up following the midterm elections. Trump’s frontrunner status has been bolstered by the campaign infrastructure he’s built up over the years. This includes both extensive fundraising apparatus, as well as an active email list that pumps out the former president’s preferred narrative to his supporters.

Crucially, as the first and to date, only Republican to officially announce their candidacy, Trump has already begun locking in frontrunner status by securing on-the-record endorsements before anyone else Elise Stefanik, the No. 3 House Republican, has already backed Trump as the “very clear” leader of the party, while MAGA loyalist Rep. Jim Banks is reportedly preparing to do so as well. For his part, Trump has publically backed Rep. Kevin McCarthy to become the Republican House speaker in the incoming Congress, in what is widely seen as a bid to shore up support for the 2024 race.

While it remains to be seen whether Trump’s mere presence is enough to scare off any potential GOP challengers, his presence as the sole declared candidate so far automatically vaults him into frontrunner status.

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Gas Prices Have Reached The Highest Levels In History And Expect Them To Go Much Higher Now That The Strategic National Reserves Which I Filled Up Have Been Virtually Drained In Order To Keep Gasoline Prices Lower Just Prior To The Election Joe Biden Has Intentionally Surrendered Our Energy Independence Mr Trump Said

This is exaggerated.

Mr. Trump also did not completely fill up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve nor has Mr. Biden almost emptied it. Since the first oil was delivered to the stockpile in 1977, it stored the most oil under former President Barack Obama, about 726 million barrels. Under Mr. Trump, the amount fluctuated between 634 million and 695 million barrels. Under Mr. Biden, it has fallen to about 445 million barrels in August, the month with the most recent figures.

The notion that the United States gained energy independence under Mr. Trump, and reversed course under Mr. Biden, is also misleading.

Even before Mr. Trump took office, the United States had been projected to become a net energy exporter in the 2020s because favorable geology and technological developments result in the production of oil and natural gas at lower costs, according to the Energy Information Administration.

The country became a net exporter of petroleum in 2020, the first time since at least 1949. That remained the case in 2021. It became a net exporter of natural gas in 2018 and remains so today, with exports reaching record levels in 2021.

The term energy independence can also suggest that the United States did not rely at all on imports. That, too, is false. In 2020, the United States still imported 7.9 million barrels of crude oil and other petroleum products a day.

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What the American people are really looking for is a leader to try to bring us together, not actually talk like half the countrys entirely wrong about everything they believe, Delaney said on ABCs This Week in January 2019, adding, One of the things Ive pledged is in my first hundred days, only to do bipartisan proposals. Wouldnt it be amazing if a president looked at the American people at the inauguration and said, I represent every one of you, whether you voted for me or not and this is how Im going to prove it.’

On Jan. 31, Delaney announced he was dropping out of the race.

This race was never about me, but about ideas and doing whatâs right for our nation, he said in a statement. The unique and data-driven ideas that our campaign generated â on how to create a functional universal health care system, price carbon, advance trade, invest in rural America, cure disease, help workers, launch negative emissions technologies, reform education, and expand national service are now ideas for the party and I will continue to advocate for them in my next chapter.

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Former White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin

White House director of communications Alyssa Farah speaks with reporters at the White House, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020, in Washington.

Donald Trump is wholly unfit for office and a clear and present danger to democracy. Republicans, please take him on, Griffin on the day of Trumps announcement.

The former Trump White House communications director became critical of Trump after leaving the administration.

Farah Griffin told CNN last year that Trumps former Vice President Mike Pence was uniquely positioned to challenge Trump in 2024 and could put up a formidable fight if the two ran against each other.

Victories In Illinois With Help From Outside Trump World

Desperate Bill Kristol Recruits Blogger David French to Run for ...

State Senator Darren Bailey, who got a last-minute endorsement from Mr. Trump, won the Republican primary for governor. Democratic spending in the primary, including by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, may have helped Mr. Bailey, whom Democrats saw as easier to beat in the general election than the other Republicans.

Representative Mary Miller, whom Mr. Trump endorsed months ago, won her Republican primary against fellow Representative Rodney Davis.

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Donald Trump Launches 2024 Presidential Run

Former US president announces White House campaign amid legal probes and an underwhelming showing for Republicans in the midterm elections.

Donald Trump has announced he will run for the United States presidency again in 2024 despite facing multiple criminal investigations and the poor performance of the candidates he backed in last weeks midterm elections.

Trump launched the bid his third for the presidency on Tuesday evening at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, a week after elections in which Republicans failed to win as many seats in Congress as they had hoped.

In a speech broadcast live on US television, Trump spoke to hundreds of supporters in a ballroom decorated with several chandeliers and lined with dozens of American flags.

In order to make America great again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States, the 76-year-old told the cheering crowd of donors and longtime supporters.

I am running because I believe the world has not yet seen the true glory of what this nation can be, he said.

We will again put America first, he added.

Earlier in the day, aides filed paperwork with the US Federal Election Commission setting up a committee called Donald J Trump for President 2024.

But Trump, who was twice impeached during his last term as president, enters the race at a moment of political vulnerability.

Still, Trump remains a formidable force, Franco told Al Jazeera.

Whos Next Republicans Who Might Go Up Against Trump In 2024

The former president is running again but the GOP midterm meltdown has changed the primary landscape

Donald Trumps announcement of a third White House run does not only pose serious questions for the country he divided against itself during his defeat of Hillary Clinton, his four chaotic years in power, his rancorous defeat by Joe Biden and his incitement of the January 6 insurrection.

Trumps entrance into the race for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 poses existential questions for the Republican party itself. Since last weeks midterm elections failed to produce an expected red wave, leaving the Senate in Democratic hands and the House barely under GOP control, the primary landscape has shifted.

Here are seven Republicans who may fancy their chances of beating Trump to set up a White House run and one who might try to stop him winning again.

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