Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Does Trump Travel Ban Mean

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How Are Americans Affected

Heres what the Supreme Court ruling on Trumps travel ban means

U.S. citizens traveling in Europe do not need to race to board a flight home before midnight. They are free to return to the U.S. while the ban is in effect.

U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents will be permitted to return from the European Schengen area, according to the State Department website. The Department of Homeland Security will be issuing instructions requiring U.S. passengers that have been in the Schengen area to travel through select airports where the U.S. Government has implemented enhanced screening procedures.

Vice President Mike Pence said on Thursday that there are 13 such airports but did not list them. Currently, we know of 11 airports that were set up to screen travelers from China under a previously announced ban.

  • John F. Kennedy International Airport , New York

  • Chicago OHare International Airport , Illinois

  • San Francisco International Airport , California

  • Seattle-Tacoma International Airport , Washington

  • Daniel K. Inouye International Airport , Hawaii

  • Los Angeles International Airport , California

  • Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport , Georgia

  • Washington-Dulles International Airport , Virginia

  • Newark Liberty International Airport , New Jersey

  • Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport , Texas

  • Detroit Metropolitan Airport , Michigan

Pence also noted that Americans returning to the U.S. from the European Union would be asked to self-quarantine for 14 days. The same presumably applies to the non-citizens exempted from the ban.

What Did The Supreme Court’s Decision To Hear The Travel Ban Case In The Fallwhile Partly Reinstating The Banmean For Refugees

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The implementation of a partial stay by the Supreme Court on rulings against the Trump administrations travel ban immediately impacts already vetted refugees scheduled to come to the United States.

This will have a disastrous impact on refugees. The IRC is gravely concerned about the humanitarian consequences, and the policy consequences, of the decision reinstate the administrations travel ban.

Weve seen some of the dire impacts of this policy in action: urgent medical conditions blocked, innocent people left in unimaginable circumstances. The ban remains a counterproductive measure: coming to the United States as a refugee is, by far, the most difficult route an individual can take. This is a system strengthened by successive presidential administrations, both republican and democratic. Slamming the door puts innocent lives at risk and does nothing to make us safer.

The Courts decision threatens damage to vulnerable people waiting to come to the U.S., said IRC president David Miliband.

The Second Revised Executive Order And The Supreme Courts Stance

Therefore, persons from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen unable to validate the bona fide connection.6262 Idem. See also VOGUE, Ariane. Supreme Court Says Grandparents, Relatives Can Enter US Despite Travel Ban. CNN, July 19, 2017. Available at: < > . In this respect, the Supreme Court has elaborated some explanation on what this means: For individuals, a close familial relationship is required and as for entities, the relationship must be formal, documented, and formed in the ordinary course, rather than for the purpose of evading the order.6363 Id. In other words, the bona fide requirement and explained that when the plaintiff makes an affirmative showing of bad faith that is plausibly alleged with sufficient particularity, courts may look behind the challenged action to assess its facially legitimate justification. In the absence of such affirmative showing, courts have no choice but to defer to the governments facially legitimate reason for the action.

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Who Can Still Come In

  • Legal permanent residents of the U.S.
  • Those who have already been approved for a short-term visa
  • Refugees who have already been admitted to the U.S.
  • Dual nationals
  • Workers who have been offered employment by a U.S. company
  • Students who have been accepted to a U.S. university
  • Foreign nationals who have a close relative living in the U.S. This includes, according to the cable, a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or sibling

Background On The Section 2 Entry Ban


Sections 2, , and of Executive Order 13780 established the framework for an indefinite entry bar that could apply to any country that is unwilling or unable to provide the United States with the information that it decides is needed “in order to determine that the individual seeking the benefit is who the individual claims to be and is not a security or public-safety threat.”

The administration cited INA 212 as the underlying statutory authority for the ban. That paragraph of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that, ” Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

Here is a summary of the components and timeline that resulted in the Section 2 Indefinite Entry Ban under Proclamation 9645.

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Trump’s Travel Ban: What Does The Supreme Court Ruling Mean

Experts expect anti-immigrant sentiment to grow while opponents of the ban hope for help from Congress

Opponents conceded the supreme court had delivered a significant blow to their efforts with its 5-4 ruling in favor of Donald Trumps travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries. But groups that challenged Trumps policy told the Guardian they were already preparing the next front of legal challenges. Until then, travelers from five Muslim-majority countries will continue to be overwhelmingly barred from entering the United States.

How Many People Will The Travel Ban Affect

The Trump Administration policy will exacerbate the suffering of an estimated 60,000 vulnerable refugees who have been security vetted and are awaiting resettlement to the U.S.

Some 65 million people are currently displaced around the world. We are facing the most serious displacement crisis weve known since World War II.

For example, after six years of war in Syria, its neighbors can no longer absorb more refugees. The need for resettlement in safe third states is more necessary than ever so President Trumpsrefugee policies will affect the lives of the few given this chance in the U.S.

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Opinionwe Want To Hear What You Think Please Submit A Letter To The Editor

At the Cato Institute, we developed an Arms Sales Risk Index to assess the likelihood of negative consequences of sales such as weapons being stolen, used against civilians or deepening a conflict on a 0-to-100 scale. The risk score of the average American weapons customer has risen from 39 under President George W. Bush to 41 under President Barack Obama to 48 during the first three years of the Trump administration. To put those figures in perspective, the average nations risk score in 2019 was 39, while NATO countries average just 17.

Sadly, it doesnt look like Trump worries much about these risks. Though his predecessors all sold plenty of weapons, Trumps revision of the Conventional Arms Transfer Policy, the White Houses primary policy for weapons exports, makes clear his unprecedented emphasis on the economic benefits of arms sales.

When Congress raised the prospect of cutting off weapons sales to Saudi Arabia in the wake of the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, for example, Trump responded that, “I don’t want to lose all of that investment being made into our country. I don’t want to lose a million jobs, I don’t want to lose$110 billion in terms of investment.”

These countries suffer from much higher than average rates of terrorism, human rights abuses and political violence.

A. Trevor Thrall is an associate professor at George Mason Universitys Schar School of Policy and Government and a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.

Will Those Travelling To The Us This Week Face Delays Extra Trouble

What does revised travel ban mean for Tri-State?

As with past implementations of Trumps travel ban, Kullur says airports will struggle to deal with the many changes.

When the Supreme Court upheld the ban, it came as a surprise to everyone, so in the implementation there will be chaos.

Travel in the upcoming days will be stressful, including for those working at border control, he said.

There will be a lot of frustration.

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Are Other Countries Part Of The Ban

The original travel ban executive order barred both citizens and refugees from six Muslim-majority countries that have been linked to concerns about terrorism from entry into the United States for 90 days. The countries originally included in the ban were Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Iraq, however, was removed from the list in May 2017.

New guidelines issued in September effectively extend the ban for people from 11 countries, which the Trump administration did not name.

What Will Happen To Refugees Already Approved For Resettlement Who Haven’t Yet Arrived

The impact of cancelling refugees journeys to the U.S. is life and death for those with urgent medical conditions. It is acutely dangerous for refugee children who are on their own it derails the progress of young refugee families who have quit jobs and vacated apartments in the countries where they found temporary asylum, all while pursuing better lives for their children through resettlement.

The temporary halt in the resettlement program may force refugees who already went through the rigorous screening process and who were set to arrive in the U.S. soon to instead wait months and even years to go through fingerprinting, interviews, health screenings, and multiple security checks all over again, all while their lives are in danger.

In addition, the travel ban is harmful to resettlement agencies who have made extensive preparations, financial and otherwise, for refugees who were expected to arrive.

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What Is The ‘muslim Ban’

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Topic Summary

UPDATE : Since early 2017 when President Trumps original Executive Order was blocked, there have been several revised versions of the ban. These versions, which have gone through various court challenges, included the following changes: excluded some countries from the original ban added two non-Muslim majority countries and varied some of the restrictions by country. In January 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments on the latest version of the travel ban and on June 26, 2018, voted to uphold the constitutionality of the third version of the Muslim ban. The Court held that the President was within his authority when he blocked travel from several Muslim-majority countries. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, delivering the dissent, said, Taking all the relevant evidence together, a reasonable observer would conclude that the Proclamation was driven primarily by anti-Muslim animus, rather than by the Governments asserted national-security justifications.

In Congress, Democrats emphatically denounced Trumps executive order. So far, sixteen Republicans in Congress have publicly criticized the Executive Order. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to introduce legislation in Congress to overturn Trumps executive order.

Whats Happening With The Muslim Ban Now

What Trumps travel ban means to one new U.S. citizen

Although the first and second iterations of the Muslim ban were struck down by federal judges who said it amounted to religious discrimination against Muslims, the Supreme Court upheld the third version of the policy in June 2018.

The justices ruled in favor of the Trump administration on the grounds that federal law gives the President broad authority to suspend entry to the U.S.a justification that has helped the Trump administration further camouflage the xenophobic, racist, and Islamophobic intent behind the policy.

The Court also ruled that the third version of the ban could be implemented while lower courts considered whether it was appropriate for litigation to continue. Since then, the upheld restrictions have blocked travel by people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and North Korea, and political officials from Venezuela.

On Jan. 28, 2020, the Fourth Circuit Court heard arguments over whether civil rights groups can proceed in challenging the Trump administration’s third version of the Muslim ban based on its discriminatory intent. A decision is expected in the coming months.

The expanded ban took effect on Feb. 21.

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In a statement posted to his campaign website days after the terror attack, Trump said Muslims needed to be barred until U.S. officials can figure out what is going on.

Throughout the litigation over the travel ban, Trumps tweets about the policy have loomed large. As administration lawyers sought to portray the policy as well within presidential authority and unrelated to Trumps campaign vows, Trump often undermined those arguments.

Last June, he expressed regret about altering the original policy, complaining that his lawyers were pushing a watered down, politically correct version.

In September, Trump again suggested that he was unsatisfied with his own policy. The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific-but stupidly, that would not be politically correct! he wrote.

Judges reviewing Trumps policy also seized on his retweeting of anti-Muslim videos from Britain and another message broadcasting an apocryphal story about a U.S. general ordering Muslim radicals shot with bullets dipped in pigs blood.

Trump wasted little time in office before he signed the first travel ban, which halted visas to people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for a 90-day period and suspended the refugee resettlement program for 120 days. The stated purpose of the policy was to conduct a review of security and vetting from those nations.

Supreme Court Upholds Trumps Travel Ban

By Josh Gerstein and Ted Hesson

06/26/2018 10:22 AM EDT

06/26/2018 02:33 PM EDT

  • Link Copied

The Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld President Donald Trumps travel ban, delivering a major victory to the administration in its quest to restrict the flow of immigrants and visitors into the United States.

In a 5-4 , the justices affirmed the presidents vast powers over matters of national security even as they grappled with Trumps anti-Muslim statements and the intent behind the controversial policy.

The latest version of the ban levels a range of travel restrictions against five majority-Muslim countries Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen as well as North Korea and Venezuela. Chad, another majority-Muslim nation, was removed from the list in April.

Although several federal courts had blocked the ban nationwide, the justices allowed the policy to take full effect in December pending consideration of the merits of the case. The temporary order allowing full implementation was an ominous sign for opponents of the Trump policy, particularly since only two justices liberals Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented.

The ruling on Tuesday reverses the lower court decisions and will allow the policy to remain in place indefinitely, although litigation over the ban may continue.

Roberts said second-guessing the currently stated goals of the policy is beyond the proper realm of the judiciary.


Donald J. Trump

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Who Cannot Come In

  • Anyone not included in the above section who lacks what the Supreme Court said is a bona fide relationship with a U.S. person or entity. A school or job should constitute as an acceptable entity, but a hotel reservation, for example, would not count.
  • Foreign nationals without a close relative living in the U.S. According to the AP, this includes grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, and fiancés
  • First-time tourists

There are a few other unique scenarios to keep in mind as well. Refugees who have applied to enter the U.S. but have not yet been approved could be prevented from entering, for instance.

A bona fide relationship, meanwhile, doesnt have to be an offer of employment, acceptance into a school or the presence of close family members in the U.S. An academic lecturer could be invited to speak at an American university, for example, or a foreign journalist might seek entry for an assignment. Such situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis so long as travelers have the proper documentation and U.S. entities are not inviting them over merely to circumvent the ban, the AP reports.

The State Departments guidelines should help to clear up confusion about the partial travel ban. But questions remain about how the ban will actually be implemented. And some commentators, including Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas, have warned the revised ban will simply invite more litigation.

Is This Ban The Final One

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And in October, the justices of the court will hear full arguments on why it should go ahead.

But Professor Schlanger said the move was more about politics than national security.

“The Trump administration keeps saying what’s at stake in this case is National Security, but the President did not ask the Supreme Court for a speedy resolution of the case, she said.

“The President asked the court to hear the case in October if the President really thinks if what’s at stake is national security then why wouldn’t he ask for it to be heard in June or July?

“So the result is most of the travel ban remains not implemented and that will continue through to at least October

“I don’t think they’re worried about the national security between now and October because there actually isn’t much national security benefit from this travel ban.

“Really, it’s a piece of political rhetoric to look like you’re doing something without actually accomplishing much except insulting our Muslim neighbours.”


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