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Democrat Mark Kelly Defeats Republican Martha Mcsally In Arizona Senate Race

Sen. Martha McSally and Mark Kelly debate before early voting in Arizona begins

Democrat Mark Kelly has defeated Republican Sen. Martha McSally in Arizona, NBC News projected on Friday, giving Democrats a Senate pickup in the state.

Kelly, a former NASA astronaut, declared himself the winner earlier in the week.

“I am deeply honored that Arizonans have trusted me to be their next United States Senator and to serve in this seat once held by Senator John McCain,” he said in a series of tweets Wednesday night.

“We woke up today still facing a pandemic, a struggling economy, and deep division in our country,” he wrote. “We need to slow the spread of the virus, get our economy back on track, and defend health care protections for people with pre-existing conditions. And I know that together, we can.”

Kelly, 56, is the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who survived being shot in the head in 2011 at a constituent event. The couple founded the Giffords Foundation, which supports gun control laws around the country.

The win puts both of the states Senate seats in the hands of DemocratsKelly and Kyrsten Sinema, who was elected in 2018. Sinema congratulated Kelly in a tweeted statement Wednesday. “I am confident Mark will uphold the Arizona values of seeking common ground and putting country above party,” she wrote.

Kelly, in his first bid for public office, ran as a moderate who would be above the partisan bickering in Washington.

McSally trailed Kelly in the polls throughout the race and raised significantly less money.

Arizona Senate Race: Republican Martha Mcsally Concedes To Democrat Kyrsten Sinema

Democrat Kyrsten Sinema wins Arizona US Senate seat

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Martha McSally has conceded the Arizona race to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.

In a video posted on Twitter, McSally wished Sinema “all success,” in her new role in Congress and said she is “grateful to all those who supported me in this journey.”

“As I traveled around this state, I was so inspired by the many people that I met and I am convinced Arizona is the best state in the country,” McSally said. “And our best days are still yet to come and I’m going to continue to pray for our success. Thank you so much.”

Later, in a letter to her supporters, the Air Force veteran wrote, “It was an honor to have you all as my wingmen and wing women in this mission. We came up short, but we gave it all we had and I am proud of you all and grateful for you.”

Sinema started her remarks with thanks to veterans, including her brothers and McSally.

We launched this campaign because Arizona veterans and all everyday Arizonans deserve a leader who will fight for them in the United States Senate,” she said.

As of Sunday, there were still 200,000 votes that had yet to be counted, which stems from Arizonas practice of allowing voters to mail in ballots up until and through Election Day. Those ballots then have to be verified based on the signature on the outside of the ballot.

That said, both McSally and Sinema are current members of Congress, representing an urban and a border district respectively.

Cnn Cries When Republican Martha Mcsally Calls Their Reporter A Liberal Hack

CNN doesnt like being called fake news. They dont hate it enough to actually start reporting real news, but nonetheless the fake news tag bothers them. One of the many consequences of being a joke is that no one takes you serious. CNN reporter Manu Raju was pestering Arizona Republican Senator Martha McSally so she called him a liberal hack and kept walking. Instead of taking stock of being the laughingstock of the cable news world, CNN decided to cry a lot and accuse McSally of being a big meanie.

Heres Raju getting put in his place by McSally at the Capitol:

Heres the moment when Sen. Martha McSally called CNNs Manu Raju a liberal hack:

Julio Rosas

Then came Rajus tears:

Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican facing a difficult election race, lashed out when I asked if she would consider new evidence as part of the Senate trial. Youre a liberal hack Im not talking to you. Youre a liberal hack. She then walked into a hearing room.

Manu Raju

McSally defended her comments with this response:

A) you are.

Martha McSally

So CNN attacked McSally:

New statement from about McSallys comment to :

It is extremely unbecoming for a U.S. Senator to sink to this level and treat a member of the press this way for simply doing his job.

Brian Stelter

And guess what? Manu Raju is a liberal hack and CNN is fake news. Check this video out from last year when democrat Ilhan Omar was rude to Raju:

The Daily Wire

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State Treasurer Of Arizona

In Ducey was elected , replacing . As Arizonas chief banker and investment officer, Ducey oversaw more than $12 billion in state assets and served as an investment manager for local governments. The Treasurer serves as the chairman of Arizonas State Board of Investment and State Loan Commission, and as the states surveyor general and a member of the State Land Selection Board. Ducey also served as the western region vice president for the , and was the president of the Western State Treasurers Association.

Opinion: Trump Is Making Martha Mcsallys Life Very Difficult

Republican Martha McSally Accuses Democratic Opponent of ...

The Trump era has forced many Republicans into frustrating situations: defending unhinged tweets, coddling a president as if hes a toddler and forcing principled conservatives to choose between the most progressive Democratic candidacy in modern history or, well, President Trump.

But Trump may have put Sen. Martha McSally in the worst position of all. McSally, who was appointed to her seat in 2019 and is running for the remainder of John McCains unfinished term, probably wouldnt have had much trouble winning in the pre-Trump era. But three of Trumps specific political weaknesses in the suburbs, with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and with diverse electorates and older voters have pushed the state left, leaving McSally caught between the presidents base and the voters she needs most.

The suburbs represent McSallys biggest Trump-induced struggle. The vast majority of Arizonas votes come from Maricopa and Pima counties, which roughly correspond to Phoenix and Tucson.

But in 2016, Trump gave up suburban votes, losing ground in both counties.

That year, Trump won Arizona by a smaller margin than McCain in 2008 or 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, and the state has moved further left as his administration wore on. In the states 2018 Senate race, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema won County by four points and notched a two-point statewide victory over McSally, giving the seat to the blue team for the first time since 1988.

Read more:

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The Fight For Arizonas Senate Seat: Sen Martha Mcsally Versus Mark Kelly

Sen. Martha McSally, left, and Mark Kelly, right.

PHOENIX – It’s a battle of military veterans for the lone Arizona Senate seat up for grabs in the U.S. Congress. Republican Sen. Martha McSally is the incumbent, and Democrat Mark Kelly is the challenger.

McSally got the job in an unconventional way. After serving two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District starting in 2014, she ran for U.S. Senate in 2018. McSally lost to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. However, Sen. John McCain died that same year. After fill-in John Kyl resigned, Gov. Doug Ducey appointed McSally to the seat. She is the second woman ever to represent Arizona in the U.S. Senate, just behind Sinema.

/ Arizona makes history with McSally, Sinema sworn into U.S. Senate

McSally served in the U.S. Air Force for more than 20 years. She was the first American woman to fly in combat, as well as the first woman to command a squadron. After losing a bid to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012, she won in 2014 and 2016.

Sen. McSally urges supporters to donate to her campaign instead of buying a meal

Here’s a look where each candidate stands on a couple of issues.

Other Locations On Campus

Other locations on campus serve support roles for cadet training and other base functions. Doolittle Hall is the headquarters of the academys Association of Graduates and also serves as the initial reception point for new cadets arriving for Basic Cadet Training. It is named after . The Goldwater Visitor Center, named after longtime proponent of the Academy , is the focal point for family, friends and tourists visiting the Academy grounds. The Academy is used for training cadets in airmanship courses, including parachute training, soaring and powered flight. Interment at the is limited to academy cadets and graduates, certain senior officers, certain academy staff members, and certain other family members. Air power notables , and , are interred here.

The is a program offered to selected individuals who were not able to obtain appointments directly to the Academy. The program involves intense academic preparation , along with athletic and military training, meant to prepare the students for appointment to the academy. A high percentage of students earn appointments to the academy following their year at the Prep School.

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What The Experts Said

The Cook Political Report and Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics both rated the race as “leans Democratic,” and Inside Elections rated it “tilts Democratic.”

According to FiveThirtyEight’s Senate forecast, Kelly had a 77% chance at defeating McSally in the November election. The forecast showed that Kelly was poised to receive 53% of the popular vote, 6% more than McSally.

Lawsuit Against The Us Department Of Defense

Democrat Krysten Sinema wins open U.S. Senate seat over Republican Martha McSally

McSally was represented by the Rutherford Institute in McSally v. Rumsfeld, a successful 2001 lawsuit against the Department of Defense, challenging the military policy that required U.S. and U.K. servicewomen stationed in Saudi Arabia to wear the body-covering abaya when traveling off base in the country. At the time of the lawsuit McSally, as a major , was the highest ranking female fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. Her suit alleged “the regulations required her to send the message that she believes women are subservient to men.”

In a “60 Minutes” interview broadcast on CBS on January 20, 2002, she described the discrimination she experienced under the policy:

“I have to sit in the back and at all times I must be escorted by a male … , when questioned, is supposed to claim me as his wife,” she said. “I can fly a single-seat aircraft in enemy territory, but I can’t drive a vehicle.

In 2002, Congress passed legislation prohibiting anyone in the military from “requiring or encouraging servicewomen to put on abayas in Saudi Arabia or to use taxpayers’ money to buy them.” Following her USAF career, McSally has continued to speak out about gender relations in Saudi Arabia.

After retiring from the U.S. Air Force on May 6, 2010, she worked as a professor at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

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Project Guardrail: Take Back The Us Senate

Should Trump win another term this November, establishing a guardrail in the United States Senate will be critical to reducing the risk of serious accidents. Mitch McConnell and the current Republican Senate majority have demonstrated that they are willing to support whatever Trump does regardless of the rule of law and the oath they took to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We need to take back the United States Senate and establish a guardrail to protect our Democracy and the America people. We are doubling down on our efforts to do just that with investments in our digital and virtual ground game programs in key states. We firmly believe that we can make a material difference and get take our country back with your help.

Update: Special Elections in Georgia on January 5th to decide balance of power in US Senate! You can learn more HERE

47 Democrats

Take Back the US Senate!

North Carolina: Democrat Cal Cunningham versus Republican Senator Tom Tillis.

This race is a Toss Up!

Alaska: Democrat Al Gross versus Republican Senator Dan Sullivan.

This race is a Toss Up!

Maine: Democrat Sara Gideon versus Republican Senator Susan Collins.

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Montana: Democrat Steve Bullock versus Republican Senator Steve Daines.

This race is a Toss Up!

Colorado: Democrat John Hickenlooper versus Republican Senator Cory Gardner. This race is a Toss Up!

Georgia: Democrat Jon Ossof versus Republican Senator David Perdue.

This race is a Toss Up!

Republican Martha Mcsally Accuses Democratic Opponent Of ‘treason’ 3 Times During Arizona Senate Debate

Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally accused Democratic opponent Kyrsten Sinema of treason during a heated debate in Arizona Monday evening.

At the end of the hour-long debate, McSally brought up comments Sinema made as an anti-war activist on a radio program in the early 2000s. When the host of the show made a theoretical comment about joining the Taliban, Sinema responded with, “I don’t care if you want to do that, go ahead.”

McSally, a retired military officer who fought in the United States Air Force from 1988 to 2010, suggested that the 15-year-old comments were the same as levying war against the United States. She asked Sinema to apologize for saying that “it’s OK to commit treason.” Sinema ignored the specifics of the attack and said that McSally had run a mostly negative campaign by using “ridiculous attacks and trying to smear my campaign.”

Sinema appeared as a guest on the radio show in 2003 to promote an anti-war protest in Patriots Square Park in Phoenix. After the host went on a long rant that was difficult to follow at times, he concluded with a question about the Taliban.

Sinema said go ahead but added: “What we’re talking about here are two different things. When you say, ‘We owe something to the world,’ my definition of owing something to the world does not involve war and destruction.” She then asked to go back to discussing her anti-war stance.

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Because the race between McSally and Kelly is a special election to fill the Senate seat left open by McCain, Kelly can be seated as soon as Nov. 30.

In September, Kelly told ABC he believed he should be seated as soon as possible if he won.

Regardless of who wins, once the vote is certified here in Arizona, in accordance with the law, that person should be promptly seated to work for Arizonans, Kelly said during an appearance on The View. Theyre concerned about healthcare, preexisting conditions. Theyre concerned about protecting Social Security and Medicare. So in accordance with the law, when the election is done, I think its important that if I was to win that I get sworn.

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ArizonaRepublican incumbent Sen. Martha McSally has conceded in the Senate race against Democratic challenger .

In a statement released Friday, McSally wrote that she had called Kelly to congratulate him on his win and offered support during the transition of the Senate seat.

She also thanked Republican Gov. Doug Ducey for appointing her to the Senate despite losing the battle for the other Arizona Senate seat to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema during the 2018 midterm elections.

“I will always be inspired by the strength, resilience, innovation, and compassion that I witnessed from Arizonans as I traveled throughout our great state. I will never forget what I learned from all of you,” she said.

U.S. Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., hugs her dog Boomer prior to greeting voters at a polling station, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, in Mesa, Ariz.

“While falling short, I am deeply humbled to have received the second most votes ever cast by Arizonans for a statewide race. I am thankful for the more than 1.6 million Arizonans who voted for me and everyone who dedicated their time, resources, and prayers to our campaign,” wrote McSally.

McSally is the first woman in U.S. history to fly a fighter jet in combat as well as the first to command a fighter squadron.

With 99% of votes counted, Kelly, a former NASA astronaut, defeated McSally by almost 80,000 votes, or 51.18% to 48.82%.

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Democrat Mark Kelly Beats Republican Martha Mcsally In Arizona Senate Race


Arizona chose to elect a second Democratic U.S. senator, voting in Mark Kelly over Republican Martha McSally for the seat once held by the late Sen. John McCain.

The race for the U.S. Senate is Arizona was one of the most closely watched in the nation this year, as Democrats hoped to flip the chamber. Republican Martha McSally and Democrat Mark Kelly were vying to fill the remaining two years of the late Sen. John McCains term.

Kelly held a consistent polling lead over McSally leading up to the election. After initial results gave him the lead in the race, he spoke to supporters in Tucson Tuesday night.

Some of you watching tonight did not vote for me. Thats OK. Im going to be your senator, too, because our state doesnt need a Democrat or a Republican senator, we need an Arizona senator. A senator like John McCain, Kelly said.

McSally was appointed by Gov. Doug Ducey to fill nearly two years of McCains term until an election could be held. Her appointment came in December of 2018, after she lost the U.S. Senate race to Kyrsten Sinema.

McSally represented the same district as Giffords for four years.

Before McSally was a member of Congress, she was an Air Force pilot. She was the first woman to fly in combat. She flew missions in the A-10 during Operation Southern Watch in Kuwait. McSally is also the first woman to command an Air Force combat unit. She was the commander of the 354th Fighter Squadron at Tucsons Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.

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