Friday, July 26, 2024

How Many Republicans In The Senate Are Needed For Impeachment

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House Impeachment Managers Say Mcconnell Agreed With Our Case On The Facts

How many Republicans will back Trump amid impeachment inquiry?

House impeachment managers addressed the press after Mr. Trump was acquitted, arguing that the trial had been successful in that it was bipartisan. He also noted that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a floor speech that Mr. Trump had been “responsible” for the events of January 6, and indicated that he could still face criminal or civil charges.

“This was the most bipartisan presidential impeachment event in the history of the country,” lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin said. He added that McConnell “agreed with our case on the facts.”

Raskin also defended the agreement by impeachment managers and Mr. Trump’s counsel not to call any witnesses, after the Senate voted in favor of calling witnesses this morning.

“No number of witnesses would convince them” to convict Mr. Trump, Raskin said of most Republicans.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi unexpectedly walked into the room and briefly spoke to reporters as well.

“We could not be prouder of your patriotic presentations, the clarity with which you presented, and the inspiration you have been to so many people,” Pelosi said. She also slammed McConnell for voting “not guilty” but then excoriating the president, saying that he “created the situation” by refusing to call an emergency session of the senate while Mr. Trump was still in office.

Pelosi also said that she would not accept a censure resolution, arguing that it was a “slap in the face of the Constitution” and “lets everyone off the hook.”

Republicans Have Questioned The Constitutionality Of The Trial To Prevent It From Moving Forward

Day one of Trumps second impeachment trial was primarily focused on debates about its constitutionality, since Republicans have increasingly argued that its unconstitutional to try a former president even though most legal scholars disagree, a fact Democratic House impeachment managers emphasized Tuesday.

As Voxs Ian Millhiser has explained, a majority of legal scholars have concluded that holding an impeachment trial for a former president would be constitutional. However, the precedent for how to handle the impeachment of a former government official is less clear: In 1876, Secretary of War William Belknap faced a Senate trial after he had already resigned, and though a majority voted to proceed with the trial, two-thirds did not vote to convict, with multiple lawmakers citing concerns about the proceedings constitutionality.

The House impeachment managers and Trumps counsel presented their respective arguments on this matter Tuesday, with Democrats emphasizing that impeachment is still viable for officials whove left office because the Constitutions authors intended it as a way to ensure accountability, while Trumps attorneys tried to paint the trial as a partisan effort for political gain.


Trump wont be convicted. Impeachment is still worth it.

Ultimately, as the result of the final constitutionality vote suggests, their arguments seemed only to reaffirm where senators, on both sides of the aisle, already stood.

If Convicted Removal From Office Possible Disqualification From Government Service

If a president is acquitted by the Senate, the impeachment trial is over. But if he or she is found guilty, the Senate trial moves to the sentencing or punishment phase. The Constitution allows for two types of punishments for a president found guilty of an impeachable offense: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.

The first punishment, removal from office, is automatically enforced following a two-thirds guilty vote. But the second punishment, disqualification from holding any future government position, requires a separate Senate vote. In this case, only a simple majority is required to ban the impeached president from any future government office for life. That second vote has never been held since no president has been found guilty in the Senate trial.

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Bill Clinton: Impeached In 1998

President Clinton walking to the podium to deliver a short statement on the impeachment inquiry, apologizing to the country for his conduct in the Monica Lewinsky affair and that he would accept a congressional censure or rebuke.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

Clinton was plagued by legal troubles and scandals from the moment he entered the White House. In 1993, Clinton and his First Lady, Hillary, were the subject of a Justice Department investigation into the so-called Whitewater controversy, a botched business deal from their days in Arkansas. And in 1994, Clinton was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones, who claimed Clinton exposed himself to her in a hotel room in 1991.

Interestingly, it was a combination of both legal cases that would ultimately lead to Clintons impeachment. Independent counsel Kenneth Starr was appointed by the Justice Department to investigate the Whitewater affair, but he couldnt find any impeachable evidence. Meanwhile, lawyers for Jones got a tip that Clinton had an affair with a 21-year-old White House intern named Monica Lewinsky, a claim that both Lewinsky and Clinton denied under oath.

When the story went public, Clinton was forced to address the accusations on national television.

I want you to listen to me, Clinton famously said. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time, never.

Unredacted Version Of Mueller Report

Our Take: Republicans Need to Keep Fighting

The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed the unredacted Mueller report and Attorney General Barr has rebuffed this, leading to a contempt citation from the committee. A lawsuit is also contemplated.

On July 26, 2019, the Judiciary Committee asked federal judge Beryl Howell, who oversaw the Mueller grand juries, to unseal the secret testimony because the committee is investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment to the full House. Howell ruled in favor of the request on October 25, 2019, finding the impeachment investigation legitimate.

On November 18, 2019, The House counsel filed a brief with Judge Howell to release the materials immediately, as redacted grand jury testimony appeared to show the President perjured himself before the Mueller probe and it was part of the impeachment inquiry.

On December 16, another brief by the HJC, said that they still needed the materials, as some redacted materials appear to be related to the Ukraine matter.Previously, an appellate court had scheduled oral arguments in the case for January 3, 2020.

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Senate Votes To Acquit Trump In Historic Second Impeachment Trial

The Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump of inciting the January 6 riot at the Capitol in his second impeachment trial. Seven Republicans joined all Democrats in voting “guilty” for a majority of 57 votes but Democrats failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to convict.

The Republicans who joined with the Democrats were: Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.;

Although he voted to acquit, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a blistering statement calling Mr. Trump “practically and morally responsible” for the riot, but he felt it was unconstitutional to convict a former office holder. “The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said.

Mr. Trump issued a statement Saturday afternoon thanking his legal team, as well as the Republicans in the Senate who found him not guilty and GOP House members who voted against the article of impeachment last month. He did not acknowledge the riot in his statement.;

What Happens If President Trump Is Impeached A Second Time

President;Trump;is;facing an unprecedented second impeachment;as House Democrats officially push forward to;charge him with “inciting insurrection”;in the wake of the Capitol siege.

Trump could become the first president in history to be impeached twice with a single charge.

If he were to be impeached a second time, the question would pose itself as to whether he should be removed from office to whether he should be banned from holding future federal office, effectively blocking him from running for president again in 2024.

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Michigan Rep Peter Meijer

The freshman Republican, who won a primary last summer in the 3rd District with the backing of House GOP leaders such as Kevin McCarthy, already is cutting an image for himself independent of his party after two weeks on the job. Its less surprising considering that former Rep. Justin Amash, the Republican-turned-independent-turned-Libertarian who split with Trump, held the seat before Meijer. Amash voted to impeach Trump in 2019.;

The scion of the Meijer family, which founded the grocery store chain of the same name, is a veteran of the Iraq War. Trump won the 3rd District, which includes Grand Rapids and Battle Creek, with 51 percent of the vote. Meijer, who turned his campaign operation into a grocery delivery service in the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, outperformed Trump in November, taking 53 percent of the vote.;

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Democrats Formally Vote To Open Impeachment Inquiry Against Trump

Trump impeachment trial dead on arrival as GOP senators vote against hearing

WASHINGTON After weeks of GOP criticism that the U.S. House of Representatives had not formally opened an impeachment inquiry, House Democrats approved a resolution Thursday formalizing the process, though Republicans griped that it was too late.

The House voted 232-196 in favour of the resolution, with all but two Democrats and no Republicans voting in favour of the process. Reps. Jeff Van Drew and Collin Peterson, both Democrats, voted with Republicans, while independent Justin Amash of Michigan voted with Democrats.

The resolution lays out ground rules for the impeachment process, including how much time Republican committee leaders will get to question witnesses, guidelines on how Republicans can call their own witnesses, the process for the White House to respond to congressional inquiries, and the overall impeachment process.

In an attempt to finally get the White House to co-operate with their investigations, the resolution would actually give U.S. President Donald Trump more rights if he and his staff co-operate with congressional subpoenas, but would take some of those rights away if the White House continues not to co-operate.

As Democrats finally called the vote Thursday, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sat in the president officers chair and announced the total. There was a spirited, partisan mood on the House floor.

What is at stake? What is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

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How Long Will The Trial Last

How long the trial will take is not known, but most people believe it will be much shorter than the three-week trial the last time Trump was impeached over his actions over Ukraine, when he was accused of abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The verdict could come after just a couple of days.

It is unclear yet whether the Senate will vote to allow the legal teams to call witnesses in person, although the trial is highly unusual in that the jury are witnesses, as senators were present in the Capitol and were forced into hiding as the mob invaded the very chamber where the trial will be held.

Rep Anthony Gonzales Republican Who Voted For Impeachment Will Not Seek Re

After being one of 10 House Representatives to vote to impeach former President Donald Trump, Ohio Representative Anthony Gonzalez has chosen to not run for re-election in 2022.

On Thursday, the former NFL wide receiver took to to issue a lengthy statement regarding his decision.

The Republican politician started the press statement by mentioning how his goal within politics was to do his job as long as the voters would allow and work to maintain his family.

Since entering politics, I have always said that I will do this job as long as the voters will have me and it still works for my family, said Gonzalez.

Gonzalez then went on to talk about the reasoning behind why hes chosen to not seek out re-election in 2022.

Given the political realities of the day, I know this news will come as a disappointment to those who have been involved in our efforts, said Gonzalez.

You have given me and my family tremendous strength and courage in the face of much adversity these past few months and years. While my desire to build a fuller family life is at the heart of my decision, it is also true that the current state of our politics, especially many of the toxic dynamics inside our own party, is a significant factor in my decision, Gonzalez mentioned.

Gonzalez went on to say that hes hopeful the chaotic political environment that currently infects our country will only be temporary.

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When Do Proceedings Begin

The proceedings begin Tuesday with four hours of argument on the constitutionality of the trial by the House managers and Trump’s lawyers. While 45 Republicans voted in favor of a measure that argued the proceedings were unconstitutional last month, some of those senators said they simply wanted a debate on the issue. The Senate would then hold a vote on whether to proceed a measure that only needs a simple majority and is expected to pass easily.

‘a Win Is A Win’: Trump’s Defense Team Makes Remarks After Senate Votes To Acquit

The House Republicans Impeachment Defense of Trump Is ...

Despite the acquittal, President Joe Biden said in a statement that “substance of the charge” against Trump is “not in dispute.”

“Even those opposed to the conviction, like Senate Minority Leader McConnell, believe Donald Trump was guilty of a ‘disgraceful dereliction of duty’ and ‘practically and morally responsible for provoking’ the violence unleashed on the Capitol,” Biden’s statement read in part.

The president added that “this sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile. That it must always be defended. That we must be ever vigilant. That violence and extremism has no place in America. And that each of us has a duty and responsibility as Americans, and especially as leaders, to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called Saturday’s vote the largest and most bipartisan vote in any impeachment trial in history,” but noted it wasn’t enough to secure a conviction.

The trial “was about choosing country over Donald Trump, and 43 Republican members chose Trump. They chose Trump. It should be a weight on their conscience today, and it shall be a weight on their conscience in the future,” he said in a speech on the Senate floor.

With control of the Senate split 50-50, the House managers always had an uphill battle when it came to convincing enough Republicans to cross party lines and convict a former president who is still very popular with a large part of the GOP base.

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Sending To The Senate

Once the House votes to impeach, the speaker of the House can send the article or articles over to the Senate immediately or she can wait a while. Many Democrats in Pelosis caucus have urged her to do so immediately.

The speaker met this week with the nine impeachment managers she appointed to argue the case and is also consulting the Senate, according to Colorado Rep. Diana DeGette, who is one of the managers. She says it hasnt been settled yet when the House will send them over.

Another of Pelosis managers, Pennsylvania Rep. Madeleine Dean, said Thursday that what we did in the House, in bringing forth a single article of impeachment with the urgency that we did, I think should indicate to you that we feel an urgency in our caucus to move forward.

Once the articles are sent over that is usually done with an official walk from the House to the Senate then the majority leader of the Senate must start the process of having a trial.

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Senate Agrees To Add A News Article To The Record Will Not Hear From Witnesses

After two hours of chaos when the Senate unexpectedly voted to call witnesses in the impeachment trial, Trump attorney Bruce Castor announced that impeachment managers had agreed to a deal to include a statement in the record instead of deposing any witnesses. Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler said in a statement on Friday that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had relayed a conversation he had with Mr. Trump on January 6 with her, where Mr. Trump said that the rioters who stormed the Capitol “are more upset about the election than you are.”

Castor said that if Herrera Beutler were to testify under oath, her testimony would be consistent with the statement she issued on Friday. Impeachment manager Jamie Raskin read Herrera Beutler’s statement, and asked that it be included in the record.

“Senators, Donald John Trump by his counsel is prepared to stipulate that if Herrera Beutler were to testify under oath as part of these proceedings, her testimony would be consistent with the statement she issued on February 12, 2021 and the former president’s counsel is agreeable to the admission of that public statement into evidence at this time,” Castor said.

In entering the statement into the record, no witnesses will be called and there are no additional motions to be considered. The proceedings are now moving to closing arguments, for which each side has up to two hours.

Grace Segers and Melissa Quinn ;

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Gop Senators Say Only A Few Republicans Will Vote To Convict Trump

Republicans say the chances that former President TrumpDonald TrumpCapitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt says he saved lives on Jan. 6Biden presses Fox’s Doocey about Trump-Taliban dealBiden says deadly attack won’t alter US evacuation mission in AfghanistanMORE will be convicted in an impeachment trial are plummeting, despite lingering anger among some Republicans over his actions.

Only five or six Republican senators at the most seem likely to vote for impeachment, far fewer than the number needed, GOP sources say.

A two-thirds majority vote would be necessary for a conviction, something that would require at least 17 GOP votes if every Democrat votes to convict Trump.

Senators say a few things have moved in Trump’s favor.

One significant development is that Trump decided not to pardon any of the individuals charged with taking part in the Capitol riot, which would have lost him more Republican support.

I thought if he pardoned people who had been part of this invasion of the Capitol, that would have pushed the number higher because that would have said, These are my guys, said one Republican senator, who requested anonymity to speak about how GOP senators are likely to vote.

GOP senators are also worried about a political backlash from the former presidents fervent supporters.

I do think his supporters would be very upset, the lawmaker said.

At the same time, this lawmaker warned of the dangers of the party being too beholden to Trump.

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