Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Vote For Trump On Super Tuesday

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The Latest On Vote By Mail

Super Tuesday was a good day for Trump: RNC spokeswoman
  • President Donald Trump continued to talk and about vote by mail, claiming without proof that it would lead to massive fraud and abuse. This week, a public records request revealed that Trump originally tried to register to vote in Florida, claiming his legal residence was in Washington, D.C.
  • Attorney General William Barr said in a New York Times Magazine interview that one of the issues that Im real worried about is a foreign operation to mail in fake ballots. Experts say thats virtually impossible.
  • A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that half of Republicans were confident their mail ballot would be counted, compared with three-quarters of Democrats. Overall, nearly 60% of Americans think their state should expand mail voting.
  • Some Republican officials and strategists worry that the presidents attacks on vote by mail could hurt GOP candidates.
  • Mail ballot signature requirements vary by state, as some require a witness signature or notarization in addition to the voters signature.
  • I can tell you porch pirates arent stealing my absentee ballot. Theyre stealing my Amazon package hoping theres something good in there, said Nancy Miller, political science professor at the University of Dayton.

Judge Allows Polling Locations In Nashville To Stay Open Later After Devastating Tornadoes

The Tennessee Democratic Party said a judge had allowed all Nashville polling sites to stay open for an additional hour, until 9 p.m. ET. A lawsuit was filed earlier Tuesday seeking to extend the hours in Davidson County after it was hit by deadly tornadoes overnight.

Additionally, five “super sites” will stay open until 11 p.m. ET. Polls in Tennessee were set to close at 8 p.m. ET.

The state party called the extension of voting hours a “victory for voters.”

A victory for voters – Judge says all polling sites in Nashville can remain open until 8 pm CT & 5 “super sites” will remain open until 10 pm: Cleveland Community, Pearl Cohn, Donelson Presbyterian, Howard School, & Davidson County Election Commission.

TN Democratic Party

Why Does Super Tuesday Matter

It’s all about the delegates.

Let’s say Candidate A gets the most support in one state. Candidate B does OK, but not as well. Candidate A is then awarded the most delegates, and Candidate B fewer. The number of delegates available differs in each state.

Later in the summer, those delegates will then vote for their candidate to become the Democratic nominee. The target for any candidate is to reach an unbeatable majority of 1,990 delegates.

This is where Super Tuesday comes in.

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Up to now, only 155 delegates have been awarded in four states. On Super Tuesday, a massive 1,357 delegates will be distributed, and 14 states are voting. The two most populous, California and Texas, will take part – the former for the first time on Super Tuesday.

Here’s what is at stake in each state – the smallest to the largest – with some bonus nuggets of trivia thrown in.

Who will do best? A no-brainer: Bernie Sanders. He is one of the state’s senators, after all.

Who could do well? Honestly? There’s a chance no-one except Sanders will cross the 15% threshold of votes and get any delegates. He is extremely popular in his home state and won the 2016 primary here with 86% of the vote . We could see the first results from here at about 19:00 local time .

State bird? Hermit thrush

State animal? Moose

Who will do best? Clue: his name is an anagram of Desire Banners. Sanders won here convincingly in 2016.

State gem? Topaz

State beverage? Milk

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Nbc News Exit Poll: Black Democrats In North Carolina Want A Return To Obama

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Black voters in todays North Carolina Democratic primary want the next president to return to Barack Obamas policies, early results from the NBC New Exit Poll show.

About 1 in 10 primary voters in both groups think the next president should change to more conservative policies.

Sanders Campaign Files Complaint To Keep Polls Open

Super Tuesday March 1st Latest Polls and Analysis: Trump to take 350 ...

The Sanders campaign has filed a complaint U.S. District Court for the Central District of California requesting that polls in Los Angeles County remain open past 8 p.m. PT. The campaign is filing the complaint “to ensure that Los Angeles County voters can exercise their constitutional right to vote.”

Multiple polling locations in Los Angeles have experienced “extreme” wait times, according to the complaint, “including wait times up to four hours to cast a ballot.”

Polls closed at 8 p.m. PT, 11 p.m. ET, with the state leaning toward Sanders.

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Nbc News Exit Poll: Biden Favored By Voters Who Prioritize Beating Trump Issue Voters Back Sanders

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Six in 10 voters in todays Democratic presidential primaries care most about nominating a candidate who can beat Donald Trump in November, according to the NBC News Exit Poll conducted in 12 of 14 Super Tuesday states across the country. These voters favor Joe Biden over his more liberal rival Bernie Sanders by a margin of 36 percent to 25 percent.

Super Tuesday: Biden Sweeps South Wins Texas But California Leans Toward Sanders

Joe Biden has plenty of reasons to smile about his performance on Super Tuesday. CBS News projects he picked up wins in Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas and Maine. CBS News projects Bernie Sanders will win Colorado, Utah and his home state of Vermont.

Texas, with 228 delegates at stake, was second only to California, which had 415.

Biden’s win in Massachusetts was a blow to Elizabeth Warren, who came in third in her home state.

Mike Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard got their first delegate wins in the American Samoa caucuses. Bloomberg was awarded four delegates and Gabbard one.

More than 1,300 delegates were up for grabs in all over 30% of all the pledged delegates available making Tuesday one of the most important days of the primary season. Only 155 delegates were awarded in the first four voting contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

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When Will We Know Results

With the exception of a single caucus in American Samoa, the rest of the Super Tuesday states are holding primaries, meaning they should be able to avoid the problems that led to reporting delays after caucuses in Iowa and Nevada.

But with so many states voting, the full picture of Super Tuesday results could still take days to emerge.

Several states in the Eastern time zone will be the first to close their polls on Tuesday at 7 p.m. EST . Results should start to trickle in soon afterward, although it will likely take hours for all the votes to be tabulated and winners declared.

Californias polls close last at 8 p.m. Pacific time . In 2016, because the race was so close, it took a month for California Democratic officials to count all of the votes and declare Hillary Clinton the winner over Sanders.

State officials are hoping that even with a tight race and bigger field this year, the Democratic nominating battle is settled more quickly. If the margins are close, California could take a while to reach a conclusion as it waits to count absentee ballots postmarked by Super Tuesday.

Reporting by Ginger Gibson Editing by Colleen Jenkins, Jonathan Oatis and Lisa Shumaker

In Minnesota Disappointed Klobuchar Supporters Reassess The Field

Dem voters: Bernie Sanders Can Beat Trump And ‘Republican Decoy’ Bloomberg | MSNBC

ST. PAUL, Minn. The day after their home-state senator ended her presidential bid, many Minnesotans said they were scrambling to reassess the field as they headed to the polls on Super Tuesday.

John Berg, a 43-year-old Lutheran pastor from Woodbury, said he had planned to vote for Klobuchar because he thought she was the best match to take on Republican President Donald Trump in a general election. But when she announced Monday she would end her campaign, Berg said he decided to instead support U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

I thought Amy had a better chance of beating Trump, he said Tuesday after casting his ballot. But I like Elizabeths policies.

Klobuchars exit could leave as much as a third of the states Democratic primary electorate up for grabs, recent polling suggests.

A Star Tribune/MPR News Minnesota Poll conducted Feb. 17-20 showed Klobuchar leading the field with 29% to U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders 23%. And Klobuchars communications director, Tim Hogan, tweeted Monday that the campaigns internal polling pegged her support at 32% over Sanders at 19%.

Brianne Pfannenstiel

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What Are This Years Super Tuesday States

Thirteen U.S. states and one American territory will hold primaries or caucuses on Tuesday.

In the vast majority of the Super Tuesday states, both Republican and Democratic elections will be taking place. Those elections are:

The contests taking place exclusively on the Democratic side are the American Samoa caucus and the primary for Democrats living abroad. In Alaska and Wyoming, which are hosting caucuses, only Republicans will vote.

Nbc News Exit Poll: Bloomberg Peeling Off About 1 In 6 Moderate Democratic Voters

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

With both Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar suspending their campaigns, Joe Biden and Mike Bloomberg are left vying for moderate Democrats in the Super Tuesday contests.

According to early results from the NBC News Exit Poll, this contest within the contest is not particularly close as Biden has a 21-point lead over Bloomberg among moderate or conservative Democratic primary voters across the 12 Super Tuesday states that were polled. At present Bloomberg is even polling slightly behind Bernie Sanders among moderate and conservative Democrats.

While controversy over stop-and-frisk policing and his conduct toward women in the workplace have dogged Bloomberg, his level of support among women versus men, and black voters versus white voters, are very similar. According to the early results from the NBC News Exit Poll in 12 Super Tuesday states, Bloomberg is bringing in about 11 to 14 percent of voters regardless of race or sex.

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Nbc News Exit Poll: Late

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Joe Biden is garnering nearly half the support of Democrats who picked a candidate in just the last few days before Super Tuesday, according to early results from the NBC News Exit Poll conducted in 12 of the 14 Super Tuesday states.

Riding a wave of endorsements from former rivals and his landslide victory in Saturdays South Carolina primary, Biden was favored by 47 percent of Super Tuesday voters who said they picked a candidate in the last few days. He left Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Mike Bloomberg far behind with these late-deciding voters.

Late-deciding voters made up more than a quarter of the Super Tuesday electorate, exit poll results show.

Nbc News Exit Poll: Moderate And Older Democratic Voters Boost Biden In Oklahoma Primary

Super Tuesday, from Donald Trump

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Voters who want to unite the country and return to former President Barack Obama’s policies propelled Joe Biden to a projected victory in the Oklahoma Democratic primary, according to results from the NBC News Exit Poll.

Biden beat Bernie Sanders, the second-place finisher, among both men and women, white voters and non-white voters, and voters age 45 and older. Biden also did well with moderates, securing 46 percent of their votes.

And Biden had significant support among voters who placed importance on a candidate who can unite the country, those seeking a return to Obama’s policies and those who consider health care their top issue.

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Nbc News Exit Poll: Voters Split On If They Prefer Return To Obama Era Versus More Liberal Policies

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Former President Barack Obama may be deeply popular with rank and file Democrats, but Super Tuesday voters today are divided over whether theyd like to see a return to the former presidents policies or if they instead prefer policies that are even more liberal.

According to the NBC News Exit Poll conducted in 12 of the 14 Super Tuesday states, 44 percent of Democratic voters across the country would like the next president to return to Obamas policies. Thats just slightly ahead of the 38 percent of voters who prefer more liberal policies. Reflecting the liberal tilt of the Democratic primary electorate, just 11 percent want to change to more conservative policies.

Results reported here reflect data combined from NBC News Exit Poll surveys conducted in 12 of the 14 states holding Democratic presidential primaries on Super Tuesday . Results are weighted to reflect differences in the sizes of state electorates.

Nbc News Exit Poll: Bloomberg Voters Like Biden Lukewarm On Warren Sour On Sanders

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Amid that Mike Bloomberg consider dropping out in the wake of his disappointing results in today’s primaries, results from the NBC News Exit Poll suggest that Joe Biden could enjoy a strong advantage among the former New York mayor’s supporters.

Bloomberg voters in three states California, Colorado and Virginia were asked their opinions of the three other major candidates in the race. Only Biden is viewed favorably by a majority of Bloomberg voters: They give him 71 percent favorable and 23 percent unfavorable ratings. Elizabeth Warren is perceived favorably by a slim margin by Bloomberg voters, at 46 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable. And Bernie Sanders is highly disliked by Bloomberg’s supporters: 38 percent favorable and 57 percent unfavorable.

In polls conducted in 12 of the 14 Super Tuesday states, nearly 1 in 5 Bloomberg voters said they could not guarantee that they would support the Democratic nominee in November regardless of who it is.

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Super Tuesday Voting Machine Risks

While all fingers are crossed for a smooth electoral process, some Super Tuesday states are using machines with a higher likelihood of issues.

These can include new machines getting the kinks worked out for the first time in a primary, old machines known for glitches, and machines with no paper trail if something goes wrong. Without a paper trail, the only way to check is by running a test on the messed-up machine.

Thirty-nine counties in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Texas will use the ES& S iVotronic, a first-generation touchscreen device prone to having an issue where the voter touches one candidate but the screen registers a different candidate. In the past confused voters have uploaded videos of it happening, leading to viral claims of vote flipping.

Nearly half the counties In Tennessee will use the MicroVote Infinity, an ancient push-button machine with security issues and no paper trail.

Six counties across the country in California, Tennessee, Texas, Utah will use the Dominion AccuVote TSX, which has been thoroughly hacked by researchers and its source code posted online. Hackers have made it run video games like Pacman and DOOM. Some counties using it have a paper trail, some dont. Counties that have it tend to use it as an accessibility device, not as the primary means of voting.

Other places and issues:




Nearly 40 percent of Texans are voting on touchscreens with no paper trail.



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US Super Tuesday | Update on Democrats elections

Also still in the race is Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, despite having yet to come close to the required threshold needed to pick up any delegates.

But its possible that changes on Super Tuesday, since the one territory holding a contest Tuesday is also her birthplace. Gabbard, the last candidate of color in the race and now the youngest as well, was born in Leloaloa, American Samoa.

The territorys caucus will award six delegates on Tuesday.

This report was featured in the Tuesday, March 3, 2020, episode of Start Here, ABC News daily news podcast.

“Start Here” offers a straightforward look at the day’s top stories in 20 minutes. Listen for free every weekday on Apple Podcasts, , Spotify, the ABC News app or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Nbc News Exit Poll: Biden’s Support Among Black Voters Weaker Outside South

NBC News Exit Poll Desk

Joe Biden is performing well among black voters on Super Tuesday in the Southern states of Alabama, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, just as he did in Saturday’s South Carolina primary, according to results from the NBC News Exit Poll. About 62 percent of black voters in these states support Biden, while 18 percent of black voters in these states support Bernie Sanders.

Outside of these states, however, support for Biden among black voters is weaker. In California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota and Vermont, black voters are about half as likely as those in the South to support Biden.

In addition to this regional divide among black voters, there is a division by age. Black voters under 45 are about three times as likely to support Sanders than those 45 and over. Older black voters are nearly 30 percentage points more likely to support Biden than Sanders.

George Conway Donates Maximum To Joe Biden

An unlikely donor answered Biden’s call for campaign cash tonight. George Conway, the husband of one of President Trump’s top aides, Kellyanne Conway, sent the maximum donation allowed to Biden for President, $2,800. He tweeted the receipt, which read, “Thank you for your contribution in support of Joe Biden!”

George Conway

The president and Conway have been exchanging insults over Twitter since early in Mr. Trump’s presidency. Conway has tweeted that Mr. Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. The president generally responds to Conway’s insults by calling him “a total loser.”


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