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Will Trump Win In 2020 Astrology

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Will Trump Win In 2020

Pollster who predicted Trump’s 2016 win makes 2020 prediction

One important astrological fact that might give us some insight into who could win is Mr Trumps Life Path number.

Your life path number is your personal numerology, worked out by adding up the numbers of your birth date.

Your life path number is a bit like your star sign, because it is supposed to tell you about your personality and destiny.

This number represents who you are deep down, and is the person you are spending this lifetime learning to become.

Your life path number is done by adding up the digits in your birth date and reducing them in a specific way.

Born on June 14, 1946 so Trump is a life path 22, Francesca revealed.


Francesca said: Donald Trump is a life path 22, so do not underestimate him.

He has a strong instinct do not misjudge him.

I think he might win, based on the fact that 2020 is a life path 22 year hes in his element right now.

Lots of people didnt think hed even get in in the first place and he did.

“We shouldn’t underestimate his ability to do it again.

Piers Morgan spoke to Mr Trump over the weekend and Tweeted to let everyone know how confident Mr Trump is that he’ll remain in his position.

The Tweet read: “Just had a 25-minute chat on the phone with President @realDonaldTrump from the White House. His last words? Piers, Im going to win.”

On top of Trumps personal numerology, the planets seem to indicate chaos.

Mercury seems to be stationing direct on the day after the election, on November 4.

The Astrologer Who Called The Election On Tiktok Shares Whats Next For 2020

TikToks go-to astrologer, Maren Altman, unpacks the Biden-Harris win, whats in store for Melania Trump, and why Capricorns are scarier than Scorpios.

With Millennials gravitating toward apps like CoStar and The Pattern to ascribe meaning to the latter half of a decade that feels like its spinning off its axisor just to check to see whether Mercury is still in retrogradeastrology might be one of the defining trends of the 2010s. As such, its fitting that the 2020 elections most accurate forecasting didnt come from political pundits or polls, but from TikToks most prolific astrologer, Maren Altman.

Admittedly, suspecting that Joe Biden would win the presidency and Donald Trump would refuse to leave office is hardly groundbreaking. However, with her eerily accurate interpretations of the timing of worldevents and readings of Ben Shapiros and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs charts, not to mention hilarious astrology hot takes, its easy to see how Altman has garnered half a million subscribers. An NYU alumni and graduate student in philosophy, Altman has fostered a love of astrology since she was a toddler.

What spurred the choice to start making TikTok videos about politics? Obviously, you didnt know it would turn into a viral sensation.

You called the Biden win, youve worked out how Trumps going to cause difficulty when leaving officewhat exactly did you see in their charts that led you to those conclusions?

Whats your favorite astrological unpopular opinion?

Speaking To A Psychic: Concerns And Guidelines

Lets begin by finding out the terms. Best Queen Of Cups Meaning

Fortune-telling is called diagnostics. Chicago Sun Times Horoscope Today

A lot of specialists will discover it offending if you call them fortune-tellers.

Layout is a combination of cards or runes , which is set out to identify a certain circumstance.

Mantica, mantic system is a system by which predictions are made: tarot, oracle, runes, etc.So, you are going to contact the diagnostician for the alignment. Aries and Aries compatibility

Recognize for yourself the issues that concern you and clearly formulate the questions. Prepare photos of those you are going to ask about.

If you are extremely careful or there is no image, then absolutely nothing horrible will occur. You can perform diagnostics simply utilizing names.

I will give a small list, question/name of the main topics for diagnosis:

Do not likewise ignore the existence of layouts for the presence of a generic unfavorable, which can affect a lot.

Obviously, these are far from all types of diagnostics, however I explained the concept.

It is worth remembering that the future is more than a year ahead. It does not make much sense to look, a lot of variables are included, and the forecast may alter.

Together with the main layout, you can ask extra concerns on the selected topic.

It is tough for a diagnostician to read huge sheets as he generally has a great deal of work, individuals, and scenarios.

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What Do The Stars Have To Say About Election Day

The human nervous system can only endure so much, so were chiming in with our planet-powered perspective on the polls.

Lets start with a civic disclaimer: Ultimately, citizens should feel confident enough in their countrys political process and leadership that they can afford to ignore astrology.

Thats not a dis to our profession. True astrology is anything but a pseudoscience. And if the leader of the free world can pivot from entertainment to politics, why cant we?

But lets read the tea leaves: The passengers on this vehicle are so anxious, so car sick from all the sharp turns, theyll do anything to quell their nerves. Astrology helps them get through the moment. It makes sense of the ludicrous reality were living in, gives us hope at times of uncertainty.

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We understand.

The human nervous system can only endure so much. So were chiming in with our planet-powered perspective on the polls.

The human nervous system can only endure so much. So were chiming in with our planet-powered perspective on the polls.

Spoiler: Theres a cosmic case that could favor a win for both Biden and Trump, outlined below. This doesnt disprove or discredit astrology. But it certainly underscores the #itscomplicated hashtag thats colored the new decade.

Whether you believe in astrology or not, heres a quick daily horoscope for every zodiac sign: VOTE!

Here are the key points and prophecies that will help you survive Election Season 2020

What Are Psychic Readings Queen Of Cups Meaning

Will Donald Trump win the 2020 presidential election according to ...

Fortune-telling is an uncommon method of looking into the future. There are lots of techniques for Psychic Readings.Tarot Psychic Readings

Each has a history. Ask any of us, and we will instantly name a couple of fortune-telling. For someone, fortune-telling is entertainment, a type of video game, but for somebody, the meaning of life.

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Speaking To A Psychic: Concerns And Rules

Lets start by learning the terms. Best The High Priestess

Fortune-telling is called diagnostics. Horoscope Compatibility Birthday

A lot of practitioners will discover it offending if you call them fortune-tellers.

Design is a combination of cards or runes , which is laid out to diagnose a specific scenario.

Mantica, mantic system is a system by which forecasts are made: tarot, oracle, runes, etc.So, you are going to get in touch with the diagnostician for the alignment. Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility

Determine on your own the issues that worry you and plainly create the questions. Prepare images of those you are going to ask about.

If you are extremely mindful or there is no image, then nothing terrible will occur. You can carry out diagnostics just using names.

I will give a small list, question/name of the primary topics for diagnosis:

Do not also forget the existence of layouts for the existence of a generic unfavorable, which can impact a lot.

Naturally, these are far from all types of diagnostics, but I described the principle.

It deserves keeping in mind that the future is more than a year ahead. It does not make much sense to look, too many variables are involved, and the projection might alter.

Together with the main layout, you can ask additional concerns on the chosen topic.

There are unique short reveal layouts if you do not need detailed diagnostics but need to ask a brief question. Horoscope Compatibility Birthday

Astrology Horoscope Compatibility Birthday

Projections using astrology are all kinds of horoscopes. The most individual approach to a persons future is a natal chart, it takes into account the place and time of an individuals birth, and on the basis of these information, it gives more precise information than other horoscopes about the possibility of particular situations in your life.

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Palm Readings Besttarot Psychic Readings

Palmistry forecasts in the palm of your hand. It is believed that the palms reflect the life and fate of their owner. To learn this technique of fortune-telling, it is required to learn to distinguish and understand the shapes of the lines, their length, location with other lines. To become an expert in palmistry, you require to have

persistence and perseverance.

Comparable to this strategy is such a type of fortune-telling as physiognomy face prediction. It is thought that by the functions of the face, in addition to by the lines on the palm, one can read the fate of a person. This species is rooted in ancient China. The Chinese physiognomists established and spread out the doctrine of the art of face reading throughout the world. Tarot Psychic Readings

About The President Donal Trump

Americans react as Joe Biden wins presidency

Donald Trump is the President of USA which everyone knows till now. He has been elected and have been keeping control of his country in his own ways. People have seen hi and his work for the country but recently several things has been hitting up the President where he fears to lose control over his system. We all are well aware about the background of the President where he was first a business tycoon and then enetered into Politics and soon became the President of United States. Doesn’t matter from where he came but all matters is how he made himself and then got elected as President for the country which is a great acheivement and big thing in itself.

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What Astrology Tells Us To Expect From The 2020 Election

One thing is for sure: According to the stars, this will be one of most unpredictable elections in history.

As an astrologer, the number one question Ive been asked in 2020 is: Who will win the upcoming Presidential Election? Now, Im an astrologer, not a psychic. But there is a branch of astrologycalled mundane astrologythat can be used to find answers about whats to come by studying the celestial transits that will take place on a specific day. So when it comes to the election, by looking ahead to November 3 while also taking a look at the birth charts of each candidate, astrologers like me can start to glean some clues as to what the future for this country might hold.

But while the stars can usually lend us some major insight to help us answer quandaries like this, let me go ahead and say that the only thing I know for certain is that this election is sure to be wella doozy, thanks to a particularly frenetic celestial vibe. And having said that, its also important to state that as an astrologer, its part of my job to remain neutral at all times while making judgements on mundane cosmic energies. Im here to interpret the cosmos without a tilted perspectiveand to explain the energies at play.

In other words? A spoiler alert: I cant tell you who is going to win the 2020 election. But thanks to astrology, I can give you some insight into what to expectand how things might feel for all of us, according to the stars.

Wrong Number Hai Ye: Twitterati Troll Astrologer Who Predicted Victory For Donald Trump

Finally, four days after the drama during the race for White House, Democratic Party US Presidential candidate Joe Biden was declared as the President-Elect on Saturday.

He was projected as the President after victory in the battleground state of Pennsylvania which took him past the electoral college threshold of 270 votes. The Democratic presidential candidate defeated President Donald Trump in a closely contested election and will be the 46th president of the United States.

Meanwhile, the Indian astrologer Dr Shankar Charan Tripathi who had predicted victory for Donald Trump is being trolled on social media.

Former RJD spokesperson and astrologer Dr Shankar Charan Tripathi had stated that Trump has will win the election as he has favourable planets in his horoscope .

On October 29, BJP spokesperson Avadhut Wagh had shared the horoscope of Trump.

Now that the results are out, people have started trolling the BJP leader as well as the astrologer. Check out the reactions here.

Let us know!

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What Would Donald Trump Bring To The Next Four Years Eight Of Coins

Trump would stick to his guns and keep grafting to bring about the policy changes supporting his America-first agenda.

The Eight of Coins is a grafting card, representing hard work and someone who is already a long way down their path, but still has further to go.

Donald is looking to leave a legacy, one which cannot be undone.

And he knows he needs this next term to do that. He feels resolute and ready to take this task on.

Former Vice President Joe Biden

Will trump win

Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 at 8:30 a.m. in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The Vice President was born during the Waxing Full Moon in Taurus the Moon was in orbit to reach its exact luminescence, which would occur two days later. This means that he has juxtaposing energies blended into his chart, due to his Sun and Moon opposition.

Being born under a Taurus Full Moon implies that Vice President Biden is a stubborn person who wont change his ideology. His Taurus Moon aligns with the fixed star Mirach, which brings a pleasant demeanor to his astrological chart. The Sun in Scorpio, meanwhile, denotes a powerful force who can at times be a little rough around the edges. However, based on his passionate Scorpio Sun, he finds resolve in practicality and facts, which are based on an intuitive hunch.

Biden has a Sagittarius ascendent, which makes his Midheaventhe house in a birth chart that denotes public affairs and careerruled by Virgo. This places transiting Neptune in opposition to his Midheaven. Neptune is a planet known to add confusion to the mix of ones energy. Theres a lot thats brewing beneath the surface here, but mostly, its relating to the fact that, based on his birth chart, his beliefs seem unwavering.

The transiting Nodes of Destiny are activating Bidens Midheaven. This means that theres a lot of action in his career right now. The cosmos are shaking things up and awakening his chart, pushing him to embrace his destiny and fate in this lifetime.

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Lichtman’s 13 Keys To The White House:

  • Party mandate: After the midterm elections the incumbent party holds more seats in the US House of Representatives than it did after the previous midterm elections.
  • Contest: The candidate is nominated on the first ballot and wins at least two-thirds of the delegate votes.
  • Incumbency: The sitting president is the party candidate.
  • Third party: A third-party candidate wins at least 5 percent of the popular vote.
  • Short-term economy: The National Bureau of Economic Research has either not declared a recession, or has declared it over prior to the election.
  • Long-term economy: Real per-capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds the mean growth during the previous two terms.
  • Policy change: The administration achieves a major policy change during the term comparable to the New Deal or the first-term Reagan Revolution.
  • Social unrest: There is no social unrest during the term that is comparable to the upheavals of the post-civil war Reconstruction or of the 1960s, and is sustained or raises deep concerns about the unraveling of society.
  • Scandal: There is no broad recognition of a scandal that directly touches upon the president
  • Foreign or military failure: There is no major failure during the term comparable to Pearl Harbor or the Iran hostage crisis that appears to significantly undermine America’s national interests or threaten its standing in the world.
  • – Source: Allan J. Lichtman, The Thirteen Keys to the Presidency

    Will Trump Win 2020 Astrology An Astrological View

    2020 astrology

    Astrology has a serious impact on anyones life. Not only for the people, but it plays a vital role in the destiny of the country as well. For now, the serious talk of the people all around the world is about the next president in the US. Amid the fast-growing coronavirus pandemic situation, the presidential election is a crucial talk in the country. 538 members of the US Electoral College are gathering in the capital to choose the winner in the presidential election. This being the hot topic of the recent time, here is what astrological predictions are. Continue reading to know the ruler from the perspective of 2020 astrology.

    Life of US President Trump:

    Donald Trump is the current president of the US and is the 45th president. He took charge of the office on 20th January 2017. Formerly a real estate mogul and a television celebrity, he was known as the best developer by the way he opened the Grand Hyatt New York. He went into the reality series on NBC and became a star later he turned his attention towards politics. He has announced his candidacy for president of the US on the republican ticket. Then he became the official republican for the president and he was elected as the president of the US.

    US political scenario:

    Horoscope of Donald Trump:

    The bottom line

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    Palm Readings Bestfree Spiritual Reading By Phone

    To learn this method of fortune-telling, it is necessary to discover to distinguish and comprehend the shapes of the lines, their length, place with other lines. To become an expert in palmistry, you need to have persistence and determination.

    Similar to this method is such a type of fortune-telling as physiognomy face prediction. The Chinese physiognomists established and spread the teaching of the art of face reading throughout the world. Free Spiritual Reading By Phone

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