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Which Senate Republicans Voted Against The Wall

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Senate Again Votes To End Trump Emergency Declaration On Border Wall

Senate Republicans vote against Trumps border emergency | Nine News Australia

The Senate again voted on Wednesday to end President TrumpDonald TrumpFormer Sen. Heller to run for Nevada governorOvernight Defense & National Security Milley becomes lightning rodJoint Chiefs Chairman Milley becomes lightning rod on rightMOREs emergency declaration on the U.S.-Mexico border wall, paving the way for a veto showdown with the White House.

Senators voted 5441;on a resolution to end the declaration, which Trump used to shift billions of dollars from the military toward wall construction.

Under the National Emergencies Act, a resolution ending the declaration needed only a simple majority to clear the Senate, making it likely to be approved.;But underscoring the broad swath of concern about Trumps actions among the Senate GOP caucus, 11 Republican senators voted to nix the declaration.

Roger Frederick WickerTop Republican: General told senators he opposed Afghanistan withdrawalNY Democrat tests positive for COVID-19 in latest House breakthrough caseFlorida Democrat becomes latest breakthrough COVID-19 case in HouseMORE voted to end the president’s declaration.;

Democrats have seized on the administrations decision to shift money away from military construction projects as a way to politically box in Republicans by forcing them to decide between breaking with Trump or voting to allow money to be shifted away from projects in their own states.

Same way I voted last time. How would I square voting differently? Cornyn asked.

Eleven Gop Senators Vote Against National Emergency Border Wall

Eleven GOP senators voted to cancel President Donald Trumps declaration of a national border emergency and his subsequent transfer of agency funding to build the border wall.

This 54 to 41 vote was not about the border wall, but whether the Congress of the United States of America should yield its constitutionally prescribed power of the purse to the President, said Maine GOP Sen. Susan Collins.

The answer to that question, regardless of who is in the White House should be no, Collins continued. Congress alone is empowered by the constitution to adopt laws directing money from the U.S. Treasury.

The president stole the money, and I will not stand for that, said Vermont Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy. The president took the funding from other projects, such as the replacement of older schools at military bases, said Leahy, who is the top Democrat on the appropriations panel.

Senators should vote against the resolution because there is no Earthly reason why Democrats would force us to have one or the other, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell .

The joint resolution is passed, Utah Sen. Mitt Romney announced from the Senates chair.

The 11 GOP senators who voted against the emergency and the wall included Collins, Romney, retiring Sen. Lamar Alexander , along with Sens. Roy Blunt , Mike Lee , Jerry Moran , Lisa Murkowski , Rand Paul , Rob Portman , Pat Toomey , and Roger Wicker .

Several GOP senators declined to vote.

Y Leaders Including Mcconnell And Trump Had Urged Colleagues To Reject Proposal

WASHINGTONSenate Republicans blocked the creation of a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, after GOP leaders urged colleagues to reject it.

The bill needed 60 votes to advance in the evenly divided Senate, thanks to the chambers longstanding filibuster rule. That means 10 Republicans would have had to vote with all 50 members of the Democratic caucus to allow the bill to proceed. Only six did, and the legislation fell short, with 54 votes in favor, 35 against and 11 senators not voting.

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Senate Again Rejects Trumps Border Emergency But Falls Short Of A Veto

By Emily Cochrane

WASHINGTON The Senate voted on Wednesday for a second time to terminate the national emergency that President Trump declared at the southwestern border, in a bipartisan rejection of Mr. Trumps bid to build a wall without congressional approval.

But the 54-to-41 vote, in which 11 Republicans joined Democrats to break with the president over his signature domestic priority, fell short of the margin that would be needed to overcome a presidential veto, ensuring that Mr. Trump would be able to continue to redirect military funding to build a barrier on the southwestern border.

The tally was nearly identical to the result of a vote in March, when Congress first sought to block the national emergency declaration and a dozen Republicans joined all Democrats present for the vote. Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, who voted in March to overturn the emergency declaration, did not vote on Wednesday. Mr. Rubio had a previously scheduled family matter to attend to, but would have voted again to reject the emergency declaration, his office said.

Heightening the political tension around the vote, the Pentagon this month unveiled a list of military construction projects that would be delayed as a result of the national emergency declaration. The vote in March, Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the minority leader, noted on Tuesday, was before the Republicans knew which projects in their own states were at issue.

Here Are The Republicans Who Objected To Certifying The Election Results

Has Mitch turned against the wall? He warns Trump GOP may ...

By Jenny Gross and Luke Broadwater

Even after a mob of Trump supporters swarmed and entered the Capitol on Wednesday, a handful of Republican senators and more than 100 Republican representatives stood by their decisions to vote against certifying the results of the presidential election.

Congress certified the election of Joseph R. Biden Jr. early Thursday, ending attempts to overturn the results in two states. Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri, Ted Cruz of Texas, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi, Roger Marshall of Kansas and John Kennedy of Louisiana voted to overturn the results in Arizona, while 93 senators voted against. Mr. Hawley, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Tuberville, Ms. Hyde-Smith, Mr. Marshall and Senators Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming and Rick Scott of Florida voted to overturn the results in Pennsylvania, while 92 voted against it.

The House rejected the Arizona challenge by a vote of 303 to 121 and rejected the Pennsylvania challenge by a vote of 282 to 138.

Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington also condemned the actions of the mob of Trump loyalists and said she would no longer vote against the vote certifications.

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Sen Jerry Moran Of Kansas

Moran, a member of Senate Appropriations,; shortly before Thursdays vote that he would support the resolution. I share President Trumps goal of securing our borders, but expanding the powers of the presidency beyond its constitutional limits is something I cannot support, he tweeted.; also attached photos of his handwritten notes outlining his position. Hes up for;a third term;in 2022.

Senate Unanimously Votes Against Defunding The Police

The Senate early Wednesday unanimously approved an amendment to its proposed budget that opposed defunding the police.

The amendment, offered by Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville, came during the Senates overnight vote-a-rama, a marathon session during consideration of Democrats $3.5 trillion budget where members can offer unlimited amendments. While the votes are non-binding, they can sometimes be politically tricky for senators as their colleagues force on-the-record positions on contentious issues.

My amendment is pretty simple, Tuberville said on the Senate floor. If your city council wants to defund their police, dont expect the federal government to make up the difference.

It was adopted 99-0. New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker praised Tubervilles amendment, joking that senators should also declare their support for God, country and apple pie.

Sen. Cory Booker, walks to the Senate Chamber during Tuesdays infrastructure vote

After midnight, 95 senators again signed on to an amendment from Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley that provided federal funds to hire 100,000 new police officers nationwide, urging his colleagues to go beyond just stating their opposition to defunding the police.

I recognize that my friends across the aisle said they dont want to defund the police, Hawley said. Thats outstanding. Lets go a step further. Lets fund them.;

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Trumps First Presidential Veto

The bill will go to the White House, where Trump has said earlier that he will veto it, making this the first time that hes refused to sign a bill passed by both sides of Congress.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee said Thursday afternoon she wasnt sure when that would be, but within twenty minutes of the Senate vote, Trump had indicated he had not changed his mind:

Thom Tillis North Carolina

Senator Tillis to vote against emergency declaration

Sen. Tom Tillis is the other senator up for re-election in 2020 who has said he will vote to block Trumps emergency declaration. ;

“As a U.S. senator, I cannot justify providing the executive with more ways to bypass Congress,” Tillis wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post. “As a conservative, I cannot endorse a precedent that I know future left-wing presidents;will exploit to advance radical policies that will erode economic and individual freedoms.”

Contributing: Deborah Barfield Berry, Michael Collins and John Fritze, USA TODAY; The Associated Press;

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Veto Overrides Are Rare

Trumps veto will send the bill back to Congress. For Trumps emergency declaration to be permanently blocked, two-thirds of the members of both chambers of Congress need to vote to override the veto, or 290 members of the House and 67 members of the Senate.

In this case, the House will need to pick up 45 more Republican votes and the Senate another 8 to veto the bill, which is politically unlikely, because it would mean a huge number of elected politicians in states that Trump won in 2016 turning their back on the president.

Overriding a presidential veto has only happened 111 times in American history, as congressional reporter Chad Pergram points out:

Republicans Help Democrats Vote Against Trump’s Wall Funding Grab

The House voted Tuesday to revoke the national emergency President Trump declared in order to spend federal money to build a physical barrier on the southern border without congressional approval.

The joint resolution passed 245-182 with the help of 13 Republican votes. It now heads to the Senate, where many lawmakers predict it will pass with the help of at least four Republicans who oppose Trumps emergency declaration.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the Senate would vote on the measure by mid-March.

Trump has vowed to issue the first veto of his presidency if the resolution reaches his desk, and the House vote indicates there are not enough votes to override his veto. Democrats would need to find 290 votes to override Trump, 45 short of the total seen Tuesday.

The 13 Republicans voting with Democrats were Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Mike Gallager of Wisconsin, Jaime Hererra Beutler of Washington, Will Hurd of Texas, Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, Francis Rooney of Florida, Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Elise Stefanik of New York, Fred Upton of Michigan and Greg Walden of Oregon.

Trump’s emergency declaration announcement came days after Congress appropriated $1.375 billion to erect physical barriers in the Rio Grande Valley. The money fell far short of the $5.7 billion Trump had been requesting.

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Congress Votes To Reverse Trumps Declaration On Border Wall

US Congress rejects Trumps emergency declaration to spend $8bn to build a wall along its border with Mexico.

Washington, DC The US Senate has voted 59-41 to reverse President Donald Trumps emergency declaration to spend $8bn to build a wall on its border with Mexico.

The vote on Thursday set up the first veto showdown of Trumps presidency and a major political issue for the 2020 election.

Despite last minute personal appeals from Trump and a White House lobbying campaign, 12 Republicans broke with the president to join the Democrats in voting against the wall.

The margin, however, fell short of what would be needed to override a Trump veto which the US president is likely to do, according to his tweet sent a few minutes after the Senate decision.


Donald J. Trump

Building a wall to stop migration from Mexico was Trumps signature campaign issue during his presidential election campaign in 2016. It was also at the core of the constitutional standoff between Trump and Congress that led to a 35-day government shutdown earlier this year.

The presidents emergency declaration is an end run around Congress, plain and simple, said Senator Tom Udall, a Democrat from New Mexico, one of four US states that border Mexico.

I am here to tell you there is no national security emergency along the border in New Mexico.;

Democrats challenge Trumps state of emergency move over wall
Trumps US-Mexico border policies under fire in Congress

Another Republican Opposes Trump Funding Border Wall With Emergency Declaration

Republican Senators Say They Will Not Vote to Dismiss ...

WASHINGTON Sen. Mike Lee on Wednesday became the fifth Republican to announce support for the House-passed resolution to terminate President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration to pay for a border well, ensuring the measure will almost certainly pass Thursday.

“For decades, Congress has been giving far too much legislative power to the executive branch,” Lee said in a statement.

Lee spoke with Trump Wednesday about the upcoming vote, a senior White House official told NBC News.

Lee had introduced a bill that would end all national emergencies act declarations after 30 days unless Congress affirmatively votes to extend the emergency as a way to get past the impasse, but he acknowledged his legislation wasn’t going anywhere at this time.

The measure to terminate Trump’s national emergency declaration is expected to be approved by the GOP-controlled Senate because enough Republicans have signaled that they would join Democrats to vote in favor of the measure.

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Trump Expected To Again Veto Measure To Cancel National Emergency

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senates bipartisan rejection of President Trumps wall funding was a show vote engineered by the Democrats.

WASHINGTONThe Senate moved to prevent President Trump from redirecting military funds toward a border wall, voting to once again cancel Mr. Trumps emergency declaration at the border by approving a resolution that likely faces another White House veto.

The resolution passed the GOP-controlled chamber Wednesday with 11 Republicans voting yes and was likely to sail through the Democratic-controlled House, but it fell short of a veto-proof majority.

After Congress passed a similar resolution in March to cancel the national emergency, Mr. Trump vetoed it.

The vote was an unusual display of Republican rebellion against the presidents quest for his signature policy initiative, which led to the longest government shutdown in U.S. history that ended earlier this year.

The 54-41 vote was largely identical to the original vote in March, though Sen. Marco Rubio , who previously supported the resolution, didnt vote Wednesday. Several Senate Democrats running for president were also absent.

Republicans who voted for the resolution said they wanted to defend the congressional prerogative to decide how the government spends taxpayer dollarseven if they support building a wall.

Write to Andrew Duehren at

Appeared in the September 26, 2019, print edition as ‘.’

The 8 House Republicans Who Voted Against Trumps Border Wall

The House on Thursday;passed a stopgap government funding bill by a 217-185 vote that would stave off a partial government shutdown.

Its inclusion of $5.7 billion in border wall funding, however, likely makes it dead on arrival in the Senate, leaving both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue without a backup plan as President Trump

Amash, an outspoken fiscal conservative and member of the House Freedom Caucus, was one of the two among the group, including several firebrands, to vote against the measure and oppose border wall funding.

This massive, wasteful spending billstuffed with unrelated itemspassed 217-185. Its amazing how some wall funding causes my fellow Republicans to embrace big government. Watch out if Democrats attach wall funding to Medicare for All. The bill could be called Medicare for Wall, he said about the stopgap bill.

This massive, wasteful spending billstuffed with unrelated itemspassed 217-185. Its amazing how some wall funding causes my fellow Republicans to embrace big government. Watch out if Democrats attach wall funding to Medicare for All. The bill could be called Medicare for Wall.

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I think sending federal workers home before Christmas without knowing when and if theyll have a job is wrong, he said.

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Senate Republicans Again Join Dems In Blocking Border Wall Funding

Posted by JT Crowe | Sep 25, 2019 | News

2 minute, 18 second read

For the second time, the Senate approved a resolution blocking President Donald Trumps national emergency plan to divert funds from other military projects to begin building his long-promised southern border wall, a move that will likely face another veto.

Eleven Republicans joined the 47 Democrats in voting to block the measure, which is likely to sail through the Democrat-controlled house but not with a veto-proof two-thirds super majority.

Congress also passed a similar resolution back in March but Trump used his presidential veto power for the first time to override the resolution.

Trump declared a national emergency in February after Congress approved $1.38 billion well below the nearly $6 billion Trump sought amid a record-long government shutdown in funding to fix older segments of fencing and not to build any new sections.

The resolution passed 54-41 with nearly an identical breakdown of who voted for what, other than Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who previously supported the measure but did not vote Wednesday because he was absent.

Republicans who voted against emergency declaration include: Mitt Romney and Mike Lee of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rob Portman of Ohio, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Pat Toomey of Rhode Island, Roy Blunt of Missouri and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee.

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