Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Tom Hanks A Republican

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Hanks Endorsed Barack Obama In 2008

Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

During the 2008 presidential election, Hanks made a video for his MySpace page endorsing then-Senator Barack Obama in his bid to become president of the United States.

He opened with a joke, cracking, As an official celebrity, I know my endorsement has just made your mind up for you.

But Hanks went on to give a full-throated endorsement of the future president, saying, History with a capital H is going to be made this November no matter who the president-elect is. I want Barack Obama to be president of this country, a country that once said that people of his skin color were only three-fifths of a human being.

My support for Obama isnt just about breaking boundaries. Its because of his character and vision and the high road he has taken during this campaign. He has the integrity and the inspiration to unify us, as did FDR and Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy and even Ronald Reagan when they ran for the job. I want the president of my country to embody the America I have been waiting for one where leaders address challenges with candor and truth is their basis for policy.

Dole Honored With Events In Dc His Hometown Kansas Capital

TOPEKA, Kan. Bob Dole will be honored Friday in a private memorial service attended by President Joe Biden as well as a public service at the World War II Memorial in Washington before the casket of the former presidential candidate and decorated soldier travels to Kansas for events in his hometown and the state capital.

Doles casket will lie in state Thursday at the U.S. Capitol. Biden will join former presidents, current and former leaders in Congress, friends and the Dole family for the private service Friday morning at Washington National Cathedral, according to the Dole Institute of Politics.

The public event later at the World War II Memorial will include remarks by actor Tom Hanks as well as Mark Milley, the chairman of the U.S. militarys Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Dole died Sunday at the age of 98. He served 36 years in Congress, rising to U.S. Senate majority leader. He was the 1996 Republican nominee for president, losing to incumbent Democrat Bill Clinton.

Doles casket is set to arrive Friday evening in Hays, Kansas, and will be received by a state delegation led by Gov. Laura Kelly before it travels to Doles hometown of Russell, about 30 miles to the east.

File Image Of Alex Rodriguez And Jennifer Lopez

Celebrity couple Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez have shown their support for the 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden.”For me, it’s unifying the nation again. Getting rid of this hate, thinking about my kids walking around in a world where you know it’s OK to be racist or prejudiced because our administration says it’s OK”, Lopez said in the video.

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White House Mocked For Tom Hanks Cameo That The Simpsons Predicted

The Simpsons has apparently predicted another real-life event, according to conservative social media users mocking a video released by the Joe Biden administration that features a cameo and narration by Tom Hanks.

Commentators were quick to draw parallels between the Biden administrations video, released as it marked his first anniversary in office, and a clip from The Simpsons Movie in 2007 that featured an animated Tom Hanks.

Hello, Im Tom Hanks. The US government has lost its credibility so its borrowing some of mine, says the animated character, also voiced by the actor, in the movie.

The video, produced by Mr Bidens presidential inaugural committee, highlighted a recovering and resilient America and includes cameos by everyday Americans.

In recognition of the presidents first year in office, the Biden-Harris Presidential Inaugural Committee believed it was important to celebrate the strength and perseverance of the American people in the face of extraordinary adversity, just as we did a year ago today, the committee said in a statement.

Through the voices of those Americans including some who participated in last years celebration the video also highlights the progress thats been made over the last year, it added.

Several million dollars from Mr Bidens inaugural funds are being spent on broadcasting the video on the countrys television networks, reported Axios. The video will also be amplified digitally next week.

Hanks Was Outspoken Against Donald Trump

Is Tom Hanks a Republican or Democrat?

In a BBC interview leading up to the 2016 presidential election, Hanks was asked about Donald Trump and called him a self-involved gas bag.

Look, if I have an abscessed tooth and I need to see an oral surgeon, Im not going to go to the guy who says, You know what, I think I could be a pretty good oral surgeon. Im going to go to someone who has been doing it for 30 years and has handled it a million times Im voting for Hillary Clinton because I think she is wildly, wildly qualified to be the president of the United States, at the same time dealing with the one damn thing after another that the world has handed her, said Hanks.

If he wins then its a dark day for the planet Earth, dont you think? he added.

Celebrating America airs from 8:30 p.m. ET to 10 p.m. ET across multiple channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, BET, and PBS, plus it will be available to stream on Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft Bing, NewsNOW from Fox, AT& T DIRECTV and U-verse, and the Presidential Inaugural Committees social media feeds.

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Is Tom Hanks A Republican Or Democrat

Tom Hanks has supported Democratic candidates for years.

In 2008, Hanks took to his MySpace account and uploaded a video detailing his support for Barack Obama.

“Hello, I’m Tom Hanks, and I want Barack Obama to be the next president of our country. As official celebrity I know my endorsement has just made your mind up for you,” Hanks said in the video.

“History with a capital H is going to be made this November, no matter who the president-elect is.

Politics Is Just Like A Box Of Chocolates

Politically, Hanks falls squarely in the Democrat/liberal camp, like the vast majority of his Hollywood counterparts. He’s stuck up for quite a few liberal causes like gay marriage and the environment, and has a large collection of electric and hybrid cars.

He even slandered his old churchThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when they donated money to advance proposition 8 in California, effectively banning gay marriage.

However, he quickly rescinded his statement but fought fire with fire, contributing his star power to raising over $44 million to defeat proposition 8which passed anyway.

Hanks backed Obama in 2008, posting a video on his Myspace page, explaining his position.

In 2012, Hanks forcefully said he would back Obama once again and, despite widespread opinion to the opposite effect, said Obama had exceeded his expectations, saying:

If you would have told me a few years ago that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ would be repealed and about a billion jobs at General Motors and Chrysler would have been saved because the president was smart enough and strong enough and bold enough to do so, I would have said, ‘Wow. That’s a good president, I think I’ll vote for him again.’

He doesn’t seem to acknowledge the billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars that were funneled to some of the country’s richest men during that bailout, but hey, that’s what the PR machine is all about.

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Biden Administration Anniversary Video With Tom Hanks Mocked For Mirroring The Simpsons

  • A Biden Administration anniversary video featuring Tom Hanks is being mocked on Twitter.
  • Conservative commentators say the video mirrors a scene from The Simpsons Movie.
  • The Simpsons did it first! Republican senator Ted Cruz said in a tweet.

A White House video promoting the achievements of the Biden administration is being lampooned because it mirrors a scene from the 2007 Simpsons Movie.

Narrated by Tom Hanks, the Biden video was released to celebrate the Presidents first anniversary in office, showing everyday Americans and the President reflecting on the past 365 days.

But Conservative commentators were quick to draw comparisons to a scene from The Simpsons Movie in 2007, featuring a cartoon Tom Hanks saying, Hello, Im Tom Hanks. The US government has lost its credibility so its borrowing some of mine.

The Simpsons did it first! Republican senator Ted Cruz exclaimed in a tweet.

Conservative commentator Matt Whitlock said, Oh my gosh its the Simpsons in real life.

Ted Cruz

Broadcasting the presidents promotional video cost several million dollars from Bidens inaugural funds, Axios reports.

Bidens media push is part of a strategy to reverse sinking approval ratings and push his flagging agenda, Insiders Tom Porter reports.

Tom Hanks Says He’d Get Covid

Tom Hanks recovers, Idris Elba and others test positive

Tom Hanks and his wife, actor-singer Rita Wilson, both spoke publicly earlier this year about being diagnosed with COVID-19 and their recovery and quarantine experience. Now the beloved star says he’s willing to take his openness one step farther.

During an interview aired on TODAY Monday, the “Greyhound” actor discussed getting the coronavirus vaccine, adding that he’d be willing to do so publicly.

We’ll be getting it long after everybody who truly needs to get it gets it, he noted, given that health care workers and nursing home residents will have priority access to the vaccine.

Hanks and Wilson, both 64, were among the first famous faces to reveal they tested positive for the coronavirus back in March, before masking and social distancing became a part of everyday life. On TODAY Monday, he referred to their fight against COVID-19 as a tough couple of 10 days” and stressed that his biggest concern was not getting anyone else sick.

I think that was much more important, as the second half of the COVID-19 formula, was that we didn’t give it to anybody. … Locking down, wed wear masks and we still do, not just so that we don’t catch it but that you don’t give it to somebody, he said.

Asked by TODAY co-anchor Savannah Guthrie if hed be open to publicizing his experience getting the vaccine to show it’s safe and encourage more people to do so, Hanks replied without hesitation, Oh, yeah, sure.”

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‘speak Straight Even When It Gets You In Trouble’: Tom Hanks Reveals The Lessons He Learned From Bob Dole’s Life As He Speaks At The World War Ii Memorial They Worked Together To Get Built In 2004

  • Actor Tom Hanks paid tribute to late Sen. Bob Dole at a public memorial on Friday afternoon
  • They worked together on building the National World War II Memorial on the National Mall
  • Biden and former President Bill Clinton were among mourners at Washington National Cathedral earlier
  • ‘I found Bob to be a man of principle, pragmatism and enormous integrity,’ said Biden in his eulogy
  • The president also used the occasion to highlight concerns for U.S. democracy with some of Dole’s own words
  • ‘Bob made it clear that he was deeply concerned about the threat to American democracy,’ he said
  • Dole’s daughter Robin read from a farewell letter he sent to a former member of staff
  • ‘I’m a bit curious to learn if I am correct in thinking that heaven will look a lot like Kansas,’ he wrote
  • The former senator died on Sunday at the age of 98 after announcing he had cancer earlier this year

Early Life And Family

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks was born in Concord, California, on July 9, 1956, to hospital worker Janet Marylyn and itinerant cook Amos Mefford Hanks. His mother was of Portuguese descent , while his father had English ancestry. His parents divorced in 1960. Their three oldest children, Sandra ,Larry , and Tom, went with their father, while the youngest, Jim , remained with their mother in Red Bluff, California. In his childhood, Hanks’s family moved often by the age of 10, he had lived in 10 different houses.

While Hanks’s family religious history was Catholic and Mormon, one journalist characterized Hanks’s teenage self as being a “Bible-toting evangelical” for several years. In school, he was unpopular with students and teachers alike, later telling Rolling Stone magazine, “I was a geek, a spaz. I was horribly, painfully, terribly shy. At the same time, I was the guy who’d yell out funny captions during filmstrips. But I didn’t get into trouble. I was always a real good kid and pretty responsible.” In 1965, his father married Frances Wong, a San Francisco native of Chinese descent. Frances had three children, two of whom lived with Hanks during his high school years. Hanks acted in school plays, including South Pacific, while attending Skyline High School in Oakland, California.

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Religion Politics And Ideas Oftom Hanks

Hanks has run the gamut of Christian denominations from Mormonism to Catholicism but seems to have settled on Greek Orthodox.

Hanks is a hardcore Democrat and liberal, throwing his weight behind gay marriage, alternative energy, environmentalism, and Obama.

Tom Hanks was born in Concord, California.

His religious beliefs are about as diverse as the characters he has played. Hanks’ childhood was a hodgepodge of divorce and step-parents, each with their own views. Hanks has identified with everything from Mormonism to his most recent and enduring faithGreek Orthodox. In his own words:

The major religion I was exposed to in the first 10 years of my life was Catholicism. My stepmother became a Mormon. My aunt, whom I lived with for a long time, was a Nazarene, which is kind of ultra-super Methodist, and in high school, all my friends were Jews. For years I went to Wednesday-night Bible studies with my church group. So I had this peripatetic overview of various faiths, and the one thing I got from that was the intellectual pursuit involved. There was a lot of great stuff to think about.

Hanks’ second and current wife, Rita Wilson, was raised a member of the Greek Orthodox Church and Hanks has taken on her religion.

Was Tom Hanks At Bob Dole’s Funeral

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The Academy Award-winning actor was spotted at former Senator Bob Dole’s funeral. He was seen sitting next to Today anchor Savannah Guthrie.

President Joe Biden spoke at Dole’s funeral.

Social media users took to Twitter to discuss Hanks’ attendance at the funeral.

Some users posted photos of the actor sitting with others.

“Tom Hanks worked with Bob Dole to help raise money for the WWII Memorial after filming Saving Private Ryan and was there when I covered the dedication for WBZ in 2004,” reporter Paula Ebben tweeted.

“Is that Tom Hanks sitting next to Savannah Guthrie?” a social media user asked.

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“I want Barack Obama to be president of this country, a country that once said people of his skin color were only three-fifths of a human being,” the actor added.

In the same video he spoke highly of Harry Truman, Franklin D Roosevelt and John F Kennedy, all former Democratic presidents.

In the past, he’s donated to a number of Democratic campaigns, including Obama’s presidential campaign, and Joe Biden in 2019.

The Simpsons Did It First: Cruz Trolls Biden Admin Over New Tom Hanks Promo

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz trolled the Biden administration on Thursday after calling out a new Tom Hanks promotional video to celebrate the presidents first-year achievements as The Simpsons in real life.

The Simpsons did it first! Cruz tweeted alongside a post featuring a screenshot from The Simpsons Movie.

The included post read, Oh my gosh its the Simpsons in real life.

The Simpsons did it first!

Ted Cruz

The reference was made to the 2007 The Simpsons Movie, which included an animated cameo of the Hollywood star in its closing credits.

Hello, Im Tom Hanks, the animated Hanks said in the meme. The U.S. government has lost its credibility, so its borrowing some of mine.

Hanks narrated the voice in Bidens Year One of the Biden-Harris Administration video released on Thursday.

Its never been a good idea to bet against America. And, theres nothing we cant do if we do it together. We are stronger today than we were a year ago, the videos description reads.

The two-minute video features Hanks reminding people that America is the home of the brave and features achievements of the Biden administration, including the millions of Americans who have received vaccines and a bounce back from pandemic job closures.

The video concludes with a brief appearance by President Joe Biden himself.

Cruz also criticized Bidens speech on Twitter in multiple posts on Wednesday.

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Is Tom Hanks A Republican Or A Democrat

Tom Hanks has supported Democratic candidates for years.

In 2008, Hanks checked his MySpace account and posted a video detailing his support for Barack Obama.

Hello, Im Tom Hanks, and I want Barack Obama to be the next president of our country. As an official celebrity, I know my support just decided you, Hanks said in the video.

The story with a capital H is going to happen in November, regardless of who is elected president.

I want Barack Obama to be president of this country, a country that once said people of his skin color were only three-fifths of a human being, the actor added.

In the same video, he praised Harry Truman, Franklin D Roosevelt and John F Kennedy, all former Democratic presidents.

In the past, he has donated to a number of Democratic campaigns, including the Obama and Joe Biden presidential campaign in 2019.

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