Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Biden A Democrat Or Republican

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A Look Ahead To The 2022 Us Midterm Elections

Biden’s Jan. 6 Speech: How Are Democrats and Republicans Reacting?

What he used to tell President Obama is: Its hard when youre compared to the Almighty. Its easier when youre compared to the alternative, Mr. Gibbs recalled.

Republicans are not shrinking from the fight. Mr. Trump issued a statement describing Mr. Bidens speech as the last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment, and vowing to fight back at the ballot box.

The stakes are high. Mr. Biden and his party are at serious risk of losing their already bare majorities in the House and the Senate during the midterm elections, an outcome that would most likely rob the president and his team of any real hope of significant progress in Congress for the rest of his term.

And the obstacles to progress are steep.

During his first year in office, Mr. Biden has seen his policy efforts at home and abroad disrupted by Supreme Court rulings, supply chain glitches, lawmakers from his own party and, most of all, coronavirus variants that have extended endlessly, it seems, to everyones dismay the need for masks, vaccines and social distancing.

When Did Joe Biden Receive The Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Vice President Joe Biden received the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction from President Barack Obama on January 12, 2017.

Joe Biden, byname of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., , 46th president of the United States and 47th vice president of the United States in the Democratic administration of Pres. Barack Obama. He previously represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate .

Voters In Eight States Weighed In On Key Contests As Democrats Attempted To Elevate Far

Mr. Biden has repeatedly said that he expects to run again in 2024. But if he does not, there is little consensus about who would lead the party.

Few Democrats interviewed expect that high-profile leaders with White House ambitions would defer to Vice President Kamala Harris, who has had a series of political hiccups of her own in office.

These Democrats mentioned a host of other figures who lost to Mr. Biden in the 2020 primary: Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Cory Booker of New Jersey Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Beto ORourke, the former congressman who is now running for Texas governor, among others.

Mr. Bidens supporters insist he has the country on the right track, despite the obstacles.

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As Some Democrats Grow Impatient With Biden Alternative Voices Emerge

President Joe Biden took the stage at an Independence Day barbecue just a few hours after the latest horrific shooting to upend an American city – but at his first opportunity to address the nation in person about the killings in Highland Park, Ill., he did so only obliquely.

“You all heard what happened today,” Biden said. “Things will get better still, but not without more hard work together.”

It was not until about two hours later, after singer Andy Grammer finished an acoustic version of “Give Love,” that the president returned to the stage and attempted to respond to the tragedy more fulsomely, calling for a moment of silence and decrying the spate of mass shootings. “We’ve got a lot more work to do,” Biden said. “We’ve got to get this under control.”

In contrast, J.B. Pritzker, Illinois’ Democratic governor, delivered a fiery response that took direct aim at those blocking gun-control legislation. “If you are angry today, I’m here to tell you to be angry,” he said, seething while Biden was consoling. “I’m furious. I’m furious that yet more innocent lives were taken by gun violence.”

Biden’s response is often a mix of scolding Republicans, urging Americans to vote Democratic and voicing broad optimism about the country. For some Democrats, that risks a dangerous failure to meet the moment.

Biden’s supporters say his decency and calm do not equate to haplessness.

Democrats Suddenly Discover Joe Biden Is 79


As Joe Biden’s approval numbers sag, Democrats begin saying that his age means he should step aside in 2024. Why the sudden change, since this question was treated as taboo in 2020, and where would Democrats turn if Biden declined to run for re-election? Plus, Sarah Palin leads a 48-candidate field in a race for Alaska’s only House seat.

Full Transcript

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Speaker 1: From the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal. This is Potomac Watch.

Kyle Peterson: Democrats panic about Joe Biden’s age, but is there anyone else in the party who could fill his shoes in 2024? Welcome I’m Kyle Peterson with the Wall Street Journal we’re joined today by my colleagues, columnist Kim Strassel and editorial writer Mene Ukueberuwa. Welcome to you both. Suddenly it can be said in Washington that Joe Biden is no spring chicken. Last week, there were articles in the New York Times and the Atlantic with democratic sources making the argument that President Biden should not run again for president in 2024, but the White House still insists that he plans to do just that. Here’s a clip of CNN’s Don lemon speaking with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Don lemon: The president had the stamina physically and mentally, do you think to continue on even after 2024?

Kyle Peterson: Hang tight, we’ll be right back. You’re listening to Potomac Watch from the Wall Street Journal,

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Republican Vs Democratic Demographics

Interesting data about how support for each party broke down by race, geography and the urban-rural divide during the 2018 mid-term elections are presented in charts here.

The Pew Research Group, among others, regularly surveys American citizens to determine party affiliation or support for various demographic groups. Some of their latest results are below.

Biden Comes Out Swinging Against Republicans As His Agenda Stalls

The president pledged to use all of the powers of his office to thwart Republicans still under the thumb of Donald J. Trump.

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By Michael D. Shear

WASHINGTON President Biden has begun his second year in office by lashing out at Republicans, embracing forceful new attacks meant to define a choice for voters between Mr. Bidens Democrats and a Republican Party still under the thumb of former President Donald J. Trump.

The sharp tone comes as Mr. Biden seeks to jump-start his agenda, which has largely stalled in Congress. And with midterm elections looming at the end of the year, the president faces a challenge that he has largely avoided so far: drawing Mr. Trump and other Republican leaders into a more direct clash of ideas.

On Thursday, Mr. Biden delivered a fierce speech promising a reckoning with Mr. Trump and pledging to use all of the powers of his office to thwart the anti-democratic forces unleashed by the 45th president. It was the most searing example since Mr. Biden took office of his effort to contrast the two parties, lamenting the Big Lie being told by the former president and many Republicans who fear his wrath.

I refuse to let them stand in the way of this recovery, he added. Now my focus is on keeping this recovery strong and durable, notwithstanding Republican obstructionism.

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What Effect Are Supply

Republicans also want to blame Biden for the supply-chain shortage that has contributed to inflation.

But experts say the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of the global supply chain, from manufacturing and transportation to logistics, and not only in the United States but worldwide, at a time when the pandemic has also sparked a buying spree. The problem is partly due to a decades-old business strategy that aims to keep inventories lean.

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Famous Republican Vs Democratic Presidents

US: President Biden called on lawmakers to change Senate rules to override Republican opposition

Republicans have controlled the White House for 28 of the last 43 years since Richard Nixon became president. Famous Democrat Presidents have been Franklin Roosevelt, who pioneered the New Deal in America and stood for 4 terms, John F. Kennedy, who presided over the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis, and was assassinated in Office Bill Clinton, who was impeached by the House of Representatives and Nobel Peace Prize winners Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter.

Famous Republican Presidents include Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery Teddy Roosevelt, known for the Panama Canal Ronald Reagan, credited for ending the Cold War with Gorbachev and the two Bush family Presidents of recent times. Republican President Richard Nixon was forced to resign over the Watergate scandal.

To compare the two parties’ presidential candidates in the 2020 elections, see Donald Trump vs Joe Biden.

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Blunt: Trump Could Be Gop Nominee In 2024 If People Remain Frustrated With Government

Bidens allies dismiss concerns from Democrats about whether hes too old and should step aside, saying those same questions were asked and answered in 2020, and in 2012 when Democrats wondered even polled whether then-President Barack Obama should drop him as his running mate.

Hes the strongest candidate, Terry McAuliffe, former Virginia governor and Democratic National Committee chairman, said of Biden. Hes the incumbent president and he should run again.

Some of Bidens top political allies have also stepped in to help quiet talk of finding a new standard-bearer in 2024, reminding the party of his continued strengths with key constituencies.

Im ready to sign up for Biden 2024 any day now, and I hope thats the case, Liz Shuler, the president of the AFL-CIO, said in an interview.

This is a president every bit as capable of leading us if re-elected in 2024 as he was in 2020, Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., said.

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., has also reiterated in recent weeks that he stands with Biden, telling The Wall Street Journal, I dont care who goes to New Hampshire or Iowa, Im for Biden and then Im for Harriseither together or in that order.

Potential primary challengers would risk significant blowback, the aides contend, if they tried to take on Biden while GOP lawmakers launch investigations into Bidens administration and his family, which the White House anticipates if Republicans take control of the House or Senate.

A Gop Candidate In Exchange For No More Blocked Nominees

Biden was poised to nominate Meredith presumably as the result of an undisclosed deal with U.S. Mitch McConnell, Yarmuth told The Courier Journal.

McConnell has blocked the nominations of two lawyers for U.S. attorney positions there were recommended by Yarmuth. The presumption is that with Meredith’s nomination, McConnell would agree not to hold up future federal nominations from the Biden White house, Yarmuth said.

“We were informed by White House staff that this nomination was coming,” Yarmuth said. “I expressed my objections to it in the strongest terms I use.”

Robert Steurer, a spokesman for McConnell, said he would have no comment until Biden makes his nomination.

There are currently no open federal judgeships in Eastern Kentucky. However, Eastern District Judge Danny C. Reeves is eligible for senior status when he turns 65 years old Aug. 1, while Judge Karen Caldwell is already eligible.

Neither Reeves nor Caldwell could be reached for comment.

Yarmuth said “clearly someone has agreed to resign and we don’t know what deal has been made with that person, and I think that’s something to media needs to try to figure out.”

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Here’s Why Democrats Could Keep The Senate

Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN

Election Day 2022 is now four months away. Democrats are trying to hold on to slim majorities in both the House and Senate. They’re doing so against the backdrop of high inflation and an economy viewed in poor shape, which is the issue dominating voters’ minds.

Joe Biden Said Two Democratic Senators Vote With Republicans More Than Their Own Party Is He Right

Many Republican governors still wont state plainly that Biden won ...

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

President Joe Biden told a crowd in Tulsa on Tuesday that it wasn’t exactly his fault that Congress wasn’t passing more of his agenda.


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Senate Republican Leader Mcconnell Warns Democrats Of Fallout For Reviving Joe Biden Bill

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell threatened to derail a bill designed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the United States if Democrats revive their stalled package of energy and economic initiatives

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. AP

Washington: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell threatened Thursday to derail a bill designed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the United States if Democrats revive their stalled package of energy and economic initiatives.

The rejuvenation of the Democratic reconciliation package, central to President Joe Bidens agenda is far from certain. But with some signs of progress in the negotiations, McConnell is moving to complicate Democratic plans. Hes warning that Republicans would react by stopping separate semiconductor legislation from moving over the finish line in the coming weeks, despite its bipartisan support.

Let me be perfectly clear: there will be no bipartisan USICA as long as Democrats are pursuing a partisan reconciliation bill, McConnell tweeted, referring to the shorthand name for the computer chips bill that passed the Senate last year.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said McConnell was holding hostage a bipartisan package that would lower the cost of countless products that rely on semiconductors and would yield hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs.

‘deal With The Devil’ Secret Biden

LOUISVILLE, Ky. Democrats are blasting President Joe Biden for agreeing to nominate an anti-abortion Republican to a lifetime federal judgeship in Kentucky, less than a week after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

“The president is making a deal with the devil and once again” and “the people of Kentucky are crushed in the process,” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Charles Booker tweeted after The Courier Journal broke the story Wednesday night.

“At a time when we are fighting to protect human rights, this is a complete slap in the face.”

U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville, who confirmed Biden is poised to nominate Chad Meredith to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, called it a “huge mistake.”

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“Why you would pick him to fill a federal vacancy when you’re a Democratic president is beyond me.”

Yarmuth said the nomination is bad not only because Meredith is anti-abortion but because of his actions in the general counsel office when he helped former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin issue hundreds of controversial pardons at the end of his term that spurred outrage and a federal investigation.

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Democrats Think Many Republicans Sincere And Point To Policy

Democrats, however, were somewhat more generous in their answers. More than four in ten Democratic voters felt that most Republican voters had the countrys best interests at heart . And many tried their best to answer from the others perspective. A 45-year-old male voter from Ohio imagined that as a Republican, he was motivated by Republicans harsh stance on immigration standing up for the 2nd Amendment promised tax cuts. A 30-year-old woman from Colorado felt that Republican votes reflected the desires to stop abortion stop gay marriage from ruining our country and give us our coal jobs back.

Other Democrats felt that their opponents were mostly motivated by the GOPs opposition to Obamacare, lower taxes and to support a party that reduced unemployment.

Don’t Write Off The Senate Democrats Just Yet

Watch a Democrat and Republican debate President Joe Biden’s tax plan

state of GeorgiaQuinnipiac University polllong-term average for the raceThe 3 things that need to happen for Democrats to keep the Senatesimple data modelArizonaNevadaNew HampshirePennsylvaniaOff-the-charts gas price hikes are a big problem for Democrats Arkansas in 2014Indiana in 2016Missouri in 2018Montana in 2020national elections

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While Both Democrats And Republicans Say That President Joe Biden Is Catholic The Partisan Divide Emerges When Asked Just How Religious Biden Is Most Americans Know Less About Vice President Kamala Harris Spiritual Life

There arent a lot of things Democrats and Republicans agree on these days, but most members of each party do say President Joe Biden is Catholic. They differ greatly, however, on just how Catholic he is, according to a new study from the Pew research Center based in Washington, D.C.

The survey shows that 63% of Democrats and independents who lean left describe Biden as Catholic. Fifty-five percent of Republicans and those who lean right say the same.

In general, Americans today are more likely to view the president as a man of faith than they were a year ago. In February 2020, 55% of U.S. adults said Biden was very or somewhat religious. Today, that number stands at 64%.

Part of what drove the change was a notable bump in the share of Democrats who feel Biden is very religious, researchers note. Nearly 9 in 10 Democrats overall believe hes at least somewhat religious.

Although most Republicans say Biden is Catholic, members of this party remain more likely than their more liberal counterparts to be skeptical of the depth of the presidents faith. Sixty-three percent of Republicans think Biden is not too religious or not at all religious, and a handful of conservative respondents spontaneously remarked that he is a fake Catholic or Catholic in name only, Pew reports.

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