Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Register As A Republican

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How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (A video from Blue Republican)

You can distribute the link to our web page at If they fill in the form there well help them get signed up and follow up with the Secretary of State office to make sure it worked correctly.

That link is a good alternative to use in your email signature with a message like: Are you a Texan who is not yet registered to vote? Just complete the form at and well help you get set up. Again, feel free to spread that as much as youd like in your email signature, on flyers, and anywhere else that you can spread the word.

Wide Divides In Partisanship Persist By Race And Ethnicity

Some of the largest differences in partisanship continue to be seen across racial and ethnic groups.

The GOP continues to maintain an advantage in leaned party identification among white voters . By contrast, sizable majorities of black, Hispanic and Asian American voters identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Among black voters, 83% identify or lean toward the Democratic Party, compared with just 10% who say they are Republican or lean toward the GOP.

The Democratic Party also holds a clear advantage over the GOP in leaned party identification among Hispanic voters , though the margin is not as large as among black voters.

Among English-speaking Asian American voters, 72% identify or lean toward the Democratic Party, compared with just 17% who identify with or lean toward the GOP.

The balance of partisanship among white, black and Hispanic voters has been generally stable over the past decade. However, English-speaking Asian American voters have shifted toward the Democratic Party.

How To Change Your Political Party Affiliation

Your political party affiliation is the party that you choose to associate with. Depending on your state, you may be asked your party affiliation when you register to vote.

  • You can change your party affiliation online, by mail, or over the phone using the methods for changing your voter registration information.

  • Online: Go to the Register and Vote in Your State web page. Select your state and click Get Info. Then select Register to Vote to change your party affiliation.

  • You don’t have to join a political party or reveal your party preference when you register to vote.

  • Not every state accepts or lists a party affiliation on a voter registration card.

  • The party affiliation on your voter registration does not limit you to voting for just that party. You can always choose to vote for a candidate from any party in a general election, like a presidential, congressional, or mayoral election.

  • Your party affiliation is usually only important in primary elections. Many states have closed primaries. This means that you can only vote for your partys candidates in its primary election. Learn about the different types of primary elections.

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    Florida Vs California: How Two States Tackled Covid

    The researchers theorized that one reason for the change is that Democrats were in charge of states where people who had the virus first arrived in the country but Republicans were less stringent about safeguards, which could have contributed to their states ultimately higher incidence and death rates.

    The early trends could be explained by high Covid-19 cases and deaths among Democratic-led states that are home to initial ports of entry for the virus in early 2020, the researchers wrote. However, the subsequent reversal in trends, particularly with respect to testing, may reflect policy differences that could have facilitated the spread of the virus.

    The study, which which was published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Preventive Medicine, examined Covid-19 incidence, death, testing, and test positivity rates from March 15 through December 15, 2020, when there were 16 million confirmed cases in the U.S. and 300,000 deaths. It focused on per-capita infection and death rates in the 26 GOP-led states and 24 Democratic-led states and Washington, D.C., and made statistical adjustments for issues such as population density.

    But policy differences between the Republican and Democratic leaders emerged as a big factor for the reversal of the states fortunes, the study suggests.

    One of the most concerning things last year is the politicization of public health restrictions, Lee said. Theyre not opinions, theyre based on evidence.

    Update Or Change Your Voter Registration

    Democrats Outpacing Republicans In Growing Voting Rolls ...

    You’ll need to update or change your voter registration if you:

    • Move within your state

    • Want to change your political party affiliation

    If you move permanently to another state, register to vote in that new state.

    Submit your changes before your states registration deadline. That could be up to 30 days before the election.

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    Pandemic Doesnt Slow Digital Hunt For Young Voters

    In Texas, voters dont register by party affiliation like many other states, making it unclear exactly how many Republican or Democratic voters are in the state.

    But about one-third of the 1.3 million new voters since November 2018 come from three counties: Harris, Travis and Bexar all deeply bluesince 2016.

    Harris and Bexar being at the top of the list doesnt surprise Antonio Arellano, who is the leader of Jolt, a voter advocacy group focused on registering young Latino voters and getting them involved in politics. He said his group has been on the ground in those two counties.

    While the coronavirus made registration drives impossible in traditional locations such as libraries, county fairs and large events, younger voters can still be found with direct messages on social media, text messages and digital ads. The virus hasnt affected those efforts at all.

    We harness culture, art and technology to get it done, Arellano said.

    Residents leave the polling location at Lee G. Alworth Building after voting on the final day of early voting, Thursday, July 9, 2020, in Conroe.

    Each year in Texas, 200,000 Latinos turn 18 a population that is Jolts main focus.

    In recent months, political unrest around the nation, particularly in minority communities since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, has also helped Democratic registration pushes.

    We are clearly in a moment that is charged emotionally and politically, Warford said.

    Map 2 And Table : Party Registration And The 2016 Presidential Vote

    Of the 31 party registration states, 24 were carried in the 2016 presidential election by the party with the most registered voters in it. Donald Trump swept 11 of the 12 states with a Republican registration advantage, while Hillary Clinton won 13 of the 19 states which had more registered Democrats than Republicans. Four of the Democratic registration states that Trump took were in the South, led by Florida and North Carolina. He also overcame Democratic registration advantages in West Virginia and Pennsylvania to win both. The only state with more registered Republicans than Democrats that Hillary Clinton carried in 2016 was New Hampshire, where the outcome was very close.

    Notes: An asterisk indicates states where there were more registered independents than either Democrats or Republicans in October 2016. Independents include a comparatively small number of registered miscellaneous voters who do not fit into any particular category.

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    Texas Voter Registration Surges To 164m Despite Pandemic

    AUSTIN Not even the worst pandemic to hit Texas in a century was enough to stem the surge in voter registrations that has remade the states electorate over the past four years.

    Just since March, Texas has added nearly 149,000 voters even as the political parties and voter registration groups face new obstacles in signing up people in a world of social distancing and stay-at-home orders.

    The state now has a record 16.4 million voters, 2.1 million more than it had just over four years ago a 15 percent increase in registrations that is nearly equivalent to the voter rolls of the entire state of Connecticut.

    It is a totally different electorate than it was in 2016, said Luke Warford, voter expansion director for the Texas Democratic Party.

    Harris County and Bexar County have led the way in the past three months with voter registration efforts. In Harris County, voter rolls have grown by 16,000, while in Bexar they are up almost 14,000.

    Combined, the two counties account for one-fifth of the increase in registrations statewide.

    To vote in the November presidential election, new voters must register to vote by Oct. 5. Voters who are not sure if they are registered can check online at

    Americas Top 20 Ceos Donated To The Midterm Elections At Republicans And Democrats:

    How to Register Republican for Ron Paul
  • Jeff Bezos,
  • John B. Hess, Hess Corp.Total: $877,600
  • Stephen Wynn, Wynn Resorts LimitedTotal: $797,467
  • James Rupert Murdoch, Twenty-First Century FoxTotal: $506,666
  • Stephen James Luczo, Seagate TechnologyTotal: $469,825
  • Steven Roth, Vornado Realty TrustTotal: $432,400
  • Leslie Herbert Wexner, L BrandsTotal: $359,700
  • Timothy C. Wentworth, Express Scripts HoldingTotal: $262,594
  • Celgene CorporationTotal: $195,682
  • Ian C. Read, Pfizer Inc.Total: $181,833
  • Joel S. Marcus, Alexandria Real Estate EquitiesTotal: $175,400
  • David M. Zaslav, Discovery, Inc.Total: $143,600
  • Gregory Q. Brown, Motorola SolutionsTotal: $132,150
  • David A. Ricks, Eli LillyTotal: $128,020
  • David N. Farr, Emerson Electric Co.Total: $127,033
  • Leonard S. Schleifer, Regeneron PharmaceuticalsTotal: $125,000Worlds Best CEOs Rank: #576
  • A. Jayson Adair, Copart
  • Charles William Ergen, DISH Network Corporation Total: $119,900Party: $51,300 DEM $53,600 GOP
  • Thermo Fisher ScientificTotal: $118,100
  • Robert A. Iger, Walt DisneyTotal: $111,800
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    Generational Divides In Partisanship

    Generation continues to be a dividing line in American politics, with Millennials more likely than older generations to associate with the Democratic Party. However, over the past few years the Democratic Party has lost some ground among Millennials, even as it has improved its standing among the oldest cohort of adults, the Silent Generation. Gen Xers and Baby Boomers have seen less change in their partisan preferences and remain closely divided between the two major parties.

    Overall, 54% of Millennial registered voters say they identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, compared with 38% who identify with or lean toward the GOP. In 2017, the Democratic Party held a wider 59% t0 32% advantage among this group. However, the Democratic Partys standing with Millennials is about the same as it was at earlier points, including 2014.

    Voters in the Silent Generation are now about equally likely to identify with or lean toward the GOP as the Democratic Party . This marks a change from 2017, when the GOP held a 52% to 43% advantage in leaned party identification among the oldest voters. Still, the partisan leanings of Silent voters have fluctuated over the past few decades, and there have been other moments where the two parties ran about even or the Democratic Party held a narrow advantage since 1994.

    Across all generations, women remain more likely than men to associate with the Democratic Party.

    Now That The Fda Has Granted Full Approval To The Covid

    There are more than 10 professors affiliated with the Democratic Party for every faculty member who is a registered Republican, according to a new study.

    Mitchell Langbert, an associate professor of business management at Brooklyn College, reviewed the party affiliations of 8,688 tenure-track, Ph.D.-holding professors at 51 of the top 60 liberal arts colleges listed in U.S. News and World Reports 2017 rankings.

    Nearly 60 percent of all faculty members were registered as either a Republican or a Democrat, and of that sample, there were 10.4 times as many Democrats as Republicans.

    TOP STORIESMask debate moves from school boards to courtrooms

    The political registration of full-time, Ph.D.-holding professors in top-tier liberal arts colleges is overwhelmingly Democratic, Mr. Langbert wrote in an article published by the National Association of Scholars. Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free having zero Republicans.

    There are several shortcomings associated with political uniformity in higher education, Mr. Langbert continued, including biased research and diminished academic credibility.

    Studies show that academic psychologists are more likely to study the attitudes and behaviors of conservatives than liberals. They are also more likely to view conservative beliefs as deviant.

    There are a few colleges that stood out in Mr. Langberts sample.

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    Democratic Edge In Party Identification Narrows Slightly

    The balance of party identification among registered voters has remained fairly stable over the past quarter century. Still, there have been modest fluctuations: The new analysis, based on combined telephone surveys from 2018 and 2019, finds that the Democratic Partys advantage in party identification has narrowed since 2017.

    Overall, 34% of registered voters identify as independent, compared with 33% who identify as Democrats and 29% who identify as Republicans. The share of registered voters who identify with the Republican Party is up 3 percentage points, from 26% in 2017, while there has been no change in the share who identify as Democrats. The share of voters who identify as independents is 3 points lower than it was in 2017.

    When independents and those who dont align with either major party are included, 49% of all registered voters say they either identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party slightly fewer say they identify with or lean toward the GOP. In 2017, the Democratic Party enjoyed a wider 8-point advantage in leaned party identification .

    Democrats have held the edge in party identification among registered voters since 2004. The current balance of leaned party identification is similar to where it stood in 2016 when 48% of voters identified as Democrats or leaned Democratic and 44% identified with or leaned toward the GOP and in 2012 . See detailed tables.

    Will More Republicans Die From Covid Than Democrats

    Blue Republican
    • razelove | 509 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.Influencer3 mo People lie, right and left. Youre looking not at a number comparing those immunized or not immunized against voter rolls, but asking two questions at random, what party do you affiliate with, and do you plan to get vaccinated.Either way, its a brain dead question. More people would die regardless. Lets say that 45% between both parties is only 30% of Americans , thats enough to fall short of the unknown number that we would need to reach for herd immunity, which to the best of my knowledge no country has reached yet to find that sweet spot.It will simply mutate more and more and recircle the globe again and again. Which honestly is fine by me. The panic and blow to the economy were worse than the virus. Maybe sars-cov-3 will be more exciting though. I was in panic mode until there were more concrete numbers a few months in with cov-2.You also have to figure that if a virus becomes too deadly it wipes itself out as the hosts for that virus die faster than they can transmit it, like ebola, some strains of flu or dysentery. Im not too concerned as me and my family caught it already, and kind of figured on this sticking around like the flu. 0|0

    Scroll Down to Read Other Opinions

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    How To Cancel My Registration

    If you are currently registered to vote in California and would like to cancel your voter registration, you can complete the California Voter Registration Cancellation Request Form and submit it to your county elections office. If you have any questions, you can contact your county elections office or the Secretary of State’s Voter Hotline at 345-VOTE .

    Political Party Strength In Us States

    Political party strength in U.S. states is the level of representation of the various political parties in the United States in each statewide elective office providing legislators to the state and to the U.S. Congress and electing the executives at the state rel=nofollow> U.S. state governor) and national level.

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    Texas Democrats Want To Register 2 Million Voters Before 2022 Midterm Elections

    AUSTIN With the legislative session in the rear view mirror, and the possibility of the Governor calling lawmakers back to the Capitol this summer, the Texas major political parties are already planning for the 2022 midterm elections.

    The Texas Democratic Party announced the creation of a voter registration plan aimed at registering two million Texans before the midterms.

    The program, dubbed Project Texas, targets prospective voters who are young and largely Hispanic, party leaders announced in a Tuesday press conference.

    There are over 2 million people in the state of Texas that are not registered to vote that fit the Democratic profile, Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said during the virtual event. Most of those are Latinos, a large portion of them are young people people who, if registered to vote, are going to vote for Democrats. So thats our task. Thats what this voter registration plan is all about.

    The first phase of the plan involves testing six different methods of voter registration through the rest of the year, party leaders said. The methods include digital ads, apartment voter registration, registering voters by mail, site-based registration, door-to-door registration, and relational organizing.

    We need to do everything we can to counter these attacks, get people to the polls, help Texans make their voices heard, and make their voices be heard loud and clear, State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, said.

    Voter Registration And State Political Control

    Politics & Voting : How to Register to Vote in California
    This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

    The state Democratic or Republican Party controls the governorship, the state legislative houses, and U.S. Senate representation. Nebraskas legislature is unicameral, i.e., it has only one legislative house and is officially non-partisan, though party affiliation still has an unofficial influence on the legislative process.

    The simplest measure of party strength in a state voting population is the affiliation totals from voter registration for the 30 states and the District of Columbia as of 2019 that allow registered voters to indicate a party preference when registering to vote. 20 states do not include party preference with voter registration: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. The party affiliations in the party control table are obtained from state party registration figures where indicated. Only Wyoming has a majority of registered voters identifying themselves as Republicans two states have a majority of registered voters identifying themselves as Democrats: and Kentucky .

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