Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Is Trump Doing In The Polls

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Trumps Pitch To Black Voters Was Largely About Financial Security And Prosperity

New polls reveal how Biden compares to Trump

Ationza Smith, a Biden supporter and co-founder of the activist group Revolutionaries Demanding Justice, told me that in her experience, Black Trump supporters like how hes improved employment … theyre kind of basically looking at things on a business level and not necessarily an ethics level.

And that has been the case with a number of prominent Black Trump supporters.

Rapper 50 Cent, who has vacillated in his support of Trump, noted he was a fan of the presidents tax policies, criticizing Bidens tax plan which would raise taxes on those making more than $400,000 per year and , Yeah, i dont want to be 20cent.

But while 50 Cent has a fortune valued at $110 million, the median wealth and income for a Black family in 2019 was just $24,100 and $46,073, respectively.

50 Cent would be hurt by Bidens tax plan, which stands little chance of passing if Republicans hold the Senate most Black Americans would not. But there is more to Trumps economic pitch than lower taxes. DAngelo Crosby, an undecided voter who ultimately went for Biden, noted his father mentioned he had never made so much money as he had during the past four years, and that Black Trump supporters hed spoken with had a similar message.

Crosby said people have told him, It was like, Well, I got a higher pay rate, the highest Ive ever been paid before. So I definitely think I want to stick with this president, because my moneys looking a little better.

Trump Poll Tests His 2024 Comeback Map

The former president is targeting five swing states that are pivotal to his hopes of winning back the White House.

11/23/2021 04:30 AM EST

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As Donald Trump builds out a presidential-campaign-in-waiting, his team is focusing on an electoral strategy that relies on recapturing the five states that flipped to Joe Biden in 2020.

The five states Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin delivered a total of 73 electoral votes in 2020, enough to produce a decisive Electoral College victory for Biden. Since then, Trump has held four rallies, endorsed dozens of candidates and played a key role in shaping contests that could put his allies in top offices in those states in 2024.

Trumps shadow campaign also recently polled Trump-Biden matchups in the five states, all of which were decided in 2020 by fewer than 3 percentage points. According to the poll, a memo of which was obtained by POLITICO, the former president led Biden in Arizona by 8 percentage points, Georgia by 3 points, Michigan by 12 points, Pennsylvania by 6 points and Wisconsin by 10 points.

The poll numbers send a message to those who think Trumps grip on the Republican Party is loosening, said Tony Fabrizio, a top GOP pollster who conducted the surveys for Trumps super PAC, Make America Great Again, Again!

A spokesperson for Trumps political committees said the president is focused on the midterm elections.

Polls Close In Rest Of Kansas Michigan

The remaining polling places in Kansas and Michigan closed at 9 p.m. Tuesday.

Polls in other areas of the states closed an hour earlier because of time zones.

Abortion and former President Donald Trumps influence loom large in these state elections, where ballot counting is ongoing.

– Candy Woodall

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Ohio Hosts Second Primary After Redistricting Fight

Ohio is in the unusual position on Tuesday of hosting its second primary of 2022 after a prolonged fight over its congressional and state legislative maps.

After nominating statewide candidates and voting in primaries for Congress in May, Ohio voters today are casting ballots in primary races for the state legislature and party committees. Ohio has 33 members in its state Senate and 99 in the House.

Among the candidates on the ballot in Ohio on Tuesday is Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage. Obergefell is running unopposed in a Democratic primary for a seat in the Ohio House, according to the Associated Press.

Nearly Half Of Utah Voters Say They Would Not Choose The Former Gop President If He Were To Run Again

New CNN Poll Says 50% Still Support Impeaching and Removing President ...

Half of Utahns would vote for or consider voting for Donald Trump if he were to run for president in 2024.

And 48% of Beehive State residents have a favorable opinion of the former president who continues to claim voter fraud cost him the 2020 election.

A new Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll found 24% of registered voters in the state would definitely vote for Trump in 2024. Another 26% would consider voting for him.

But 46% say they would not cast their ballot for Trump, while 4% dont know, according to the survey.

Although Utahns as a whole are divided on the former president, he still has strong support from his conservative Republican base and a significant portion stand ready to vote for him in 2024 if that becomes a possibility, said Jason Perry, director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah.

Dan Jones & Associates conducted the poll of 812 Utah registered voters Nov. 18-30. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.44 percentage points.

Among those in the survey who identified themselves as Republicans, 39% would vote for Trump, while 34% would consider voting for him. Only 23% of Utah Republican voters say they would not choose him in 2024.

Of survey respondents who consider themselves very conservative, 53% would mark their ballot for the former president.

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New Poll Finds Trump Outperforms Joe Biden On Jobs The Economy And Crime

Look at any poll right now, and the top issues that concern voters are the economy, specifically inflation, and crime.

A new Harvard Harris poll shows that Donald Trump is more trusted to handle these issues than Joe Biden, which should come as no suprise.

Things were better under Trump, and everyone knows it.

Breitbart News reports:

Poll: Donald Trump Outperforms Joe Biden on Jobs, Economy, Crime

President Joe Bidens job approval on a series of categories, including jobs and the economy, is significantly lower than former President Donald Trumps ratings before leaving office, a recent Harvard Harris survey reveals.

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Bidens overall approval rating remains low, hanging at 38 percent, according to the survey. That reflects a 24 percent drop from the 62 percent approval he saw in June 2021. It has been over a year since Biden has seen an approval rating above 50 percent in this particular survey.

The president fails to perform much better on individual issues. In fact, he does not have a positive approval on any issue, scoring highest on the Chinese coronavirus, but only garnering 48 percent support less than a majority.

This poll also found that Trump would beat Joe Biden in a rematch.

See the numbers below:

Will Absentee Ballots Slow Results

Mail-in ballots remain popular with Michigan voters despite criticism from Trump and other Republicans. As of July 25, more than 589,000 Michigan voters had returned absentee ballots, according to Secretary of State data. Thats up from the same point in 373,351 in 2018, which was the last year voters could only request absentee ballots with a valid excuse.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, is again warning that absentee ballots could slow results and create a window for misinformation because they take longer to count than in-person ballots. Election workers must remove the absentee ballots from outer envelopes and secrecy sleeves before feeding them through tabulators, for instance.

Conspiracy theorists could wrongly claim that the time it takes to finish counting absentee ballots is evidence of malfeasance rather than simply acknowledging the truth: that counting often continues long after polls closed because the Michigan Legislature has not provided election clerks time before Election Day to pre-process absentee ballots, Benson said Monday.

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Lower White Support For Trump In Pennsylvania Michigan And Wisconsin

The three crucial northern battlegrounds of both 2016 and 2020 are the relatively white states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Each one flipped for Biden this election.

Exit polls in all three states indicate that more Democratic-favorable margins among different white blocs between 2016 and 2020 contributed to Bidens wins. See Figure 4 and .

Beginning with Pennsylvania, it is clear that white college graduatesboth male and femalevoted more Democratic in 2020 than in 2016. Particularly noteworthy is the change for white male college graduates , while white female college graduates increased their Democratic support from 14% to 19%.

Pennsylvanias seniors, too, registered a smaller Republican margin, while white noncollege men and women remained fairly strongly Republican. But the shift among white college-educated Pennsylvanians toward Democrats, strong nonwhite support, and greater support among young people were enough to seal Bidens win.

Michigan Gop Candidate Deflects Question On ‘stolen Election’

These new poll numbers are bad news for President Trump

LANSING, Mich. Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon would not say during a national TV appearance Sunday whether she thought the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

It was a shift from the position she took during a candidate debate in May.

In what could be a sign of an early pivot to a general election campaign, Dixon, appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” instead shifted the conversation to what she described as legitimate concerns about the way the election was conducted and her support for strict voter ID requirements and other proposed changes to state election law.

The apparent pivot in Dixon’s position away from the “big lie” promoted by former President Donald Trump came less than 48 hours after Trump endorsed Dixon, on Friday night, in Tuesday’s five-candidate GOP primary.

Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press

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The Sample And Margin Of Error

Pollsters cant realistically contact every American adult throughout the country and ask their opinion on a given issue. Instead, they try to contact a representative sampleusually anywhere between 1,000 and 2,000 individualsthat accurately represents the countrys population as a whole. Pollsters, with the help of statisticians, demographers, and data experts, use a variety of techniques to create a representative sample. This typically involves using probability formulas and algorithms to ensure random sampling and to increase the likelihood of contacting an accurate cross-section of the U.S. adult population. Some pollsters also create panels of respondents that they believe reflect the actual population and poll them repeatedly over a span of time. These polls are usually called tracking polls. Oftentimes, pollsters weigh their respondents to account for various demographic measurements. For example, a pollster might weigh more heavily the responses from a specific demographic group if that group was poorly represented in the random sample in relation to the countrys estimated demographic composition. The same might be done if a group appears to be overrepresented.

Cbs News Poll: Half Say Trump Tried To Stay In Office Through Illegal Means Should Be Charged With Crimes

Most Americans continue to feel U.S. democracy is threatened, and the Jan. 6 hearings offer a window into their different reasons why.

From what they’ve seen of the hearings thus far, half the country thinks former President Donald Trump planned to remain in office through unconstitutional and illegal activities. Half think that he should, in turn, be charged with crimes, and that the attack on the Capitol was an “insurrection.”

Meanwhile, though, most Republicans feel Trump had no such plans, and a big, unmoved majority of them still say President Joe Biden didn’t legitimately win. Half of Republicans still call that day’s events “patriotism,” a view that’s floated around the same mark since that day.

The hearings haven’t changed how people describe the day’s events, compared to the way they did immediately afterward or a year later. That may be in part due to locked-in partisanship, and that not everyone is paying a lot of attention, including a big partisan difference in following it. Most Democrats are paying at least some attention, but most Republicans are not.

So, we still see Democrats and many independents calling the day’s events an “insurrection,” and an attempted overthrow of the government.

So what comes next?

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Gop Rollercoaster To Face Whitmer

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is one of the top targets for Republicans in 2022, but its been a bumpy ride for the state GOP during their primary season.

Six Republicans are lined up to challenge Whitmer, including businessman Kevin Rinke, who has poured millions of his own money into the race.

But along the way the Republican primary has been filled with controversy.

Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, once thought of as the GOP frontrunner, was removed from the ballot for forging signatures on his nominating petition. He is now on the ballot as a write-in candidate.

Phillip M. Bailey

A Poll That Should Scare Donald Trump

Latest 2020 Polling Shows President Trump Beating All Major Democrats

A new poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire has some startling news for Donald Trump: Hes no longer the big dog on the block .

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis takes 39% in a poll of the Republican presidential primary in New Hampshire, while Trump is at 37%. No other potential GOP contender manages double-digit support, with former Vice President Mike Pence in third place at 9%.

Thats a MAJOR change from where the race was last fall. A UNH poll in October 2021 showed Trump with 43% to DeSantis 18%.

Another interesting nugget from the poll: Just 6 in 10 self-identified Republicans want the former President to run again in 2024. Which is, well, sort of low?

Now, this is just one poll in a state expected to be one of the first to vote in the 2024 primary season. If you look at all the polling done in the broader Republican White House race, Trump still leads in the preponderance of it. And he would start a third bid for president as the favorite for the GOP nomination.

But its become increasingly clear that the primary race is no longer properly understood as Trump and everyone else, but rather Trump, DeSantis and everyone else.

And DeSantis has been, for a while now, acting less dependent on Trump.

As Politico reported Wednesday: According to four people connected to the governor and former president, DeSantis has not asked Trump for a formal endorsement and isnt planning to.

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Which Oakland County Democrat Will Remain Standing

Congressional redistricting created one of Michigan’s most closely watched Democratic primaries between incumbent U.S. Reps. Haley Stevens of Waterford Township and Andy Levin of Bloomfield Township.

While the colleagues-turned-rivals agree on many policy fronts, competing attack ads have made for a combative race in the new 11th, which stretches across much of southeastern Oakland County and leans Democratic.

Levin got a boost Friday, when Sen. Bernie Sanders came to Michigan to stump for him. But Stevens has out-raised Levin and boasts support from the likes of Hillary Clinton and U.S. Rep. Brenda Lawrence, who has represented much of the area and is retiring at the end of this year.

Stagnant population from 2010 to 2020 prompted Michigans representation in Congress to decline from 14 to 13 this year.

Trump Losing Gop Support For 2024 Run As Jan 6 Hearings Unfold: Poll

Former President Donald Trump appears to be losing support among Republican voters for a 2024 White House bid as the public hearings of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack against the U.S. Capitol have unfolded, new polling suggests.

Trump has not officially confirmed that he plans to seek another presidential term but has repeatedly hinted at the idea as a strong possibility. While polls have generally shown the former president as the clear frontrunner for the Republican Party’s nomination, his viability might be taking a hit as the January 6 hearings feature what many view as damning testimony by his own former administration officials and other Republicans.

Polling data released on Thursday shows that Trump is losing support among GOP voters for a 2024 presidential run. Survey data collected from July 20 to 21 showed that about one-third of Republicans “strongly” or “somewhat” agreed with the statement that Trump “should NOT run for president again in 2024.” That was an increase from about one-quarter who said the same just six weeks ago.

Additionally, in the previous early-June poll, 51 percent of Republicans “strongly” disagreed with the statement that Trump shouldn’t seek another term. That level of strong disapproval with the statement dipped 10 points to 41 percent in the latest survey.

She said that in the end, “it’s up to our voters to decide.”

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Question21 As You May Know A Special Congressional Committee Is Investigating The Storming Of The Us Capitol That Occurred On January 6th And It Has Issued Several Subpoenas To Witnesses As Part Of Its Investigation Do You Want To Hear More Information About What Led To The Events Of That Day Or Do You Think Enough Is Already Known About What Led To The Events Of That Day

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoWant to hear more    40%    22%    59%    38%    38%    42%    57%    36%Enough already known 56     74     38     58     58     54     41     59DK/NA                 4      3      3      4      4      5      3      5                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspWant to hear more    40%    37%    41%    42%    41%    45%    43%    34%    33%Enough already known 57     57     54     56     54     52     53     61     63DK/NA                 3      6      5      2      5      3      4      5      5

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