Friday, July 26, 2024

George Gascon Democrat Or Republican

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Los Angeles Police Department

‘The Five’ blast Democrat leaders for denying crime spike

In 1978, Gascón joined the Los Angeles Police Department as a patrol officer. After a three-year stint with the LAPD, he returned to work in business management. He served as a reserve officer in the Hollenbeck Division of LAPD until 1987. In 1987, he returned to LAPD as a full-time police officer. Upon his return, he rose through the ranks of LAPD as a Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Commander, and Deputy Chief in 2002. During his time with LAPD, Gascón earned his J.D. degree from Western State College of Law in 1996.

What Is The Age Of Isaac Galvan

Isaac Galvans age is revealed to be 34 years old.

A single mother raised him. He could easily see how young people could be caught up in a life on the streets and how few facilities they had.

He even saw how enriching activities such as youth sports and after-school academics were powerful and positive resources for youth.

His mother taught him to always look at the bright side and always work hard in life.

Gascon A Former Republican Becomes A Democrat Ahead Of Political Run

George Gascón might be preparing to be a prosecutor, but he is already thinking like a politician.

On Thursday, the former police chief quietly changed his party affiliation to Democrat as he prepares to run for district attorney in the liberal stronghold of San Francisco, The San Francisco Examiner has learned.

After being hired as police chief in The City in August 2009, Gascón declined to state a party affiliation when he registered to vote here. But he was a registered Republican when he was police chief in Mesa, Ariz., according to records with the Maricopa County Department of Elections.

Also, in a 2008 Los Angeles Times article he described himself as a longtime Republican.

Gascóns Republican past will likely haunt him on the campaign trail, political consultant Jim Ross said. Its important to be a Democrat running for any office . San Francisco is a strongly Democratic town, Ross said.

In an interview, Gascón told The Examiner he picked the political party to fit my beliefs. He said he voted for President Barack Obama, President Bill Clinton and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Ive always voted for the person, he said.

As for his past GOP registration, Gascón said, If people think thats an issue, they can take their best shot. Ive never tried to hide it.

Also, he said, he takes issue with the GOPs stances on same-sex marriage and spending on social services.

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The Former San Francisco Da Got The Nod Over Incumbent Jackie Lacey Whose Tenure Advocates And Activists Have Long Criticized As Lackluster

Jessica PishkoDec 10, 2019

The Los Angeles County Democratic Party endorsed George Gascón on Tuesday for Los Angeles County district attorney.

The L.A. County Democrats decision to back Gascón, the former San Francisco DA, over incumbent District Attorney Jackie Lacey signals both a shift in the importance of criminal justice reform as a plank of the party, as well as Laceys declining status as a standard bearer on the issue. Rachel Rossi, a former federal defender, is also running. Richard Ceballos, a current Los Angeles prosecutor, withdrew from the race shortly after the party endorsed Gascón.

The fight starts here,Gascón said to the crowd in a statement following the endorsement. We must stop the death penalty. We must stop caging our juveniles as adults. We must stop fighting every single reform effort. We must provide equality in the way we do our work, this is not just for the rich and powerful. I pledge to you that I will work with every single one of you to bring a different kind of justice to LA County and to lead the country on the path to reform and redemption.

According to an L.A. Times reporter, chants of Bye, Jackie filled the room as Gascón received almost 80 percent of the recommendation committees vote.

Update: This article has been updated to reflect that Richard Ceballos has withdrawn from the Los Angeles County DA race.

Investigations Of Police Officers

George Gascón

Gascón launched a blue-ribbon panel, which was set to investigate a scandal in the San Francisco Police Department regarding homophobic and racist texts exchanged between over 14 police officers in 2014.

In 2016, following recommendations of both the Department of Justice and Blue Ribbon Panel, Gascón secured funding to create the Independent Investigations Bureau, which investigates shootings involving police officers, excessive force, and in-custody deaths.

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Polls Show Voters Losing Faith In California Democrats

California has been a Democratic stronghold for as long as many of us can remember. Certainly, in recent years California voters have overwhelmingly supported Democratic candidates. However, current polls show that California Democrats are quickly losing the support of their constituents.

Three progressive members of the San Francisco school board were recalled last month by over 70% of the vote. Los Angeles Countys progressive District Attorney, George Gascon, has lost the support of 98% of his prosecutors union members.

Governor Gavin Newsom is also losing the support of California voters. A poll from UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studiesshows Governor Newsoms approval ratings slipping. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are slowly fading away, and voters are now focused on other serious issues in California. Of the 10 issues presented to voters, who were asked how well Newsom has handled them, he scored terribly on almost all of them. Respondents were 2.5 times more likely to disapprove of the governors handling of crime in the state than to approve. On homelessness, his disapproval rate was six times his approval rate. When asked about education, the state budget, drought, wildfires, and health care, unfavorable responses outnumbered favorable by over 10 points. Newsoms only favorable score was regarding climate change, and that was by a single point.

Oppose The Recall Of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascn

San Fernando Valley, CA On Thursday, May 20th the Registrar Recorder approved the petition that will be used for public circulation in an effort to gather signatures to recall Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascòn. DA Gascòn was eagerly elected by LA County residents that want to see change from the District Attorneys office. DA Gascòns election was a clear message that voters no longer want tough-on-crime policies the future calls for reform. DA Gascòn kept all of his campaign promises. On day one, DA Gascòn announced policy reforms that we Angelenos have been desperately seeking. Unfortunately, a group of misguided and misinformed residents are seeking a recall election to waste taxpayer dollars and ignore the will of the voters. The Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley will not stand for this we will once again roll up our sleeves and support our duly elected District Attorney as he battles this Republican-led effort.

Sean Rivas: Chair

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Rogue Democrat Los Angeles Sheriff Burns Party In Endorsement Of Republican Ag Candidate

The Democrat sheriff of Los Angeles County is bucking his party in a statewide election with big implications.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva endorsed Republican Nathan Hochman for California Attorney General in a Thursday press conference.

Villanueva, who refers to himself as a proud Democrat, has become increasingly critical of progressive politicians who tolerate criminality, drug addiction and decay.

Im a supporter of Nathan because its time we get serious about reducing crime, ending homelessness, and holding those in power accountable when they abuse that power or engage in corruption, said Villanueva.

I want a partner at the state attorney generals office that will actually hold criminals accountable.

We also need smart and intelligent leaders who can help law enforcement across the state and target and arrest the most notorious criminals, get guns off the streets, and investigate major crime sprees and political corruption.

Hochman served as a federal prosecutor in the George W. Bush administration.

Hes accusing incumbent Democrat Attorney General Rob Bonta of political partisanship, pointing out his lack of experience in law enforcement.

Villanueva frequently criticizes Los Angeles mayor and city council for refusing to properly fund and staff the countys Sherrifs Department.

Relation To Marital Status And Parenthood

Larry Elder sounds off on soft-on-crime DA supported by Democrats

Americans that identify as single, living with a domestic partner, divorced, separated, or widowed are more likely to vote Democratic in contrast to married Americans which split about equally between Democrat and Republican.

General Social Surveys of more than 11,000 Democrats and Republicans conducted between 1996 and 2006 came to the result that the differences in fertility rates are not statistically significant between these parties, with the average Democrat having 1.94 children and the average Republican having 1.91 children. However, there is a significant difference in fertility rates between the two related groups liberals and conservatives, with liberals reproducing at a much lower rate than conservatives.

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Effort Begins To Recall George Gascon Soros

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon, criticized as being soft on crime, is facing a recall drive just six months after taking office, making him an anomaly among prosecutors whose campaigns were funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros.

A beneficiary of Mr. Soros Justice & Public Safety PAC, Mr. Gascon joined a phalanx of Democratic prosecutors aiming to deal with crime by employing social justice tactics such as reducing charges and sentences against accused or convicted criminals, ending gang task forces and easing parole requirements.

Some of the outcomes have been less than encouraging. Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore has reported a 73% increase in shootings during the first four months of this year compared with the same period last year. The city is on pace to have about 340 killings by the end of the year after recording its highest death tally in more than a decade 350 in 2020.

All of the steps he has taken, from ending the gang unit to dropping all enhancements and always looking for the minimum sentences, all of this has made George Gascon persona non grata even in this Democratic city, said Tim Lineberger, a spokesman for the recall drive.

Supporters of the liberal prosecutors say these elections have vindicated their approach, but some of those seeking Mr. Gascons recall say he hid the extent of the left-wing approach he intended to take once in office.

California State University Long Beach

California State University, Long Beach

Former names Los Angeles-Orange County State College Long Beach State College California State College, Long Beach
Speak the truth as a way of life
1949 73 years ago
Parent institution

California State University, Long Beach is a public in . The 322-acre campus is the second largest of the 23-school system and one of the largest universities in the of by enrollment, its student body numbering 39,435 for the fall 2021 semester. With 5,830 graduate students as of fall 2021, the university enrolls one of the largest graduate student populations across the CSU system and in the state of California.

The Beach is home to one of the largest publicly funded schools in the United States. The university currently operates with one of the lowest student tuition and mandatory fee rates in the country, at $5,742 per semester for full-time students with California residence as of 2021.

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Foreign Policy And National Defense

Some, including , in the Republican Party support on issues of national security, believing in the ability and right of the United States to act without external support in matters of its national defense. In general, Republican thinking on defense and is heavily influenced by the theories of and , characterizing conflicts between nations as struggles between faceless forces of an international structure as opposed to being the result of the ideas and actions of individual leaders. The realist school’s influence shows in Reagan’s “” stance on the and George W. Bush’s stance.

Since the , many in the party have supported policies with regard to the War on Terror, including the and the . The George W. Bush administration took the position that the do not apply to , while other prominent Republicans strongly oppose the use of , which they view as torture.

Republicans have frequently advocated for restricting foreign aid as a means of asserting the national security and immigration interests of the United States.

The Republican Party generally supports a strong alliance with and efforts to secure peace in the Middle East between Israel and its neighbors. In recent years, Republicans have begun to move away from the approach to resolving the . In a 2014 poll, 59% of Republicans favored doing less abroad and focusing on the country’s own problems instead.

Democrat La County Sheriff Endorses Republican Candidate For Attorney General

Los Angeles County Democratic Party Endorses George Gascón ...

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva who describes himself as a proud Democrat has endorsed a Republican running to become Californias Attorney General, the top law enforcement officer in the nations most populous state.

Villanueva appeared at a press conference on Thursday morning to show his support for Nathan Hochman, a moderate Republican who was appointed to serve as Assistant U.S. Attorney General in 2008 by then-President George W. Bush.

Hochman is running against incumbent Rob Bonta, a progressive Democrat closely aligned with the criminal justice reform movement.

Im a supporter of Nathans because its time we get serious about reducing crime, ending homelessness, and holding those in power accountable when they abuse that power or engage in corruption, said Villanueva. I want a partner at the state attorney generals office that will actually hold criminals accountable. We also need smart and intelligent leaders who can help law enforcement across the state and target and arrest the most notorious criminals, get guns off the streets, and investigate major crime sprees and political corruption.

LET EM GO GUY AG Bonta and his fellow LET EM GO GUYS DAs Gascon and Boudin have formed an alliance that has emboldened criminals and hurt victims. We need to let them go and bring in someone who will do the job #NathanHochmanforAG

Nathan Hochman


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Lawsuit Against Usc In Sexual Abuse Case Of 80 Male Students Settled

The settlement is another step toward closure for our clients who finally feel a sense of recognition and validation for speaking up

LOS ANGELES Attorneys representing 80 individuals who filed lawsuits and made claims against the University of Southern California and former USC mens health physician Dennis Kelly for allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment have reached a global settlement according to the plaintiffs attorney, Mikayla Kellogg.

The settlement was achieved through the persistence and bravery of our clients who had the strength to come forward to share the harrowing details of their experiences at the USC Student Health Center and the determination to hold USC accountable for its failure to protect its students, said Kellogg, partner at Kellogg & Van Aken last week. The settlement is another step toward closure for our clients who finally feel a sense of recognition and validation for speaking up.

The lawsuit was filed in February 2019 in Los Angeles Superior Court by six former University of Southern California student alumni, all gay or bisexual, alleges that Dr. Dennis A. Kelly discriminated against and battered them while he was serving as the only full-time mens sexual health doctor at the Engemann Student Health Center on the USC campus.

Since the original filing, 74 additional individuals have come forward, bringing the total number of claimants to 80.

Early Life And Education

Gascon was born on March 12, 1954, in pre-Communist Cuba. Shortly after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, his father lost his job for alleged anti-government activity, and his uncle, a union organizer, was jailed for over a decade. In 1967, Gascón and his family immigrated from Cuba to the United States.

The family settled in Bell, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. At the age of thirteen, Gascón enrolled in Los Angeles Unified School District schools where he struggled to learn English. He recalled: “I was spending hours translating everything with a Spanish-English dictionary. I started missing a lot of school.” By 1972, he dropped out of Bell High School.

Gascón joined the United States Army in 1972. In the army, he earned his high school diploma and two years toward an undergraduate degree. Gascón served in the 64th Military Police Detachment, much of it in Germany. In 1975, he received an honorable discharge as a sergeant. After the Army, Gascón completed a Bachelor of Arts in history from California State-Long Beach while working sales jobs.

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Other Stories You Should Know

1.COVID data shifts again

When the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its masking guidance last week and said that nearly half of Californians live in high-risk counties, it was apparently relying on data more than a month old. In reality, only a small number of counties fall into that category, local health officials told CalMatters Kristen Hwang and Ana B. Ibarra. At stake: Whether counties considered high risk should follow CDC guidelines and keep universal masking requirements in place, or follow the states lead in removing almost all mask rules including for unvaccinated employees in indoor workplaces.

  • A shift already appears to be underway: Santa Clara County health officials announced plans Tuesday to let the countys indoor mask mandate expire today, and Los Angeles Countys is poised to end Friday. Los Angeles County also plans to lift some vaccine-or-test and inoculation requirements to enter certain businesses.
  • The constant back-and-forth has prompted criticism from Republican lawmakers. Its not the science that has changed, its the political science that has changed, state Sen. Melissa Melendez of Lake Elsinore said after California unveiled plans Monday to lift the statewide school mask mandate on March 12.

2.Dispatch from the California Capitol

  • Theresa Taylor, president of CalPERS board of directors, told the Sacramento Bee on Monday that she expects the board to discuss divesting from Russia at its next meeting on March 14-16.

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