Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why Trump Is The Best

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Early Life And Education

‘Massive overreach’: FBI raid could be the ‘best thing that ever happened’ to Trump

Donald John Trump, the son of Fred, a real estate developer, and his wife, Mary, a homemaker and Scottish immigrant, was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. The second youngest of five children, he attended private school in Queens before enrolling in the New York Military Academy for eighth grade through high school.

Trump studied for two years at New York Citys Fordham University then transferred to the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, where he earned an undergraduate degree in 1968. During the Vietnam War, he received four student deferments and one medical deferment and wasnt drafted for military service.

Cherishing Life And Religious Liberty

Steadfastly supported the sanctity of every human life and worked tirelessly to prevent government funding of abortion.

  • Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, ensuring that taxpayer money is not used to fund abortion globally.
  • Issued a rule preventing Title X taxpayer funding from subsiding the abortion industry.
  • Supported legislation to end late-term abortions.
  • Cut all funding to the United Nations population fund due to the funds support for coercive abortion and forced sterilization.
  • Signed legislation overturning the previous administrations regulation that prohibited states from defunding abortion facilities as part of their family planning programs.
  • Fully enforced the requirement that taxpayer dollars do not support abortion coverage in Obamacare exchange plans.
  • Stopped the Federal funding of fetal tissue research.
  • Worked to protect healthcare entities and individuals conscience rights ensuring that no medical professional is forced to participate in an abortion in violation of their beliefs.
  • Issued an executive order reinforcing requirement that all hospitals in the United States provide medical treatment or an emergency transfer for infants who are in need of emergency medical careregardless of prematurity or disability.
  • Led a coalition of countries to sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration, declaring that there is no international right to abortion and committing to protecting womens health.
  • First president in history to attend the March for Life.

Investing In Americas Workers And Families

Affordable and high-quality Child Care for American workers and their families.

  • Doubled the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and expanded the eligibility for receiving the credit.
  • Nearly 40 million families benefitted from the child tax credit , receiving an average benefit of $2,200 totaling credits of approximately $88 billion.
  • Signed the largest-ever increase in Child Care and Development Block Grants expanding access to quality, affordable child care for more than 800,000 low-income families.
  • Secured an additional $3.5 billion in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to help families and first responders with child care needs.
  • Signed into law 12-weeks of paid parental leave for Federal workers.
  • Signed into law a provision that enables new parents to withdraw up to $5,000 from their retirement accounts without penalty when they give birth to or adopt a child.

Advanced apprenticeship career pathways to good-paying jobs.

  • Expanded apprenticeships to more than 850,000 and established the new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship programs in new and emerging fields.
  • Established the National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board.
  • Over 460 companies have signed the Pledge to Americas Workers, committing to provide more than 16 million job and training opportunities.
  • Signed an executive order that directs the Federal government to replace outdated degree-based hiring with skills-based hiring.

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Trump’s 2020 Reelection Campaign And Second Impeachment

In his reelection campaign for 2020 against Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, Trump doubled down on his core issues of bringing back the economy following the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, boosting job growth, an America First approach to trade and foreign policy and a hardline stance on immigration.

Trump continued to hold large rallies, as he did during his 2016 campaign, despite the risks of coronavirus. Most of these rallies were held outside to mitigate risk. Trump also said he was all for masks, but rarely wore one himself.

In October, Trump, as well as several of his cabinet members, contracted the coronavirus. He was hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center for three days where he received multiple treatments, including an experimental antibody. Upon his release, Trump told reporters that he felt better than I have in a long time.

In the final days of his campaign, Trump continued to declare himself the president of law and order, pushing back on calls for police reform amid the outcry over racial injustice and police brutality. Just over a week before Election Day, the U.S. Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Trumps nomination to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, who had clerked with the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

In a break with tradition, Trump did not attend the inauguration of President Biden, becoming one of only seven presidents in U.S. history who did not attend their successors inauguration.

The Real Sources Of Wealth


The former president’s businesses generally fall into five categories: hotels, golf courses , condos, residential and commercial real-estate rentals, and payments for the licensing of Trump’s name.

The New York Times articles unleashed a major new source of information, besides confirming that Donald Trump’s disclosed income numbers were actually revenue figures.

The numbers also show that companies owned by Trump were incredibly unprofitable for the period between 2000 and 2018. His real sources of income were a television show and some licensing deals.

Although certain enterprises such as Trump Tower have been profitable, Trump businesses overall lost $174.5 million from 2000â2018. During the same period of time, his net income from licensing and endorsement deals was $230 million, his net income from The Apprentice television show was $197.3 million, and his income from other investments in companies run by other people was $178.7 million.

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Colossal Rebuilding Of The Military

Rebuilt the military and created the Sixth Branch, the United States Space Force.

  • Completely rebuilt the United States military with over $2.2 trillion in defense spending, including $738 billion for 2020.
  • Secured three pay raises for our service members and their families, including the largest raise in a decade.
  • Established the Space Force, the first new branch of the United States Armed Forces since 1947.
  • Modernized and recapitalized our nuclear forces and missile defenses to ensure they continue to serve as a strong deterrent.
  • Upgraded our cyber defenses by elevating the Cyber Command into a major warfighting command and by reducing burdensome procedural restrictions on cyber operations.
  • Vetoed the FY21 National Defense Authorization Act, which failed to protect our national security, disrespected the history of our veterans and military, and contradicted our efforts to put America first.

Defeated terrorists, held leaders accountable for malign actions, and bolstered peace around the world.

Addressed gaps in Americans defense-industrial base, providing much-needed updates to improve the safety of our country.

He Gives The Republicans Full Control Of Washington Again

For all you hear about how great Barack Obama was, do you realize that he had promised to cut the national debt in half but actually more than doubled it? Thats righthe saddled you and your descendants with a tax bill that you will likely never be able to pay off. Now, with Republicans in charge, we can roll back some of the excesses of the Obama era and encourage business growth rather than government growth.

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Hes Not Politically Correct

We are living in an age where most people have to bite their lips to the point of bleeding for fear of offending some delicate soul who will scream bloody murder and call the cops and press if you dare to say anything that hurts their feelings. This is mind control and tyranny of the worst formrepression of thoughts. For all that the media and academics say they want diversity, dont you dare utter a contrary opinion or they will ruin your life. Then along comes Trump and says, fuck that.

Hes Constantly Battling With Critics

Why Mary Trump Isn’t Shocked By Damning January 6th Testimony

Thats because his critics are the most petulant, tantrum-throwing, eternally aggrieved diaper-wearing adults in world history. Whereas for so long it seemed that politicians were terrified to ever fight back against critics, Trump gleefully body-slams them. For all they try to mess with his head, its obvious hes deep inside their heads and is loving it.

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Donald Trump Is 45th President Of The Usa And He Is The Current President Too 5 Reasons Are Mentioned Why Donald Trump Is Best Choice For Usa

Do you ever think thatDonald Trump doesnt have the potential to do well in office? Think again if you can. Well, he does have a tendency to open his mouth without thinking twice and has embarrassed himself on certain occasions, still, he might be the best to take some head strong decisions for the country when needed. He is the one person who would never put the honour of the States in harms way, whatever the situations may be.

Here are some of the reasons why Trump is the best choice for the United States.

Misogyny And Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

Trump has a history of insulting and belittling women when speaking to media and on social media. He made lewd comments, demeaned women’s looks, and called them names, such as ‘dog’, ‘crazed, ‘crying lowlife’, ‘face of a pig’, or ‘horseface’.

In October 2016, two days before the second presidential debate, a 2005 “hot mic” recording surfaced in which Trump is heard bragging about kissing and groping women without their consent, saying “when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab ’em by the .” The incident’s widespread media exposure led to Trump’s first public apology during the campaign and caused outrage across the political spectrum.

At least 26 women, including his first wife, have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing and groping without consent, looking under women’s skirts, or walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants. In 2016, he denied all accusations, calling them “false smears” and alleging a conspiracy against him and the American people.

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Why President Trump Is Best For Us National Security

OPINION This is my second piece on why Trump is best for U.S. national security. While some bemoan President Trumps Tweets or behavior, I prefer to focus on policy. Specifically, national security policy.

And in that regard President Trump should be the clear choice for any U.S. citizen truly concerned about protecting America and keeping it strong in an increasingly dangerous and unstable world.

Earlier I explained how Trump is effectively countering the greatest existential threat to the United States today and for the next coming decades China. The first and only president to do so in decades. That alone should make Trump the national security choice for President in 2020.

However, while China is the most significant threat to the U.S. today and increasingly so in the next decades it is not the only threat. Russia is a serious secondary threat.

Despite its shrinking population and diminished economy , Russia under Vladimir Putin has rebuilt and modernized its armed forces dramatically in the past ten years and still remains a threat to Americas NATO allies in Europe as well as U.S. interests in the Mediterranean and elsewhere.

Russia also still has a substantial espionage and disinformation apparatus, and of course the only nuclear capability able to destroy the United States. Putins willingness to flirt with a China military alliance is also a serious concern. While clearly a second-order threat to the U.S., Russia still poses major challenges.

Abortion Sex Education And Stem Cell Research

Why Donald Trump Is The Best Thing That

Pence is an , and his unwavering support of abortion restrictions has gained him the support of grassroots conservative activists. He began seeking to defund in 2007 and in three congressional sessions, he introduced legislation to block organizations that provide abortion services from receiving any funding, even for services not related to reproductive health or ., president of the , has praised Pence as a “pro-life trailblazer”.

Pence has criticized . In 2002, he criticized a speech by then-secretary of state , who had said it was “important for young people … to protect themselves from the possibility of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease” through the use of . Pence called Powell’s comments a “sad day” and expressed his support for . He asserted that “condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases” and that Powell was “maybe inadvertently misleading millions of young people and endangering lives” despite the CDC assessment that when properly used they offer effective protection against STDs.

Pence opposed President Obama’s executive order eliminating , saying, “I believe it is morally wrong to create human life to destroy it for research … I believe it is morally wrong to take the tax dollars of millions of pro-life Americans.” He asserted that “scientific breakthroughs have rendered embryonic stem-cell research obsolete.”

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Religion And Lgbt Rights

On March 26, 2015, Pence signed , also known as the Indiana “religious objections” bill , into law. The move was praised by , but criticized by people and groups who felt the law was carefully worded in a way that would permit discrimination against persons. Such organizations as the , the gamer convention , and the spoke out against the law. Apple CEO and CEO condemned the law, with saying it would halt its plans to expand in the state. announced that they would cancel a $40 million expansion of their Indianapolis-based headquarters over concerns with the law. The expansion would have moved 1000 jobs into the state. Thousands protested against the policy. Five Republican state representatives voted against the bill, and , the Republican mayor of Indianapolis, criticized it as sending the “wrong signal” about the state.

Serving And Protecting Our Veterans

Reformed the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve care, choice, and employee accountability.

  • Signed and implemented the Forever GI Bill, allowing Veterans to use their benefits to get an education at any point in their lives.
  • Eliminated every penny of Federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled.
  • Compared to 2009, 49 percent fewer veterans experienced homelessness nationwide during 2019.
  • Signed and implemented the HAVEN Act to ensure that Veterans whove declared bankruptcy dont lose their disability payments.
  • Helped hundreds of thousands of military service members make the transition from the military to the civilian workforce, and developed programs to support the employment of military spouses.
  • Placed nearly 40,000 homeless veterans into employment through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program.
  • Placed over 600,000 veterans into employment through American Job Center services.
  • Enrolled over 500,000 transitioning service members in over 20,000 Department of Labor employment workshops.
  • Signed an executive order to help Veterans transition seamlessly into the United States Merchant Marine.

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Hes Nationalist Rather Than Globalist

He realizes that the ex-factory worker in Ohio lost his job because it was sent to Malaysia. He knows that some banker in Brussels is more interested in increasing his stock portfolio than whether doing so will render huge swaths of the American heartland jobless and pill-addicted. He cares more about what a homeowner in Iowa thinks about him than what some sneering cosmopolite at a Parisian cocktail party thinks.

Ending The Mortgage Interest Deduction

âThe best is yet to comeâ: Trump releases new campaign style video

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which President Donald Trump signed in December 2017, significantly reduced the importance of the mortgage interest deduction for owner-occupied housing an overdue change that makes the tax system more efficient and equitable.

In general, taxpayers choose to take a standard deduction or to itemize various expenses. Mortgage interest, which constitutes a substantial part of many homeowners monthly housing payments, is among those deductible expenses. But the 2017 law substantially raised the standard deduction, decreasing the incentive to itemize: The of homeowners taking the mortgage interest deduction promptly tumbled from 21 percent in 2017 to 9 percent in 2018.

The deduction has essentially served as a subsidy for the upper middle class that encourages people to buy overly large homes, driving up housing prices. Its defended on the grounds that it encourages homeownership, but numerous studies suggest that it doesnt partly because first-time homeowners often either dont itemize or are in low tax brackets.

Once seen as a middle-class birthright, the deduction is now largely the province of the rich: In 2018, nearly 80 percent of the benefit went to households earning in the top 20 percent. Eliminating the deduction entirely and perhaps creating a tax credit for first-time home buyers is the next logical reform. But Trump oversaw a good first step.

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Why Trump Will Be The Greatest President In History

Despite what the media tells you

And despite what you hear from Washington

Donald Trump will become the greatest president of the United States in history.

Yes, greater than Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan.

He will be the greatest, however, not because of his ability to lead our nation, not because he will be the first president to reject special interests and not because he will implement radical economic or foreign policies

He will do all of those.

But the reason for his legendary greatness has nothing to do with politics at all.

Instead, Trumps greatness will be linked back to, believe it or not, a new technology that experts predict will blossom into a $19 trillion industry in the next four years.

And Trump is the only person who understands this technology and will actually enable it to evolve into a powerful, game-changing industry.

You see, even the media has admitted hes got digital style. Trump understands the importance of technology capturing millions of dollars of free media by exploiting all things digital. If theres a candidate who knows the massive societal impact technology can have, its Trump.

This tiny device will be on the forefront of this new industry as a its growth explodes 8,000% higher. If you invest in it, you could make a fortune. See how.

This emerging industry is so powerful, with Trumps help, it is expected to rival past technological marvels, such as the printing press, the steam engine, and electricity.

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