Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who To Vote For Republican Primary

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As A Political Party Republicans Will:

Dave McCormick Concedes To Dr. Mehmet Oz In Pennsylvania GOP Senate Primary Election

STOP inflation and high gas and food prices. Create good jobs and empower small businesses. Preserve religious freedom. Fund and back the police. Support parents involvement in schools. Ensure honest and fair elections. Create fair, safe and efficient immigration. Preserve the sanctity of life and family values. Stop the march to socialism.

Who Decides Whether To Count Undated Ballots

Each of Pennsylvanias 67 counties will have to make its own decision.

The Department of State issued guidance to counties Tuesday morning that undated ballots be counted but the results be reported separately, and the ballots be kept segregated, from the rest of the vote. Counties ultimately run elections, and each countys elections board, guided by their county solicitors, will decide what to do. Philadelphias top elections official signaled Monday that those ballots will likely be counted in the Senate race.

Political Primaries: How Are Candidates Nominated

Article two, section one of the United States Constitution discusses the procedures to be followed when electing the president of the United States, but it does not provide guidance for how to nominate a presidential candidate. Currently, candidates go through a series of state primaries and caucuses where, based on the number of votes they receive from the electorate, they are assigned a certain number of delegates who will vote for them at their party’s convention.

Earlier party conventions were raucous events, and delegates did not necessarily represent the electorate. Mrs. J.J. McCarthy describes her convention experience:

I can picture … the great Democratic convention of 1894 at the old coliseum in Omaha… right now I can hear the Hallelluiahs of the assembled. Oh how I wish I had back the youth and the enthusiasm I felt that night, I jumped on a chair and ask that by a rising vote the nomination be made unanimous, how the people yelled, how the packed gallories applauded, it cheers an old man now to think about it.

Politics played a big part in the life of this town years ago. Campaigns were hot, and there was always a big celebration afterwards. … Votes used to be bought — that is before the secret ballot was adopted. Some sold ’em pretty cheap. I remember one old fellow who sold out to one party for a dollar — then sold out to the other for the same price.

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Dallas County Republican Partythe Dallas Political Partyfighting For Freedom

As Republicans, we are committed to preserving our constitutional Republic. We believe that all are created equal with certain unalienable rights, and “all” means all. We believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We believe in the freedom of religion and its free exercise. We believe in the equal application of our laws uniformly for all people not one set of rules for the ruling elite and another for the rest of us. We want to build a strong vibrant economy that will benefit all. We believe that hard work should be rewarded. We believe in good jobs and good wages. As Republicans, we believe in strong families and the protection of children. We believe in education and the rights of parents to have a say in the education of their children. As Republicans, we believe that ordinary citizens have common sense and are capable of doing the right thing on their own without the need for government mandates and over-reach. We believe that people can take care of themselves far better than any nanny-state. We believe that as free people who value truth, Americans can easily discern fact from narrative and outright propaganda. As Republicans, we are the political party that believes in free and fair elections that should be conducted with complete transparency.

We believe strongly in the inherent fairness and goodness of the American people.

Republicans believe that our people can accomplish great things together.

Mccormick Concedes To Oz In Pennsylvania Gop Senate Primary

What you need to know to vote in SC

HARRISBURG, Pa. Former hedge fund CEO David McCormick conceded the Republican primary in Pennsylvania for U.S. Senate to celebrity heart surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz, ending his campaign as he acknowledged an ongoing statewide recount wouldn’t give him enough votes to make up the deficit.

After a bitter campaign that blanketed the airwaves with millions of dollars in attack ads, McCormick issued a gracious concession Friday, vowing to help unite the party behind Oz.

Its now clear to me with the recount largely complete that we have a nominee, McCormick said at a campaign party at a Pittsburgh hotel. And today I called Mehmet Oz to congratulate him on his victory.

McCormick’s concession cements a general election campaign between Oz, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, and Democrat John Fetterman in what is expected to be one of the nations premier Senate contests.

Already, the national parties are sponsoring attack ads on TV in a presidential battleground state that is still roiled by Trump’s baseless claims of a stolen election in 2020.

The result could help determine control of the closely divided chamber, and Democrats view it as perhaps their best opportunity to pick up a seat in the race to replace retiring two-term Republican Sen. Pat Toomey.

More than two weeks out from the primary election, Republicans had begun to consider a bitter primary becoming further drawn-out by a recount and lawsuits over mail-in ballots.

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Personality Goes A Long Way

With little to fear from Republicans in most general elections, Democrats in Massachusetts tend to race to the left in primaries for attorney general. But the candidates in this race have struggled to differentiate themselves on the issues.

Where national Democrats have pivoted to loudly proclaiming their appreciation for Americas police officers, Campbell has gotten into public scrapes with police unions. And while Democrats in Congress have all but abandoned hope of banning military-style rifles like the one used in the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Palfrey is .

Guns will be a big issue, said Phil Johnston, a former chairman of the state Democratic Party who supports Palfrey, noting that Massachusetts already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. This is a very anti-gun state.

Campbell, who would be the first Black woman to win statewide office in Massachusetts, has leaned heavily on her extraordinary life story.

Her father, an associate of Whitey Bulger, the notorious Irish mobster, spent much of his life in prison. When Campbell was just 8 months old, her mother died in a car accident while trying to visit him. Despite living with an assortment of extended family members and foster parents, Campbell managed to attend Boston Latin, the citys most prestigious public school, then went to Princeton University for her undergraduate studies and to U.C.L.A. for law school.

When everyones the same on policy, Ferson said, people vote for biography.

When Will We Know The Results Of The Pa Republican Senate Race

Itll take a while.

The unofficial count Tuesday will will tell us whos on top heading into a recount and how close the margin is.

A recount wouldnt begin immediately after its ordered, which means recounted votes probably wont start streaming in until next week. As they do, well start to get a sense of whether one candidate is picking up more votes in the recount.

The recount would need to be completed by June 7, with the final results announced June 8.

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Can I Vote In The Primaries

Choosing the person who could be chosen to leadPrimaries are an important part of the democratic process, but certain states have laws around who is eligible to vote in them, often around voters registered political parties.

What are the primaries?

Primaries are elections that allow political parties to determine the candidate who will go on to represent them in later elections.

These can happen at any level, but get the most attention in the two years ahead of a Presidential election, when voters determine which candidates will represent the Democratic and Republican parties in the main election in November.

Open vs. Closed Primaries

Open Primaries allow any registered voter to pick the candidate that will represent their party as the nominee in the upcoming election.

Closed Primaries require that the voter only pick the candidate from the voters registered party. For example, a voter registered as a Republican could only pick their choice for the Republican nominee.

Some states allow voters registered as independents to align themselves with a party on the day of the Primary Election so they may vote for a party candidate of their choosing.

Republican Party Primaries 2022

Recount underway in Pennsylvania’s GOP primary for Senate
2022 Republican Party primary elections
Battleground primaries
Primaries by state

Ballotpedia is covering every Republican Party state and federal primary in 2022 to highlight the intraparty conflicts that are shaping the party and the general election. This page is an overview of those primaries, with links to Ballotpedia’s coverage of all Republican U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and state-level primaries.

to read about Democratic Party primaries in 2022.

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State Canvass Of The Republican Primary

Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matthew Rinaldi will hold the State Canvass of the Republican Primary Election results on Sunday, March 13 at 12:00 noon at the headquarters of the Dallas County Republican Party, 11617 North Central Expressway, Ste. 240, Dallas TX 75243.

Pursuant to Texas Secretary of State Election Advisory No. 2022-14 dated March 2, 2022.

The meeting is public and all are welcome to observe, but it is not required.

How Are Primary Elections Conducted In California

All candidates for voter-nominated offices are listed on one ballot and only the top two vote-getters in the primary election regardless of party preference – move on to the general election. Write-in candidates for voter-nominated offices can only run in the primary election. A write-in candidate will only move on to the general election if the candidate is one of the top two vote-getters in the primary election.

Prior to the Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act, the top vote-getter from each qualified political party, as well as any write-in candidate who received a certain percentage of votes, moved on to the general election.

The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act does not apply to candidates running for U.S. President, county central committee, or local office.

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When Your Vote Doesnt Matter Try Switching Ballots

If your party is going to lose, you can at least have a say in howit loses.

About the authors: Jonathan Robinson is a data and political analyst working in progressive politics.Sean Trende is a nonresident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he works on elections, American political trends, voting patterns, and demographics. He is also the senior elections analyst for RealClearPolitics.

Pundits and voters of all stripes lament just how extreme, polarized, and ideological American politics has become. But such grievances rarely come with advice for how ordinary people can address this problem, other than by voting for their preferred political partys candidates in general elections. Even that advice isnt very helpful: Voters in many parts of the country do not have the chance to participate in close electoral contests.

Yet Democrats in Alabama and Republicans in New York, say, still have the power to secure better representation in Congress andstrike a blow against political polarization. In places where electoral competition is lacking, primary elections by and large decide political outcomes. Voters in those places are accustomed to participating in their own partys primaries. But often the opposite partys primary is more competitive and more consequential. So why not strategically vote in the other partys primary?

Report Says Democrat Voters In Gop Primary Helped Georgia Secretary Of State Win

South Carolina begins voting in Republican primary

Blaze News

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who surprised many by winning last week’s Republican primary in the face of opposition from former President Donald Trump, may have had unexpected help in the election from an unlikely source: Democratic voters.

The state of Georgia has an open primary system, where anyone can vote in party primary elections, i.e. Democrats voting for Republicans in the GOP primary and vice versa. According to an Associated Press analysis of early voting records, more than 37,000 people who voted in Georgia’s Democratic primary two years ago crossed over to vote in the GOP primary this year, an “unusually high number.” The AP reported that these so-called crossover voters tipped the scales in several Republican contests, bailing out incumbents like Raffensperger who faced challenges from the right.

Raffensperger was one of Trump’s top targets for defeat, since the former president holds a grudge against the secretary of state for refusing to go along with his false claims that the 2020 presidential election in Georgia was stolen.

Yet when the votes were counted last Tuesday, Raffensperger won more than 50% of the primary ballots, clearing the threshold to avoid a runoff election against Rep. Jody Hice by more than 27,000 votes. Hice was endorsed by Trump.

In a statement, Raffensperger’s campaign denied that Democrats made the difference in the race.

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Local Canvass Of The Dallas County Republican Primary

The Local Canvass of the Dallas County Republican Primary results shall be held on Thursday, March 10, at 4:00 pm at the headquarters of the Dallas County Republican Party, 11617 North Central Expressway, Ste. 240, Dallas TX 75243.

Pursuant to Texas Secretary of State Election Advisory No. 2022-14 dated March 2, 2022.

The meeting is public and all are welcome to observe, but it is not required.

Chairwoman Stoddard Hajdu, Executive Director Susan Fountain, and several members of the Executive Committee will attend.

Understand The 2022 Midterm Elections

Why are these midterms so important?This years races could tip the balance of power in Congress to Republicans, hobbling President Bidens agenda for the second half of his term. They will also test former President Donald J. Trumps role as a G.O.P. kingmaker. Heres what to know:

What are the midterm elections?Midterms take place two years after a presidential election, at the midpoint of a presidential term hence the name. This year, a lot of seats are up for grabs, including all 435 House seats, 35 of the 100 Senate seats and 36 of 50 governorships.

What do the midterms mean for Biden?With slim majorities in Congress, Democrats have struggled to pass Mr. Bidens agenda. Republican control of the House or Senate would make the presidents legislative goals a near-impossibility.

What are the races to watch?Only a handful of seats will determine if Democrats maintain control of the House over Republicans, and a single state could shift power in the 50-50 Senate. Here are 10 races to watch in the House and Senate, as well as several key governors contests.

When are the key races taking place?The primary gauntlet is already underway. Closely watched races in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia were held in May, with more taking place through the summer. Primaries run until September before the general election on Nov. 8.

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Georgia Primary Election Results

ATLANTA Georgia takes center stage in Tuesdays primary elections as Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger try to fight back challengers endorsed by former President Donald Trump, who is seeking revenge for his 2020 election defeat in the state.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is testing Republican voters tolerance for controversy in her primary. On the Democratic side, U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath and U.S. Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux are facing off after McBath switched districts because of redistricting.

Trumps desire for vengeance has fueled the primary challenges to Kemp and Raffensperger, both of whom defied his pressure to overturn Georgias 2020 presidential election results.

Trump recruited former U.S. Sen. David Perdue to take on Kemp for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, but Perdue has lagged in polls and fundraising. Kemp has been increasingly confident the GOP will send him forward to a November rematch with Stacey Abrams, who is unopposed for the Democratic nomination.

Raffensperger, the states top elections official, is facing a tough challenge from U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, who has promoted Trumps lies that widespread voter fraud or tampering cost him the 2020 election.

What Is Ozs Campaign Saying

Allegheny County to begin recount of GOP primary

Ozs campaign opposes counting any undated ballots.

In an email Saturday night to the counties, Oz campaign lawyers said the court ruling is only relevant to the November 2021 election for a judge in Lehigh County, not to any other election.

And, in all events, a federal court may not change election rules on the eve of an election let alone after election day, Ozs lawyers said.

On Tuesday, a source familiar with the Oz campaign framed McCormicks push to count undated ballots as a move out of a Democratic playbook that could set a dangerous precedent for Republicans prospects in future elections.

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Candidates seeking the nomination of the Democratic or Republican Party must file a candidate application, and a filing fee or petition in lieu of filing fee. Please note, the application along with the filing fee or petition in lieu of filling fee must be filed at the same time with the proper filing authority.

  • Filing Period
    • The application must be filed between . .
  • Candidate Application
    • In order to become the Republican or Democratic Party nominee for a particular office, you must file an application for a place on the ballot with the county or state party chair, as appropriate . .
    • Candidates for federal office must file a federal application .
  • Filing Fee or Petition in Lieu of Filing Fee
    • The application for a place on the primary ballot must be accompanied by either a filing fee or a petition in lieu of filing fee signed by a certain number of qualified voters.
    • For details on the filing fee amount or number of petition signatures needed, see chart below.
  • Judicial Candidate Petitions

See our FAQs on Party Affiliation and Candidacy for more details about how primary voting or candidacy affects candidacy in the general election.

  • File with county chair if district is comprised of only one county.
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