Friday, July 26, 2024

Who Should Republicans Vote For In The Democratic Primary

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The Republicans Planning To Vote In South Carolinas Democratic Primary

Republican Caller: Should I Vote in the Democratic Primary to Undermine Bernie?

Twelve years ago, Rush Limbaugh, who had not yet received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, urged the listeners of his enormously popular and very conservative talk-radio show to vote for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries. In the patchwork process that is employed to nominate Presidential candidates, more than a dozen states have open primaries, which allow registered voters to participate in either contest. Limbaugh wanted Clintons close but seemingly losing fight with Barack Obama to go on for as long as possible, on the theory that a protracted battle would weaken the eventual nominee. He called the plan Operation Chaos. Limbaugh didnt think that Clinton was necessarily the weaker of the two candidatesin fact, he ultimately concluded that Obama was; by May, 2008, he was pushing his fans to vote for the senator from Illinois. Barack Obama has shown he cannot get the votes Democrats need to winblue-collar, working-class people, Limbaugh said. He can get effete snobs, he can get wealthy academics, he can get the young, and he can get the black vote, but Democrats do not win with that.

Invite Independents Into The Process

The Democratic Party ought to open the nominating process to voters registered as independents, allowing them to sign up as Democrats on primary day. Sixteen states have created open primaries through laws or referendums, according to the nonprofit group Open Primaries, although the parties have the authority to do so unilaterally. Yet Democrats have done so in only six states, the group notes.

James Zogby is president of the Arab American Institute and a member of the Democratic National Committees executive committee. Bernie Sanders appointed him to the partys primary reform commission.

Reaching out to such voters currently alienated by the two major parties would increase the chances that the Democratic nominee can win in November. At the same time, the party needs to work to strengthen its bonds with its existing members.

The sad but simple truth is that being a Democrat no longer means very much to many Americans. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 27 percent of voters identify as Democrats, and 30 percent say they are Republicans. At the same time, 42 percent call themselves independents, including half of millennial voters . This share of American voters who dont identify with any party has held constant for well over a decade.

The Democratic Party needs to give voters, including independents, a reason to become engaged in party-building. Since we need the votes of independents in the fall, shouldnt we give them a voice in the spring?

What Is A Party Primary Election

The Democratic and Republican Parties are required to use primary elections to choose their candidates for the general election. Although it is up to the parties to decide who may vote in their primaries, generally only registered voters affiliated with the Democratic or Republican Parties may vote in that partys primary election.

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Reform Options Are Plentiful

Most of todays political reformers put their money on proposals to tinker with voting protocols , or to increase participation , or to improve fairness . Of those proposals, the most relevant to the problems we identify is probably ranked choice voting. In principle, it provides deeper information about voter preferences and may select candidates who are more satisfactory to a majority of voters, because it allows voters to register their second- and third-choice preferences. If no candidate receives a majority of votes on the first ballot, the last-place candidate is dropped. Her voters get to register their second choice on the subsequent ballot. The process is repeated until a majority winner emerges. How ranked-choice voting would ultimately play out is hard to foresee. It might encourage coalition-building and help prevent the anointment of factional candidates. On the other hand, it makes voting more complex and cognitively demanding, and it might attract insurgent bids, no-hope candidates, and splinter parties seeking influence by running for second or third place.

Most process reforms are more likely to succeed as complements to professional input than as substitutes for it.

How might they do so? Consider some possibilitiesnot necessarily as conclusive answers, but as examples.42

Donald Trump Calls On Republicans To Vote For The Weakest Candidate In New Hampshire Democratic Primary To Sabotage It As He Claims Nancy Pelosi Was ‘mumbling’ And ‘distracting’ Him During His State Of The Union Speech

Donald Trump says Republicans will vote for weakest ...
  • Donald Trump descended on Manchester, New Hampshire Monday night with his A-team as the Democrats prepare for the primary election there the next day;
  • He espoused the idea that Republicans could vote in the Democratic primary in the state for the candidate they feel is the weakest to sabotage;the results
  • ‘My only problem is I’m trying to figure out who is their weakest candidate. I think they’re all weak,’ he said;
  • The president dug into Pelosi at the raucous rally accusing her of ‘angrily’ mumbling and distracting him during his State of the Union address last week where she ripped up his speech
  • The president was joined by Vice President Mike Pence, his son Don Jr., Ivanka and Jared Kushner;
  • Trump said he was holding the New Hampshire rally on the eve of the primary because he wants to rattle the Democrats campaigning there and said he wanted to ‘shake up the Dems a little bit’;
  • At the same time, Democratic primary candidate scattered across the state for campaign events of their own;
  • The president has mocked the fiasco in Iowa, where results were delayed for almost a week;
  • He also held rally in Des Moines, Iowa right before the first-in-the-nation caucuses;

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Should Teachers Vote Democrat Or Republican

Educators tend to lean liberal, but why is that the case? Is there any reason that teachers should vote Democrat over Republican to protect their professional interests? And what about the ethical obligation that teachers have as the guides of society towards a more progressive and brighter future?

Should teachers vote democrat or republican? Regardless of your personal politics, its in the best interest of all teachers in America to vote Democrat. The primary reason for this fact is a simple oneDemocrats favour funding education, while Republicans do not. Republicans are also very hostile towards teachers unions, which protect teachers from being exploited in the workplace.;;

Even if you support some of the Republican platforms as a teacher, youre pretty much voting against your paycheck and workplace resources if you vote Republican candidates into office.

Read on to find out more about why teachers should objectively vote Democrat.;;

Teachers Have An Obligation To Vote Democrat

Personal political convictions aside, any teacher who chooses to vote for Republicans based on their civil or economic platform is objectively voting against their own best interests.

For increased public education funding and more progressive social welfare programs that directly aid teaching staff, the Democratic Party is pretty much the only reasonable option.

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How Parties Can Enact 17

17-year-old primary and caucus voting does not require state legislative action.;Many states adopting this policy have done so by state law, but others have by changing state party rules.;

  • State parties have broad authority over their nominating contests.
  • They may request to allow 17-year-old primary voting by asserting their First Amendment freedom of association rights.

Primary voting rights for 17-year-olds is legal and does not change the voting age.

  • Only those 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the general election may vote in the corresponding primary election or caucus. FairVote’s proposal treats the nomination contest as an integral part of the general election in which these citizens can vote.
  • The 26th Amendment prevents states from denying suffrage to 18-year-olds, but does not prevent states from establishing 17-year-old primary and caucus voting.

Its Primary Day In Pennsylvania Heres What Voters Need To Know

Will President Trump encourage Ohio Republicans to vote in the Democratic Primary

Voters, wearing protective face masks as a precaution against the coronavirus, stand at a distance from each other as they wait in line to casts their ballot in the Pennsylvania primary in Philadelphia, Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

Its Primary Day in Pennsylvania.

Voters around the commonwealth will pick representatives from their parties to put on the ballot for the November general election. In Philadelphia, where Democrats outnumber Republicans seven to one, the primary can be more determinative than the general election.

Judicial races, school board seats, and the Philadelphia District Attorneys office are all in the running.

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How Do You Choose

When you show up to your polling location, youll decide whether you want a Democratic or Republican primary ballot.

But after choosing a side in the primary, you have to stay in that lane through the runoff. You cant vote Republican in the primary election and then participate in a runoff election between top Democratic candidates.

That said, voting in a primary does not commit you to vote for a particular candidate in the general election. You can vote for either partys candidate in the November election.

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A Brief History Of Crossover Voting

More than 20 states permit voters affiliated with any political party to vote for candidates in open primaries. Republicans can vote in Democratic primaries, and vice versa.

But as Jeff Stein detailed for Vox in 2016, members of both the Democratic and Republican parties have long railed against open primaries for the exact reason Martin cited during our conversation. Opponents argue that they can weaken the influence of loyal party members and move the party in the wrong direction.

Loyal party members can resent the idea of someone with no allegiance to the party selecting its most important nominee, Richard Berg-Andersson says.

The attitude is: Were the ones working hard, licking the envelopes, handing out the brochures, Berg-Andersson says. And we dont like the notion that someone who shows up every four years to vote and isnt really committed to the party gets to help choose its nominee.

For example, in the 2000 election, some Republicans argued that Democrats who voted for John McCain in Michigan were meddling in GOP politics but would never vote for a Republican in the fall. And some Democrats who voiced support for McCain in open primary states made it clear that they would not be voting for a Republican in the general election.

As the New York Times wrote in February 2000:

But ironic examples do not a political science trend make. So I asked some political scientists: can crossover voting really shift elections?

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What If I Moved Since The Last Time I Voted

If you moved from another state or D.C., you would have already had to register in Virginia. If you havent done that already, its too late for you to vote in the primary.;

If you moved within Virginia, you were supposed to update your voter record. But if your move occurred since the last November election, you may return to and vote at your previous polling location, the elections department says.;

The Present Process Is Prone To Chaos And Capture

Republicans backing unlikely Democratic nominees to ...

We need not recount here the devastating effectiveness with which Donald Trumps insurgent candidacy steamrolled the traditional gatekeepers, commandeered media attention, and mobilized what some of his backers called his troll army. However, the weakening of gatekeeping was not limited to one candidate or one party. The Democratic Party establishment found itself barely able to contain the insurgency of Sanders, even though he was not a Democrat and he did not win a majority of self-identified Democrats except in his home state of Vermont and neighboring New Hampshire.

Neither candidate changed the system all by himself. Rather, both saw and exploited the invisible primarys fragility. Candidates could bypass traditional moneymen by reaping donations online, tapping deep-pocketed tycoons, or funding themselves. They could bypass traditional media by using social platforms like Twitter and Facebook, and they could hijack traditional media by behaving outrageously. They could treat their lack of endorsements as a mark of authenticity.

he nomination process makes unrealistic demands on voters, not because voters are lazy or stupidtheyre notbut because they are human.

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Republican Presidential Nomination 2020

Presidential election changes in response to the coronavirus pandemic

The Republican Party selected President Donald Trump as its presidential nominee at the 2020 Republican National Convention, which was held from August 24-27, 2020.

Prior to the national convention, individual state caucuses and primaries were held to allocate convention delegates. These delegates vote at the convention to select the nominee. Trump crossed the delegate threshold necessary to win the nomination1,276 delegateson .

George H.W. Bush was the last incumbent to face a serious primary challenge, defeating political commentator Pat Buchanan in 1992. He was also the last president to lose his re-election campaign. Franklin Pierce was the first and only elected president to lose his party’s nomination in 1856.

Sixteen U.S. presidentsapproximately one-thirdhave won two consecutive elections.

South Carolina’s Open Democratic Primary Means Republicans Can Vote Too

When South Carolina voters cast their votes in the state’s Democratic primary Saturday, registered Republicans will also be able to show up and vote. Here, the state’s primaries are open, which means all registered South Carolina voters can participate in either party’s primary regardless of political affiliation.;

The South Carolina Republican Party;announced;in September that it would join a list of other states that would not hold a presidential primary this year. Historically, the South Carolina GOP also didn’t hold primaries when Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were incumbents in 1984 and 2004, respectively.

Now, some South Carolina Republicans and Tea Party activists are encouraging Republican voters to participate in Saturday’s contest. Karen Martin, organizer of the Spartanburg Tea Party, is leading Trump 229 , an effort that’s using social media and word-of-mouth to encourage Republicans to vote for Bernie Sanders on Saturday.;

Joe Biden has been leading the race in South Carolina. Martin said that her small group was hoping to win enough support for Sanders to bump him into first place, above Joe Biden, who has been holding onto a shrinking lead in the state.;

The initial impetus for the group, according to Martin, was “who can we pick to coalesce our votes around that would make the most impact on South Carolina Democrats understanding why they should join us closing their primary?”

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How Are Primary Elections Conducted In California

All candidates for voter-nominated offices are listed on one ballot and only the top two vote-getters in the primary election regardless of party preference – move on to the general election. Write-in candidates for voter-nominated offices can only run in the primary election. A write-in candidate will only move on to the general election if the candidate is one of the top two vote-getters in the primary election.

Prior to the Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act, the top vote-getter from each qualified political party, as well as any write-in candidate who received a certain percentage of votes, moved on to the general election.

The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act does not apply to candidates running for U.S. President, county central committee, or local office.

So How Does That Compare

Independent Voters Can Cast Ballot For Democratic Primary, But Not Republican In March

Voters who live in states with closed primaries are required to register with a political party in order to vote in that partys primary. If you wanted to vote in the Republican primary in New York, you have to register as a Republican. Oftentimes, third-party voters are locked out of the Republican and Democratic primaries. But some states, like Oklahoma, are a bit of a hybrid and let independent voters choose which primaries they want to participate in.

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Do Democrats Support Public Education

In contrast to the Republican Party, the Democratic Party has always come out in strong support of public education and educators. Not only do they support those progressive systems and policies that are already in place, but they also favour continuing to reform the public education system in the following ways:;

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What Is A Voter

The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act, which took effect January 1, 2011, created “voter-nominated” offices. The Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act does not apply to candidates running for U.S. President, county central committees, or local offices.

Most of the offices that were previously known as “partisan” are now known as “voter-nominated” offices. Voter-nominated offices are state constitutional offices, state legislative offices, and U.S. congressional offices. The only “partisan offices” now are the offices of U.S. President and county central committee.

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Do Republicans Support Public Education

The simple answer is noRepublicans as a general rule do not support public education institutions.

Instead, many Republicans support charter choice or vouchers for private schools, to push for the further privatisation of the educational system.;

In theory, this looks good. Students have more choice in where they will get to go to school, and money is funneled out of inefficient public schools. In practice, it is an absolute failure of implementation.;

Here are some of the ways that Republican policy has hindered public education in the past two decades:

Education has never been a cornerstone of the Republican political platform.

It should come as no surprise that whenever theyre in power, the educational system ends up getting fleeced.

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